Monday, December 19, 2011

Mass contact programme of the Chief Minister inspires millions

Taking the massive people’s participation in the mass contact programme of Chief Minister Oommen Chandy, it should be naturally assessed that it is inspiring.
The people expect a lot from Oommen Chandy, a man of the masses. There are allegations that people approach him for even flimsy reasons.

But why should they approach the Chief Minister for lowly matters? Simply because they don’t get recourse from elsewhere. Probably, they might have approached the officials a number of times and action has been eluding them.

They come to him to fetch a ration card that would fetch them subsidized ration, welfare pensions, birth certificates, death certificates and what not.

When they come to the Chief Minister, automatically the complaints get vetted by officials of various departments and they themselves try to solve the problem. That is the saving grace of it. Other things which are beyond them, the officials place these before the Chief Minister for a decision.

When there are on options, people approach leaders whom they expect to deliver the goods.

For example, over 60,000 applicants with various grievances have turned up at the mass contact programme in Kottayam. One can imagine the crowd considering the attendance of officials and political party activists added.

Let the people’s problems be resolved one way or another, and the Chief Minister himself taking up the grievances is a good omen.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Should the people approach the UN for averting disaster at Mullaperiyar?

Averting disasters the world over is the responsibility of the UN as well. Doesn’t matter whether it is an internal problem of a country concerning two states.

If both the states do not come to an understanding to avert the imminent disaster, the Centre should use all its powers to avert the calamity. If the Centre is not prepared to go the whole hog, or if the Centre stands helpless, one cannot blame the people, if at least some human rights organizations or other NGO approach the world body seeking its good offices to take steps to prevent a disaster of Mullaperiyar.

If no authority is amenable, including the Supreme Court which is dilly-dallying with stale statistics, who would save the people of Kerala? The propensity of the people is to seek from wherever it would be possible to get solace.

Is it not cowardice on the part of the Tamil Nadu Government to ban screening of the film, DAM 999, fearing that the sensitive people of Tamil Nadu would come to know of the reality of the imminent danger?

The authorities cannot sit in ivory towers and take their own convenient time to decide about scrapping the fragile Mullaperiyar dam.

Action is needed now. Quakes can intensify and can worsen the fragility of the dam.
Suppose, the dam bursts and lakhs of people perish, will Tamil Nadu be able to have a dam at Mullaperiyar ever?

Also if a new dam is constructed, Tamil Nadu will get more water. Perhaps the water level of the new dam can be increased and more water would be available to be let out.

Wake up and decommission the dangerous dam.Before that bring down the water level to below 120 feet.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

The indecision on decommissioning dilapidated Mullaperiyar dam is cruel

The Centre and Tamil Nadu Government have the bounden duty to ensure the safety of lakhs of people of Kerala by decommissioning the 117-year-old dilapidated lime and earth masonry dam of Mullaperiyar.

After all, what is the purpose of this dam? To provide water to the people of Tamil Nadu. There has been no hurdle to fulfil this purpose. Tamil Nadu has been making a lot of money by generating power from the water released from Mullaperiyar, in addition to using the water for irrigation purpose. This would continue to be provided even after a new dam is built.

Our celebrated Chief Minister the late C.Achutha Menon had renewed the contract for 999 years with Tamil Nadu without raising any objection. Now on hindsight, one should say a clause should have been inserted to ensure the safety of the dam as it was constructed using age-old and irrelevant technology.

The broad-mindedness of Kerala should not be taken advantage of by the Tamil Nadu Government. Does it think that this fragile dam can withstand for another 999 years.
A breach of the dam would cause devastation on a larger scale than the destruction of a nuclear bomb.

Now that Tamil Nadu would not see reason and common sense would not prevail, the Centre should intervene quickly and if there is any problem with Tamil Nadu it can approach the Supreme Court to make a quick decision on the basis of the reports of damages wrought on the dam by now. There are many reports, including those from the Intelligence wing about the fragility of the dam.

It would be cruel on the part of the Centre not to act in the matter.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

OC plans so many things to do; but the proof the pudding is in the eating

With a benevolent Centre and a lot of experienced bureaucrats whose services are available to the state, the Oommen Chandy government is planning to launch ambitious projects on many fronts.

But there should be visible results for the people, and posturing will not do.
Farmers are in dire straits, not to specially mention Wayanad farmers. Farm Debt commission has been toothless. There was no mechanism to file application for assistance after 2009.

A person undertaking farming is a farmer whether on own land, leased land or others’ land. A simple affidavit that should be obtained from him should be sufficient for the banker to offer assistance. If there should be evidence about one’s farming, there are umpteen number of neighbours, panchayat representatives and the like to vouchsafe for the same.

Recently, I was made aware of a poor woman who has no known sources of income and whose husband died six years ago having not been given widow’s pension. She has been representing about it through the panchayat member. She was told that there are a lot of other women like her. Why not give her and all others the eligible widow’s pension? The point is, whatever is said in public about social welfare schemes is not being implemented.

We have come across a lot of schemes announced by governments from time to time. There are some which are undertaken as a pilot project, turnkey project and the like. These are misnomers for doing nothing or doing something to favour something.
Where is the Smart City scheme now? Is something cooking?

Sunday, November 06, 2011

It is adulterated decontrol

The regime is going in for the easy way, by decontrol, removing subsidies.

It is quite easy to narrow the gap in income level by simply taking away the subsidies and hiking prices.

The regime should, instead, provide a clean slate, even if it is copy book capitalism, by not mixing taxes while it says there would be decontrol of prices.

Now what the regime is doing is simply allowing the taxes attached years ago to the prices of petroleum products and then giving up responsibility and allowing companies to go on hiking prices.

When the court intervened in the 2G scam, so many skeletons are falling off the cupboard. Just like that the court should intervene and look into the state of affairs of the petroleum companies before allowing them to hike prices.

Now the people know many things- about Rs 1.76 lakh crore swindle in the 2 G scam, Rs 1.20 lakh crore in the give-away of gas plots in the Cauvery basin and what not. Lakhs of crores flow out like this. The known figures are flabbergasting, and the unknown figures could be unimaginable.

You are wasting money like this to a few, and then fleecing 120 crore people of whom the majority are common people. It is easy to swipe their coffers.

There should be imaginative ideas to save the people from burden, even if you decontrol. But then, the decontrol you speak about is not decontrol as such, it is adulterated decontrol.

One may say the price of petrol in France, US, UK is roughly equivalent to Rs 70-75. But then the minimum wages for a worker could be seven dollars, seven Euros, seven pounds per hour.

And also there a citizen has fabulous social welfare schemes. The complaint there is that people go lethargic, without going to work, and enjoy the social welfare benefits.

Here what is it? If you have Rs 26 in the rural areas or Rs 32 in the urban areas, you are above poverty line.

So whatever be the assertions about liberalisation etc, don't burden the people without offering social welfare benefits- full stream.

Friday, November 04, 2011

End this cat and mouse game

It is high time we ended the cat and mouse game of increasing the price of petrol and then drawing it back a little bit and again going in for another hike, creating a havoc in the country.

It was a pathetic sight of the Finance Minister on television channels on Friday just parroting that the petrol price is decontrolled, the government has no role.

Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh has said more items have to be decontrolled.
Who is against decontrol, if it is done judiciously?

You cannot call it decontrol, when other levies are tagged with the actual prices being levied from the people.

First of all, before imposing decontrol, the government has to ensure fair practices. The performance of the petroleum companies should be vetted in an objective manner.

The Comptroller and Auditor-General should have the accounts and reports audited in an impartial manner. Otherwise, how can the so-called losses be considered true?
All other levies tagged with petroleum products should be detached and the petroleum prices should be considered in an impartial manner.

The stance of the government simply walking off the stage, leaving the mismanaged companies to fix a price is irresponsible.

Let there be transparency in the affairs of the petroleum companies.
You say prices are hiked when there is hike in international prices. Mind you, much of the purchases are done by prospecting, future trade and speculation. How can real prices in the international market be a reason for the consumers?

There should be a hard look into the affairs of the petroleum companies by the judiciary.
There would be an explosive situation soon if petrol price hike goes like this

The government would learn only when an explosive situation arises. And no doubt, the people would stage opposition in a strong manner, if the hike in petrol prices goes on like this.

The government seems to think that it can wash its hands off by saying it is all the job of the petroleum companies.

Earlier, Dr Manmohan Singh had said the system would absorb hikes. It would not be true always, for the people have suffered enough.

The price hike occurs not because of the increasing prices in the international market alone. Our prices are linked to other taxes and levies.

The government is getting money by simply taxing the people using the petrol path.
The pity is that no one is seriously working on finding a way-out. The price inflation is at its vortex, when the petrol price has been pushed up.

Who is aware of the intricacies of the activities and expenses of the petroleum companies? Their prospecting, projects and governance are not that transparent, and people are simply told they are making losses.

Maybe at one time, the courts would be forced to interfere even in policy matters.
Things are bad for the country, which levies the heaviest in the neighbourhood.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Let us feel ashamed of ourselves for the public battering

Keralites think highly about their intelligence and accomplishments. No harm in making claims. You can even claim to have solved the riddles of Ohm, which rishis of ages found it difficult to crack. Still there is no harm in it.

At least we have a Sukumar Azhicode who had done wonders in his works, but others are also making wild claims.

Forget about all these things and consider the public spat by honorable people, the politicians. Veteran leader V.S.Achuthanandan had crossed limits on several occasions. And now Minister K.B.Ganeshkumar has gone overboard against Achuthanandan.

There are other instances of unbecoming behavior in the realm. We must hang our head in shame.

Sunday, October 02, 2011

Legislators have privilege for this!!!

On Monday morning what happened at Jammu and Kashmir Assembly seems to be the privilege of the legislators. The Opposition Leader hurled a mike set at the Speaker who himself showered abuses at the Opposition Leader.

There was uproar in the House over the custodial death of a National Conference Worker and the PDP wanted Chief Minister Omar Abdullah to resign. It seems much hulabaloo is in store.

These days in almost all legislatures function sometimes in the form of undertaking physical attacks rather than verbal attacks.

Once, in the Tamil Nadu Assembly the Speaker was manhandled to put another one in his seat. Those who got seated was simply thrown out, physically.

These are the examples that come out starkly as being the signature of the legislatures. And still, all our legislators, be in Parliament or in the State Houses, cry from the roof¬tops about their privileged position!!!

However, in spite of all the drawbacks, can an ombudsman be asked to supervise the work of all the Houses? Who knows the ombudsman himself or herself may be purchased outright.

The other day Anna Hazarehas declared he does not want to become the President of India, as though someone has asked him to please live in Rashtrapati Bhavan. Some mediapersons might have asked him a question about his becoming the Rashtrapati and he says he does not want to become one. Gods Blessings, there would not be a drama in Rahstrapati Bhavan.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

OC has bounden duty to find culprits behind brutal attack on teacher

The CPM-led Opposition in Kerala is naturally making a hue and cry into the heinous attack on R.Krishnakumar, a techer of the RVHSS, Valakam, Kottarakara the other day. That the teacher was impaled through the anus using an iron rod, apart from his suffering attacks on the head etc, highlights application of a terrorism-like vengeance in the matter.

The Opposition has taken up the issue in right earnest, pointing out that the school belongs to Kerala Congress (Pillai) leader R.Balakrishna Pillai, who is now in jail in the Idamalayar case, and that his son Ganeshan is a Minister in the Oommen Chandy Government. The teacher in question had some sort of a tussle with the teacher in connection with the promotion of his wife who is also a teacher of the same school.
Naturally, the Opposition has taken the cue and accused Pillai and Ganeshan with being behind the back in the attack on the teacher.

It is because of the same background that Oommen Chandy has more responsibility in the matter to find out the truth and penalize the guilty.

The complicity or otherwise can be confirmed by a sincere probe.

It is not because of the hullabaloo, but the culture of the state calls for getting at the truth.

There may be nothing concerning the complicity. We may remember that at one time, RSP’s stalwart Baby John was the butt of attacks for a long time with regard to the disappearance of a person who was his earlier supporter. Finally, the person himself had turned up and the whole allegations were untrue.

If there is a role for Pillai or his son in the heinous attack, that should be found out, and if there is no role that also should be revealed and the assailants should be brought to book, whoever it is.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Rs 32- Rs 26 poverty threshold an improvement; but then eradicate hunger

We are definitely improving in the level of determination of poverty line, if the affidavit submitted before the Supreme Court by the Planning Commission is any indication.

The affidavit submitted to the Supreme Court on September 20 says if one earns Rs 32 a day in the urban areas and Rs 26 in the rural areas, he or she is not poor. That is the poverty threshold line.

The population of BPL (Below the Poverty Line) is 40.74 crore. But the population of BPL covered by the public distribution system (that is people supplied with ration items) is only 35.98 crore.

Let us say there is improvement, but then years ago the Suresh Tendulkar commission had stated that every third Indian is poor. There does not seem to be much improvement then.

According to the latest parameters pointed out by the planning commission, the income should be Rs 965 per capita per month in urban areas and Rs 781 per capita per month in the rural areas. A family of five should have a monthly income of Rs 4,824 in urban areas and Rs 3,905 in rural areas.

The poverty threshold, or poverty line, is the minimum level of income deemed necessary to achieve an adequate standard of living. In practice, like the definition of poverty, the official or common understanding of the poverty line is significantly higher in developed countries than in developing countries.

The common international poverty line has in the past been roughly $1 a day.In 2008, the World Bank came out with a revised figure of $1.25 at 2005 purchasing-power parity.

Earlier in the nineteen seventies there was the calculation of a human being consuming 2,400 calories a day in the urban areas and 2,100 calories a day in the rural areas for determining the poverty threshold. But there was an anachronism in the calories statement as the Supreme Court itself had pointed out that it was not possible to have such consumption of calories at the-then income level of Rs 20 and Rs 15 a day.

Whatever it is the governmental attitude should not be denial of basic amenities on the plea of poverty threshold, but taking all efforts to eradicate hunger and provision of amenities.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

How many are there who can be counted as just and fair?

The sudden exit of Karnataka Lokayukta and the pace of such developments elsewhere are pointers to the fall in standards of morality.

The Lokayukta, a retired judge of the Supreme Court, had to demit office close on the heels of his assuming office on account of allegations of land scam.

The crucial point is not with regard to accusations of impropriety against one person. It is about the mind-set of people. When power and pelf are available many of the people fall prey to such attractions. Afterall, the dictum for them is enjoy whatever comes handy.

Seeing the gargantuan proportions of corruption in society, we argue for setting up a Lokpal or Ombudsman to deal with all sorts of ills and irregularities. There can be no argument against setting up some sort of an arrangement to deal with erroneous people and institutions.

But who will morally, legally and judiciously deal with such issues? Can all incumbents of so-called Ombudsman be depended upon? If they want they can levy more money from evil-doers. That is the grave situation in which we live. And there is no one who would appreciate upright persons.

One may, behind his back, find fault with upright people. He may be depicted as someone incapable of making a fast buck or enjoying luxuries. Those who achieve worldly possessions on account of devious means are applauded and awarded.

Suppose there is no opposition, no movement against mounting instances of evil doing and corruption, immorality, unethical practices, the end will be quick. There will be a natural explosion in the society.

Until then, all the evil doers will flourish and enjoy themselves.

Friday, September 16, 2011

There should be people at the helm of affairs who sense the sensitivities

You can comfortably sit in cosy rooms, enjoying all the perks and facilities and go on sermonizing on the vast amount of losses occurred on account of sale of petroleum products.

You say that the prices have been decontrolled and the government has no say in the matter. But would you leave the prices alone? No, you would attach taxes, excise duties and other levies and say that everything is decontrolled. This is mere insensitivity.

You may be able to balance the deficit by extorting the people. But things are very bad.

Don’t believe the people managing the petroleum companies with their accounts. The people do not know the prospecting of petroleum production and purchases, in the country and abroad. The people are not involved in the affairs of these petroleum companies. And the government would say, it has no control.

The government is planning to make a cut for cooking gas. The price would come to Rs 797.something for a cylinder. But it may graciously reduce it to Rs 750 per cylinder. What a grace?

And these are people who say that we would get piped gas. And these are the same people who say that our country is going to be a developed nation post-2020.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The tussle for Prime Ministership between Rahul Gandhi and Narendra Modi in 2014?

Narendra Modi definitely is angling for grabbing the post of Prime Minister, if his image building exercise is any indication. He feels the Supreme Court has let him alone, by not instantly cornering him in the communal genocide issue in Gujarat.

Now, a report on India by the Congressional Research Service (CRS), a bipartisan and independent research wing of the US Congress, has found his regime something like first class.

And the same body has given out the impression that Narendra Modi would be the BJP candidate for Prime Ministership in 2014, when Lok Sabha elections are due next.
Which means, L.K.Advani has no chances. The report was given out before Advani decided to launch out on the corruption issue. The decision for a Bharat Yatra led by Advani against corruption came later.

No doubt, there was tussle for upper hand between Sushma Swaraj and Arun Jaitley, the second generation leaders after A.B.Vajpayee and L.K.Advani. If Narendra Modi settles the leadership issue, that would be well and good for the party.
And the CRS also affirms that the battle would be between Narendra Modi and Rahul Gandhi in 2014.

Rahul Gandhi has so far been saying that he is not interested in being Prime Minister. But he could have gained first hand knowledge at governance, had he accepted ministership under Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh.

Kerala reeling with controversies one after the other

Kerala is a hot-bed of certain controversies now, with regard to a letter written by Chief Whip P.C.George pointing out the alleged irregularities in the Vigilance court dealing with Chief Minister Oommen Chandy in the palmolein case, Chief Whip receiving perks akin to a Cabinet Minister and Orthodox and jacobite factions fast-fighting it out with regard to the Kolencherry church.

The cup of Chief Minister Oommen Chandy is full with woes, which he has been struggling hard to solve. Some of the things he cannot handle alone and he seems to be leaving them out. For example, if he says he supports P.C.George, that would be tantamount to challenging the decision of the court. If he rejects P.C.George, that would look like he has isolated him.

Now the cat is out of the bag with regard to enjoying the spoils of office. It was on the basis of a law passed by Kerala Assembly that Cabinet perks were given to the Opposition Leader and the Chief Whip. There is nothing wrong with that, according to Chief Minister Oommen Chandy.

Office of profit image would not be applicable in that case.

Then what about the church affair. Orthodox faction to which Oommen Chandy belongs, wants its case to be settled by the Chief Minister in its favour. The rival jacobite faction would not cave in. Now the issue is before the remediation panel of the High Court. It is a hard nut to crack.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Technicalities like Parliamentary privilege, judicial privilege, discretion of the executive may not remain for long

People’s power is rising all over the world like anything. People defy repressive regimes, rules and actions at any cost.

People don’t obey tyrants, rules that are unequal, and corruption and corrupt people.
In course of time, we are going to face a situation in which a verdict of the Supreme Court, if there is any indiscretion in it, would be stoutly opposed. The beginning comes through vetting of the actions and operations of judges who have retired.
In the long run, the mushrooming media would highlight the wrong-doings, if any, of even the reigning judges.

It would be the responsibility of the reigning judges and other authorities of various limbs of the Constitution to perform in such a way that they retain goodwill in accordance with law and fairness.

Why people have come up against corruption in such large measure? It would be wrong to think that it was because of Anna Hazare. People wanted an umbrella and that cover was given by Anna Hazare.

It was utmostly reprehensible that some people dubbed him as the second Mahatma Gandhi. By doing so, we were humiliating Mahatma Gandhi. That is another thing. But corruption would not be tolerated by the people.

Therefore, judges, parliamentarians, and rulers cannot take cover under the pretext of privilege in future.

Let the functions be discharged transparently and let no man or woman take cover under privilege.

Friday, September 02, 2011

No demarcation between America and American imperialism, both same: VS

Kozhkode: Before the inimitable V.S.Achuthanandan, interpretation between the lines by some party leaders of his CPM would not gel well. For he has spoken out in unmistakable terms that America and American imperialism cannot be seen with a different lens.

He made it clear to mediapersons here on Friday that both are the same. Some leaders had explained that the party had no problem with America and its people. The problem was with regard to the policies.

Such an explanation had come in the wake of WikiLeaks information that the CPM leaders including party secretary Pinarayi Vijayan,others like Dr Thomas Isaac, M.A.Baby and V.S.Achuthanandan himself had interaction with counselors of the US administration. The leaders had sought American investment in Kerala for its development.

Now Achuthanandan has made it clear that there can be no demarcation between the US and US imperialism. The US means its imperialism. Its imperialism has isolated itself before the people, he said.

US imperialism had tried to kill revolutionary Fidel Castro 117 times, he alleged.

Keralites have a lot of WikiLeaks info to gobble up during Onam

Think of Onam 2011, when we have plenty of WikiLeaks info to gobble up and please Maveli for our opulence.

V.S.Achuthanandan, Pinarayi Vijayan, M.A.Baby, Thomas Isaac, P.K.Kunjalikutty, M.K.Muneer are all enmeshed in WikiLeaks info.

For the CPM leaders, the leaks is a heaven-sent, for rival groups can present their views on certain issues in the guise of comments on WikiLeaks. Such utterances have already come out. Sometimes court cases also provide such occasions for the leaders.

But don’t mistake all these mouthings as some sort of imminent explosion in the party that would break it. Nothing of the sort. The party will continue to undergo the waxing and waning to take up reins of administration every other five years.

This time, the party tried hard to retain power. It was on the verge of fulfilling its dreams, because of the bickerings within the UDF bandwagon. Had the UDF mandarins been successful in defeating just two more candidates, the situation would have been entirely different. Luck eluded the LDF by a whisker. Still the leaders can wax eloquent, for WikiLeaks have provided them the fodder.

The Congress Party is a different entity altogether. It is some sort of a free-for-all. A T.H.Musthafa can twist things to his advantage in the palmolein case and there won’t be any criticism against him. Afterall, he has his own rights.

Now the public utterances by K.Sudhakaran, MP, and Kannur DCC president P.Ramakrishnan could be the epitome of undaunted utterances by various leaders. The Congress Party would see virtue in utterances of divergent views.

The people are bemused by various utterances during Onam time. Anyway, the government led by Oommen Chandy is providing rice at Rs one per kilogramme to the Below-the-Poverty Line people. Don’t worry, at least they get it, even though those above this thin line are not much different.

WikiLeaks won’t be earthshattering in Kerala.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Who will ombudsman the Ombudsman?

A lot of people have turned simply mobs calling for an Ombudsman which will vet the doings of the Prime Minister, all the judges of the higher and lower judiciary, all the bureaucrats from top to bottom and who else.

For once did any one think about the scenario in which a Shanti Bhushan, his son Prashan Bhushan, Magsaysay award winners Kiran Bedi and Arvind Kejriwal and a few others would be supervising the Body System of India that is Bharat? Anna Hazare would be able to bridle the corruption that pervades the whole Body System?

Nobody need be carried away by the high-falutin media coverage about Anna Hazare and Company who may break off once the real issues come up before them.

There is no one righteous in the whole world, so says the Word. A lot of our worthies would fall prey to enticements of different sorts, once they are flush with power. Misuse of power by even the Ombudsman cannot be ruled out.

Because of the blow-blow media coverage of the movement, ordinary mortals would be thinking that this would be the end of Corruption Personified. We would be sadly mistaken to believe in a bunch of over-adventurous people. Their intent may be right, but which way the result of this movement will assume cannot be foretold.

Corruption is eating into not only the government echelons, but in the body and mind of the Human System. Simply gobble up whatever comes handy seems to be the way of the world. A lot of worthies would do any unethical and immoral act for a price. It is this mindset that has to be fought against.

Friday, July 01, 2011

It is war of nerves between the LDF and the UDF over governance

These days Kerala has been witness to continuing violence, police retaliation and unrest over the procedures of self-financing medical education. Suddenly, the CPM-led LDF wanted the Congress-led UDF to sort out the problem at once. The UDF has alleged that the LDF Government during the last five years of its tenure did do little to solve the problem.

However, the LDF has alleged that there was between the present ruling dispensation and Inter-Church Council managements.

The ICC managements had taken steps to fill 100 per cent seats from its own kitty without offering any seat under the government quota.

Anyway, lately the High Court has nullified the stance of the managements and upheld the view of the government that there should be 50 per cent seats under government quota.

Chief Minister Oommen Chandy has urged the ICC managements and the LDF dispensation to see reality and co-operate with the government in achieving 50 per cent admission under government quota.

At the same time, the Chief Minister has made it clear that the UDF Government would not be threatened. It would not take the threat lying down.
These days the police has been dealing with violence unleashed by students with a strong hand.

The LDF seems to have been under the impression that the UDF Government which is functioning with a thin majority in the Assembly would wilt under pressure.
It is precisely the same impression that the UDF Government wants to clear. That means violence has been continuing unabated. Even in the Assembly hall, there were repercussions, with members of the rival fronts almost coming to blows.
But the people would be interested to know what benefits these actions would provide them with.

It is easy to foment trouble using students, who would be losing their studies and suffering health problems owing to the attacks and counter-attacks. Let there be peace, for the welfare of the people.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Quick development would be tad difficult amidst unrest and chaos

The new Congress-led UDF Government appears to be embarking on a programme of development and care for the people, if the announcements already made are any reckoning.

The Oommen Chandy Government is running with a wafer-thin majority, which need not be a stumbling block if there is a will on the part of the partners of the front to go ahead and realize achievements.

Maybe, the government can utilize the opportunity to garner courage and mop up support among themselves and among others who are not unwilling to co-operate. An Opposition which does not want to allow developmental works simply for the sake of taking on the rivals cannot be dealt with on the same plane.

But one cannot assume that the V.S.Achuthanandan-led Opposition would oppose Kochi Smart City, Kochi Metro, Vizhinjam harbour and other projects. For they were keen on implementing these schemes during the last portion of its tenure in governance.

The Oommen Chandy-led dispensation should try to ensure as much co-operation as possible from the Opposition to implement various developmental projects.

People want peaceful life which would engender developments.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Govt should devise ways by which pricing of petroleum products can be streamlined

I always used to say it is easy to bridge the gap by going on increasing administered prices and taking away subsidies at the same time. Efficiency level is not at work in achieving targets like this.

The government must understand (it knows this, but keeps mum) that for ages we have been following the administered pricing system for petrol, diesel, cooking gas, kerosene and the like. That was the time when there was no regard for play of market forces at the international level. Perhaps during those times, it was advantageous for the government to increase prices and add various levies on such prices.

Lately, the in-thing has been allowing market forces to play and decontrol the sector. The consumers do not have an inkling of the management or mismanagement of petroleum companies which say they are always in the red because of the increasing prices of petroleum products at the international level.

And the government has at once decontrolled the pricing system and allowed the companies to take decisions.

But the government has not thought it fit to seriously study the situation and impress upon the consumers about what it did to the additional levies.
When you are decontrolling the pricing, you have to start it on a clean plate. At least you have to go in for a restructuring. That has not been done.

For a long time now, the easiest way to fetch money for the government has been to add some new levy to the petroleum products. No one knows exactly how much money is levied in addition to the basic prices.

And the government knows it for a fact that the common people in their plenty would absorb the hike in price. They have no other go.

The government should devise ways by which the additional levies can be halved.

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Oommen Chandy Government should issue Right to Services ordinance

So far, the Oommen Chandy Government has been proceeding well, mostly trying to carry out many projects launched by the previous V.S.Achuthanandan Government.

Achuthanandan had wanted to execute many of the things, but in fact he was not getting the required amount of co-operation.

Take for example, the Moolampally rehabilitation package, Chengara land stir package and the like, the OC government deserves pats.

OC has made it clear that transparency would be the hallmark of the government. And he is trying his best to see that his is a doer government.

In this connection, he can take a leaf out of the measures taken by some other state governments. For example, the Punjab government has issued a Right to Services ordinance in which 67 services and departments have been brought under its purview.

Which means that the people who are denied of services within a few days could appeal and the erring officials will have to dole out a fine ranging from Rs 500 to Rs 5000.
If one wants a driving licence, a ration card, house number, tax receipt, and what not, the officials cannot dilly-dally on the request and send away the citizen empty-handed.

We have got the Right to information Act, but we should give ourselves a promotion by passing the Right to Services Act. Much of the corruption in government departments can be eliminated this way. Even the work of people’s representatives would be lessened if the services are promptly delivered by the officials.
Bihar government has already issued an ordinance like this and Nitish Kumar had got great credit for it.

Madhya Pradesh Government has also issued one. Mayawati Government of Uttar Pradesh was planning to issue the ordinance in this connection.

Friday, June 03, 2011

Anna, Baba et al tagging unconstitutional demands along with movement against corruption?

People are so fed up with the tentacles of corruption that anyone with a semblance of credibility can attract large audience against protest programmes against the malaise that eats into the very system.

He be a Gandhi-capped Anna Hazare, an ochre-robed Yoga business indulging Baba Ramdev, both of whom have no pan-India following, people are drawn to the slogan, once it is raised against corruption.

No doubt, some of the demands raised by the honourable leaders cannot be met outright. How can you have a Prime Minister elected directly under our present Constitution? A person who says only Hindi be there does not incorporate the wishes of those living outside the realm of Hindi.

And what about capital punishment? People the world over are arguing against capital punishment. And here a Baba is arguing for capital punishment. That is an irony.
But, let the Government be warned. People would not stand corruption like this any more. Let there be cogent action against black money stashed abroad, let there be credible action against those who indulge in corruption and take advantage of the common people.

Otherwise, people like Anna and the Baba and many more would use the occasion for demanding even ultra-constitutional demands tagging with the movement against corruption.

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Everyone, even the Govt, is concerned about corruption and black money, but all are groping in the dark about what to do

The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. This adage seems to fit in well with the inaction against corruption, black money, sleaze and under-hand deals.

Social activist Anna Hazare and his supporters have been pressing the government for a Lokpal bill which should constitute an ombudsman to deal with corruption. The government successfully dealt with him and deflected the initial snowballing attention on Anna Hazare by going through the rigmarole of the committee system, which otherwise can be called a delay tactic.

Now another popular figure, Baba Ramdev, is putting the government on tenterhooks. He would have nothing short of getting back all the black money parked abroad by individuals, institutions and entities and declaring them as national assets.
He has already announced a fast-unto-death from June 4 for realizing his objective. But it seems a difference has cropped up between Anna Hazare and Baba Ramdev over the corruption issue. Anna wants the Prime Minister, legislators and the judiciary to be brought under the purview of the Lokpal.

But Baba Ramdev is against roping in the Prime Minister under the ambit of the Lokpal. It seems the government has got its first token of success in breaking the all-round support garnered by the civil society representatives.
But suppose Baba Ramdev goes ahead with his fast against black money. That would be a pain-in-the back for the government. No wonder Senior Ministers like Pranab Mukherjee, Kapil Sibal et al are tailing Baba Ramdev for an audience, to try to discourage the Baba from undertaking the fast.

It is a good sign that the government is aware of the fact that the people will gather around well-meaning leaders in society who would fight against corruption and black money.

But it seems to be a mystery why the government is not even thinking about consulting countries like the US which had extracted back the black money their people had parked abroad. Advice from US President Barack Obama in this connection may help.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

UDF meet on Monday; Decision on Speaker must, parliamentary affairs, deputy speaker can wait

Thiruvananthapuram: UDF meeting on Monday could be an interesting one considering the manner in which the inscrutable issue of deciding on the fifth minister for IUML, selection of proper candidate for the post of Speaker and the like.

Congress leaders being pastmasters in trouble-shooting, it should be seen how it would placate the Indian Union Muslim League. The ideas-rich Congress was checkmated by the Muslim League last week by prodding its spiritual leader Panakad Hyderali Shihab Thangal, a relative of the descendants of Prophet Mohamed himself, to announce a fifth minister for the party. How can anyone disregard a wish made by Thangal?

But the Congress cannot part with the fifth position right away, for it has to reserve some positions for the would-be incomers in the UDF. Afterall, politics is the art of all possibilities, and all options have to be kept open, even as there exists the usual grand-standing by all and sundry in the UDF to the effect that everything is spick and span with the coalition and its government enjoying wafer-thin majority in the Assembly.

If the IUML with 20 MLAs insist on five ministers , how can the Kerala Congress(M) refrain from asking a third ministers? Then, if at all it gets a third minister, the post should go to P.C.George whose moves are not predictable, at least for some time. For, in Kerala Congress (M) party, there are three entities owing personal allegiance to K.M.Mani, P.J.Joseph and P.C.George.

Will Oommen Chandy and K.M.Mani bargain for a ministerial slot for P.C.George? At best they would offer the post of deputy speaker to P.C.George, who is not comfortable with accepting the low-profile position.

On Monday, the UDF may sort out the post of Speaker as there is no time left for the selection. Parliamentary Affairs minister and deputy speaker can wait. Or if someone is amenable to accepting a chief whip post with cabinet rank, that can also be decided.

All the same, Monday is a crucial day for the UDF.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

You have deregulated petrol price, but you have not delinked the taxes on it

Petrol price in Delhi is Rs 63.37 per litre and Rs 68.33 in Mumbai, with prevalence of varied prices in various states, in accordance with differences in levy of transportation charges, additional sales tax etc.

When the petrol price per litre in Chennai was Rs 51.90, the break-up of cost was calculated by the government as follows:
• Basic Price = Rs 21.93
• Excise duty = Rs 14.35
• Education Tax = Rs 0.43
• Dealer commission = Rs 1.05
• VAT = Rs 5.5
• Crude Oil Custom duty = Rs 1.1
• Petrol Custom = Rs 1.54
• Transportation Charge = Rs 6.00
• Total price = Rs 51.90

In other states there are levies like additional sales tax which was given up by Kerala Government in respect of the latest hike of Rs five per litre.
In a nutshell, one can surmise that the price the people pay is more than double the basic price of the fuel.

The government has simply washed its hands off by saying that the petroleum companies are deciding the price rate in accordance with the fluctuations in price in the international market.

But the basic fact is, when you deregulate the economy, the market and the price phenomenon, you cannot mix administered price system with the deregulated thing. At least you don’t say that you have deregulated it.

You are simply shirking responsibility with regard to economic management by cornering whatever you can from the people. You should be either cold-blooded or warm-blooded.

Therefore, it is high time the government bestowed its attention on reforming the arrogant form of levy of various taxes on petrol or other fuels simply stating that you have deregulated the system.

This is another paradox in India whose rulers, whoever they are, are waxing eloquent on free market economy on the one hand and at the same time refusing to bring in comprehensive welfare measures like the same obtaining in capitalistic countries.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Oommen Chandy may seek help of high command to rope in Chennithala as Minister

New Delhi: Kerala Chief Minister Oommen Chandy’s task in Delhi on Thursday and Friday may be to compel KPCC president Ramesh Chennithala to accept a ministerial berth in the newly-formed Cabinet in the state.

Ramesh Chennithala has made it a point that he is not interested in taking up the post of a minister.

He likes to continue to function as the KPCC president and he has affirmed that even if the high command asks him to join the Cabinet, he would politely decline the offer.

It seems Chennithala is not prepared to accept anything less than Chief Ministership, failing which he would like to be KPCC president. Definitely, he is young and he has a long time to go, at the end of which he may land himself up as Chief Minister.
Oommen Chandy has to get the list of Congress ministers in his Cabinet approved by the high command and make changes in accordance with the wishes of Sonia Gandhi.
No doubt, he would consult A.K.Antony and others in this matter.

Perhaps he would urge the high command to act in such a way that IUML and Kerala Congress(M) can be appeased by offering some central berths.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

There can be transparent rule in accordance with truth, justice and fairplay

The sum total of a regime should be transparency in governance, based on quintessential principles of truth, justice and fairplay. If he wants, Oommen Chandy can follow the precepts giving weight to the cardinal principles and deliver good to the people.

If he would be swayed by considerations of survival on a thin margin, he would not be able to perform well. Come what may, the new Cabinet should perform. Required environment would naturally follow. Even if there is propensity for trouble, one can disregard such threats. For, the result of governance even for a short while would be remembered for long.

Whatever machinations prevailing to the contrary, the new dispensation should strive to function effectively for the common good of all people.

No community can have tall claims about making the present dispensation victorious. At the same time, legitimate claims of all can be conceded. Which means, even the slender majority would not be a problem for Oommen Chandy if he cares to be firm about pulling on in accordance with cardinal principles.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Number game is what is democracy; Gentleman Governor you can’t act in haste

Democracy is all about the game of numbers, especially in the first-past-post system of election. Whoever wins one vote more than the rival will get elected. The system of proportional representationby single transferable vote has been thought of years ago, but could not be introduced in Indian legislatures.

Perhaps our MPs and MLAs may be behaving rather oddly and sometimes transcending realms of common sense, but there is no means other than sticking on with the number game. The same person or persons may support a leader some time and the same person or persons may turn against him and after a little while the same person or persons may embrace the same leader.

That is what is being seen in Karnataka where BJP Chief Minister B.S. Yeddyurappa has been the on-again, off-again and repeatedly on-again leader for about 16 MLAs, five of whom are independents. They did not support Yeddyurappa for some time, when the Speaker disqualified them, and now after quite some time during which Yeddyurappa had a good run of his sort of governance, the Supreme Court has nullified the disqualification.

By this time, Yeddyurappa has got back the allegiance of a majority of these people who had denounced him earlier. Morality of the whole issue apart, this is the form of number game that is ruling the roost in Indian democracy.

But Governor H.R.Bharadwaj has a different dimension of dealing with the people concerned. He thinks he can dismiss the government. But gentleman, you can only call a session of the Assembly and ask Yeddyurappa to prove his majority. There may be arguments pro and con, but the Gentleman Governor has no choice.

It seems the Union Government has seen the reality in its true perspective and may not act on the report of the Governor.

Definitely merger has done Mani major harm

Immediately after the results of Assembly elections were announced, Kerala Congress (M) leader K.M.Mani poignantly observed that the merger of Kerala Congress Joseph into his party has done him great harm to his group.

Those who immersed into his group has benefited immensely, while some of Mani’s men were down in the dumps. The worst case was that of Joseph M Puthusserry belonging to the Orthodox Church. He was the only sitting MLA of the UDF who was denied a seat in the Assembly election. The Church has definitely retaliated against it.

Mani had thought the Congress Party would give him as many seats to accommodate all his interests, but the Congress Party could not oblige everything. Puthusserry’s loss has caused a lot of losses in many other seats as well.

Now Mani is trying hard to get ministerial berths for his followers, but the Congress Party may not be giving as many positions as Mani is demanding. In the end, Mani and P.J.Joseph would end up as ministers and P.C.George or so may become the deputy speaker.

Surely, Mani had said the merger was a long-term safety deposit which may help him out in the future.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Hard tasks ahead for the UDF Government-to-be

Kottayam: The Finance Minister of the coming UDF Government in Kerala has a formidable task to keep the treasury running all the days of the year, for the simple reason that CPM’s Finance Minister Dr Thomas Isaac was capable enough to see that the treasury was not closed for a single day during his five-year tenure.

During that time the UDF leaders used to say that the Government of India was flush with funds and these were flowing to the state profusely. Now the Congress-led UDF Government cannot blame anyone else if it won’t be able to finance the day-to-day running as well as implementing various projects. The government has to find funds one way or the other.

Likewise, regarding the Electricity portfolio, power cut and load shedding were not that rampant.Power Minister A.K.Balan had somehow managed to serve the people’s need of electricity.

Education sector is a ticklish domain which would provide a lot of problems which are sensitive.

Civil Supplies could be a difficult terrain, for the UDF government has to supply rice at one rupee per kilogramme.

Would the government have enough time to deal with the people’s problems when it would engross itself to keep the political flock together?

Friday, May 13, 2011

The people are not prepared to tolerate corruption

Now-a-days the people the world over are not prepared to stand corruption and corrupt leaders, a la the developments in the Arab, Gulf and African nations.

In India also, there are strong movements against corruption. The alliance of the Congress, out of political expediency of propping up the Manmohan Singh government at the Centre, with the scam-ridden DMK of Karunanidhi, had caused intolerance in the minds of the people. Every day there was report about one corruption or the other, 2G, Commonwealth Games, Adarsh Housing and the like.

V.S.Achuthanandan in his inimitable style was able to make a hype out of all these issues. Veteran he is, for without actually delivering on the anti-corruption front, maybe because of opposition from within, he could corner the Congress-led UDF. No cogent action has come in the matter of lottery scam, no action was taken against the perpetrators of Endosulfan spraying, even as there was a ban order in the state since 2005.

He could highlight corruption issues and take these to the courtyard of the rivals.
The results show that people would have revulsion for the patently corrupt. Whoever rules from now on, has to be careful.

Over to selecting CM, forming Cabinet for UDF; VS factor to continue in LDF

Thiruvananthapuram: Now it would be the great exercise of naming the Chief Minister and forming the Cabinet members, in the backdrop of the slender victory margin secured by the Congress-led United Democratic Front in Kerala.

From the situation that was prevailing in the state, it could be a miracle how the front got 72 seats out of 140, for the ruling regime of the CPM-led V.S.Achuthanandan was almost placed to return to power.

Reports of the UDF posited to undergo an agonising process of Chief Minister-making may not be true. For every constituent might have the feeling that it has to survive, for which it will have to toil hard and has to be very careful.

Even the tiny parties in the UDF will have to be given representation in the Cabinet. T.M.Jacob is lucky this time. He cannot be ignored. The victory of 157 votes is no small thing.

Congress Party will have to slice out Ministership to all and has to be content with whatever is left. Still they will have a Chief Minister.

Talks about some parties going over to the LDF may not hold good at present. For some time, it appears the UDF would move about positively. Indian Union Muslim League has set the tone in fine fettle, it would not demand the post of a Deputy Chief Minister. That is the spirit.

For the LDF, Achuthanandan was the trump card, and it would remain so in the near future.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Endosulfan ban is a victory, but there is no instant relief

All those who clamoured for a total ban on the use of the deadly pesticide Endosulfan globally can have a feeling of victory, but there is no instant remedy for the dangerous situation.

We must salute the world body when the Stockholm Convention in Geneva decided to clamp a global ban on Endosulfan and certain other dangerous chemicals.

But India had insisted on getting a rider passed and that was allowed following which there could be use of Endosulfan for the next 11 years. During the interregnum, attempts would be made to formulate alternatives which would be cost-effective.
And Indian Parliament has to give the green signal for the ban on Endosulfan. This will all take time.

Meanwhile, what should be ensured is that there would be no indiscriminate use of the pesticide such as through aerial spraying.

Even as the Kerala Government has been going all-out to get national ban, it could not do justice to the people of the state when it used Endosulfan in plantations. Those who sought ban were responsible for aerial spraying one way or the other.
Instead of trying to win a brownie point, let the authorities take cogent action to prevent indiscriminate use, for the pesticide has already been banned in Kerala.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Lame Duck Government in Kerala has got a lively engagement

The long wait to know the fate of the existing political government could be agonizing. The people have either voted in or voted out a prevailing government, but then the decision stands in limbo because the people’s verdict remains within the ballot box, nay electronic voting machines. A wait for a clear one month is worrisome for all.

Still the V.S.Achuthanandan government in Kerala has got realtime engagement, fighting against deadly pesticide Endosulfan. Since the issue is ticklish, and no sensible person can keep off the bandwagon if he had a glance at the deformed and malformed bodies of the victims anywhere, the item number draws huge gatherings wherever a stir programme is held.

In the bargain, the state government runs away without any blame even as it cannot wash its hands off since Endosulfan was used by aerial spraying in cashew plantations in Kasargode. The Plantation Corporation nor other entities have been punished for this criminal act which ultimately rendered the lives of hundreds of human beings as non-lives.

All the time, Endosulfan has been banned in Kerala, but no action was taken seriously to see that those who spray Endosulfan are punished. That is one point.
Another point is that the Union Government all the time refused to ban the pesticide at the national level on the plea that only Kerala and Karnataka had pleaded for such a ban.

It could be man’s inhumanity to humanity and even gene mutation that could never be forgiven. Now the Union Government stands in humiliation even as countries like China, Brazil, Argentina and others have sought ban. The US had already clamped a ban.

Anyway, Achuthanandan has wholesome stuff to while away his time while the government is in limbo.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Nothing but cruelty on the part of the Centre in not banning Endosulfan

No doubt it is outright cruelty on the part of the Union Government in not banning the use of dangerous pesticide Endosulfan which had caused devastation among people of Kerala and Karnataka.

The Ministers concerned, it seems, have been toying with appointment of various committees one after the other to somehow prolong the use of Endosulfan.

They have not visited the victims of Endosulfan, living anachronism of human beings, as they were deformed and disfigured with ugly looks. Writer M.T.Vasudevan Nair had said it was not possible for him to visit the victims as he cannot stand the sight of the so-called human beings who have been victims of gene mutation caused by the deleterious pesticide.

Come and see, that should be the slogan to be raised against the Union Ministers whose kith and kin are not affected by the pesticide because they don’t go anywhere near fields where the pesticides are used.

It seems the attempt of the ministers was to see that India took a stance favourable to the use of Endosulfan in the Geneva conference of the Stockholm declaration being held in the coming days.

It would be an ugly sight to see India, which is on the threshold of being considered a developed nation, arguing for the use of Endosulfan which makes death-in-life and life-in-death in human beings.

Forget about committees, people are convinced that Endosulfan is the culprit in making their lives and lives of future generations in danger.
The argument that request from two states is not enough to cause a national ban is ludicrous and at once vulgar.

I don’t see how these so-called educated and enlightened people have no qualms in playing with the lives of present people and future generations. These gentlemen have to be condemned.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Suppose the UDF gets majority, who all will Minister unto us?

Is it amiss on the part of any scribe to delve deep in imagination about who all could be the Ministers of the Congress-led UDF, it it gets majority to form a Government?

Not at all, one can always speculate, and unless something drastic happens to the contrary, Oommen Chandy would be selected by the Congress Parliamentary Party as the Chief Minister. Later, he would have a hard time coping with the palmolein case, if new investigation throws up any piece of evidence to nail him as an accused.

There would be our usual coterie of other Ministers, say P.K.Kunjalikutty and M.K.Muneer and some others from the Indian Union Muslim League. Who could be the nominees of the Kerala Congress (M)? No one else but K.M.Mani and P.J.Joseph. There could be no possibility of the Congress offering a third Minister to the KC(M).

Janata Dal Democratic Socialist, the nominee could be M.V.Sreyamskumar.

What about our old war horse K.R.Gowri Amma? Of course, she has to be offered the post from JSS.

CMP would have its supremo M.V.Raghavan. T.M.Jacob, Ganeshkumar and others are also in the fray.

In the end, we would have old wine in the old bottle.

Friday, April 08, 2011

No doubt, whoever rules would have to take measures against corruption; just tinkering with the issues not enough

The world is changing fast with knowledge regimes gaining importance in various countries. We know that there has been corruption, but from now on things are going to be different, for people have started reacting on a more active level.

Anna Hazare, who may not be beyond reproach, is still only a symbol around whom the people are consolidating themselves.

From now on, no regime can say we have some details about people stashing piles of money abroad, but we cannot disclose the names. Neither can we take action against them, because we are bound by agreements with the countries concerned not to disclose the names. People will say, change the system or we will change it.

India is fast becoming a strong member of the comity of nations which have many strengths, like billions capable of comprehension and combativeness.

Maybe one year, two years, three years, five years on, the country cannot remain mute to the demands of the people to punish the corrupt.
Till now, those who amassed wealth could simply put the money abroad in some Godforsaken nations which do not mind receiving the filthy money for their manipulation.

At some point of time in the future, there would be a situation under the UN Security Council or so, no country would be able to hide filthy money received from outside.
The people know that it is their money that is taken away and squandered through all foul means.

Let people concerned take notice, enough is enough.

Monday, April 04, 2011

Ratan Tata cannot be otherwise, straight answers to questions, no circumventing

The poise with which Ratan Tata answered questions raised by public accounts committee members relating to the 2G spectrum scam deserves praise. According to reports Tata gave straight answers to all the questions put to him. He answered in the affirmative about the conversation between him and lobbyist Niira Radia.

Human behavior usually is to circumvent issues, find some alibi and escape. Politicians, bureaucrats and even some judges would not hesitate for a moment in dodging issues.

In this regard, Tatan Tata stands apart. His business is to corner business that would be beneficial to his companies. He would pursue various lines to achieve his ends. But people can always argue business should be fair. It should not be at the cost of the public exchequer. That is another issue.

This Niira Radia and related issues are highlighted because these issues have come in the public domain. Suppose the authorities release the tapes of the phones tapped by them one way or other, there would be earth-shattering revelations. Those in possession of such information can work out to get the information released through benami. Then the world would be in tremors.

We give over-importance to WikiLeaks and all, but this is only with regard to something which has come up to the knowledge of the people. How much more correspondence and taped conversations are remaining with various agencies and people?

Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard are sweeter.Likewise, let there be many more revelations

Friday, March 25, 2011

CPM puts all eggs in the electoral basket of V.S.Achuthanandan

This Assembly election in Kerala is peculiar about one thing, the Left Democratic Front, particularly the CPM, has put all the eggs in one basket while seeking electoral fortunes.

This single basket containing all the eggs of the CPM, CPI and other parties is held aloft by none other than irrepressible V.S.Achuthanandan, the Chief Minister.
Now even his detractors, within the party, are aglow with the ambience of being within the proximity of the Chief Minister.

An arch critic like Finance Minister Dr Thomas Isaac had to fall in line with Achuthanandan to try to see whether he can retain his seat.

All this, while the party was confronted with the fact that the previous Parliament election and the subsequent local bodies polls had projected the image that all these were a review of the functioning of the LDF government led by V.S.Achuthanandan. And the LDF had done poorly in the two massive elections.

Now suddenly the LDF, particularly Achuthanandan, got a lot of brownie points through the incarceration of R.Balakrishna Pillai in jail following the Idamalayar corruption case, revelations of K.A.Rauf, co-brother of P.K.Kunjalikutty, about his being an ally of Kunjalikutty in wrong-doings and the latest attempts to drag in Oommen Chandy in the palmolein case.

Definitely Achuthanandan is a lucky leader, for all these campaign points came to him just on the eve of the Assembly elections and he has been successful in carrying on his characteristic diatribe against his detractors everywhere.

The CPM, on its own volition, had no other go, for it has to face the stark reality of being relegated to the background, losing the status of a national party if it loses both West Bengal and Kerala. And the party is not prepared to take chances, which explains why it has given a free hand to Achuthanandan to regain power in Kerala, if at all it is possible.

Now everyone, from the votaries of the rival faction in the party, as well as constituent partners are soliciting Achuthanandan to lead their campaign at least once in their respective constituencies.

As far as Achuthanandan is concerned, his is a no-holds-barred warfare against his rivals, come what may.

Root out starvation, give education, healthcare, dwelling places; then you are a developed nation

We should be happy that political parties are competitively forward in announcing largesse to the electorate, of course to win their favour in the elections.
Whatever it is, it should be noted that a government should be responsible to see that no citizen should go starving for a day in the country. To that extent to whatsoever extent parties go to announce freebies in the eating sector, that should be welcomed.

Let people eat first and then discuss about other things. CPM-led LDF announced its Rs two a kilogramme rice supply and now UDF says it would supply 25 kilos of rice at one rupee per kilo to below-the-poverty line people and the same quantity at Rs two to Above-the-poverty line. It should be fair enough, even though the line distinguishing between the BPL and the APL is very thin.

Perhaps in course of time, the government would be able to supply subsidised rice to APL in tune with income range or so.

Another thing is the intention to give agricultural loan at three per cent to people, as per the UDF manifesto. That is also good, for development in the farm sector has not been picking up to a great extent. The growth in the farm sector should be at least four per cent which at present is slightly more than two per cent.
Agricultural loan should not be confined to issuing the same for gold loans at the rate of agricultural loans. Agriculturists should not feel the pinch of money for plouging, sewing and reaping and also marketing.

Maybe a state government cannot do this, but whoever is responsible should think about providing more flexible educational loans for professional education. Our youth are poised to achieve a quantum jump in achieving professional education, which is held in awe by even developed powers like the US and UK. China may also be not happy with our youth peaking at educational achievements. I always believe the government can totally write off the loans issued to deserving students for undertaking professional education. That is one way of lifting our youth by a quantum jump in the education sector which ultimately would raise the income sector upto the level of raising national income.

Eradicate starvation, provide good education and ensure proper healthcare for the people , coupled with dwelling places. You are then a developed nation.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

VS has nothing more to gain; perhaps only re-entry into politburo remains

When Dr Thomas Isaac, in spite of his stiff opposition to some of the views and actions of Chief Minister, wanted V.S.Achuthanandan to be given a seat in the April 13 Asssembly elections, it should have been noted very well.

For Dr Thomas Isaac, the Finance Minister under Achuthanandan, knew it very well that the LDF candidates, particularly the CPM ones, would find it difficult to face the electorate without Achuthanandan in the fray.

The electorate, if it has the feeling that Achuthanandan was left wounded, would strike back, he knew. That was the time the leaders concerned should have fallen in line. But they did not do so and so the situation went out of hand and finally something like a re-enactment of 2006 got played out- in spite of whatever is being bandied about by Home Minister and politburo member Kodiyeri Balakrishnan has said to the effect that no decision was taken to deny a seat to Achuthanandan.

All the LDF candidates feel elated, perhaps selfishly, at Achuthanandan leading the flock. And for Achuthanandan there is nothing more to be gained than becoming the Opposition Leader, in the wake of LDF not getting majority.

Perhaps something more remains to be gained like re-entry into the politburo from where he was jettisoned.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What would be the role of V.S.Achuthanandan in the CPM after denial of a seat for him?

It would be amusing to see whether Chief Minister V.S.Achuthanandan would be given a senior role in the party after he has been denied a seat to contest the ensuing Assembly elections.

The state unit of the party, under the powerful grip of state secretary Pinarayi Vijayan, has always been against him, but his so-called popularity had catapulted him earlier to become the Chief Minister.

Now when the sex scandal case of P.K.Kunjalikutty came up afresh, R.Balakrishna Pillai has been imprisoned in the Idamalayar case and Oommen Chandy is being attempted to be arrayed as an accused in the palmolein case, it was thought that the party would be forced to accept V.S.Achuthanandan as leader of the LDF as slight chance of the LDF coming back to power remained.

An ordinary onlooker should have been prone to think that the party would accede to Achuthanandan’s wishes to contest the election to get a foot-hold in Kerala, as the chances of the party romping home to victory in West Bengal are rare. Some people thought the party would think about avoiding a double blow to it in West Bengal and Kerala.

But the party is prepared to face any eventuality and it would not allow anyone to go overboard and disobey its diktat, even if he is V.S.Achuthanandan.
In 2006, there was strong clamour from grass-roots level workers to give a seat to V.S.Achuthanandan who had fought very hard against the UDF as the Opposition Leader previously.

Would there be any reaction from the cadre this time? One has to wait and watch.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Do we really value our sort of democracy in which one can open up and shout anything?

Men do not live by bread alone, for men and women should have the freedom of expression. That is what we have in India; rather it may be too much. Still we should count it our blessing to have been born in India, in this case, albeit we are a corrupt nation.

Compare the situation to China, where its Prime Minister Wen Jiabao has categorically ruled out a multi-party system. He has offered some restructuring to the existing state of affairs, but everything will be within the parameters of the existing Communist Party.

Wen Jiabao has also said the mass upsurge in African, Arabian and Gulf countries would not spill over to China. He may know it for a fact that any rebellion could be brutally quelled, a la Tienanmen Square protests of 1989.

Chinese leaders are a peculiar breed, for they had idolized Mao-tse-Tung, but had jailed his wife and three others who were following the diktat of the great leader.

We cannot say the people of the world are not concerned about the lack of freedom for the people of China, as it does not have a multi-party system.
Every day, in India, what sort of cacophony we do not make, Congress, BJP, Communists, Socialists and who else?

Our Communists are also a fine lot, for they can work in a multi-party system.

We must be grateful to the founding fathers of the Constitution for making our people totally free.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Dragging Oommen Chandy in palmolein case at this hour: Could it not be an insider job?

The Vigilance court has been magnanimous enough to observe that its sanction for re-investigation in the palmolein case was only a technical one. When the court is informed about the need for re-investigation by the prosecution, it has to relent, going by the Supreme Court directive in such situations.

The court did not go into the merits of the case, it only gave the green signal to go ahead with re-investigation.

No doubt, the trump card for LDF to pursue re-investigation was provided by accused T.H.Musthafa who was the Food and Civil Supplies Minister when palmolein was imported. He had mentioned in his discharge petition that Oommen Chandy in his capacity as the-then Finance Minister had cleared the deal.

Which implies that the onus, if he has any, would be the same for Oommen Chandy as well. At least a section of the LDF was baying for the blood of Oommen Chandy. The observation of Musthafa has added fuel to the fire. This does not mean that anyone would be found guilty or not. The thing is the process of conviction or acquittal involves a long time and it would be tormenting for the persons concerned.

Now the intention is clear, there would be a firm move against Oommen Chandy; whether that succeeds or fizzles out is for the time to prove.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

K.R.Gowri Amma’s valuable decision any time now, P.J.Joseph smiling within

Ninety-two-year-old K.R.Gowri Amma, of the Janadhipadhya Samrakshana Samithi, cannot be appeased by the Congress-led UDF.

For, she is not happy with the four seats unwillingly conceded by the Congress for her party. Congress was willing to part with only three seats, but she has pestered the UDF leaders to such an extent that they seem to have agreed to part with four seats, the additional one seat apparently for her to contest.

Earlier, the Congress leaders were not prepared to give her a seat, the three seats being meant for younger elements in her party. But Gowri Amma wants to contest the elections this time as well and if the UDF wins she wants to become a Minister. Perhaps, the UDF was not willing to go the whole hog as to anoint her a Minister.
Gowri Amma has been trying to build bridges with the CPM-led LDF all the while and she may get a toe-hold herself in the LDF. But her supporters are not welcome.

Gowri Amma’s party is scheduled to meet again on Sunday to decide about the future course of action, including pull-out from the UDF to move to the LDF.

Reports speak about the younger elements not keen to join her in the LDF. If Gowri Amma decides to part with the UDF, most probably there would be a split in her party.
Politics is warming up at the last-minute prior to the elections.

Meanwhile, K.M.Mani of the Kerala Congress (M), who has ingrained into his party the P.J.Joseph faction a few months ago, is haggling to the hilt to ferret out as much as he can. The merger of P.J.Joseph faction without consultations with the Congress Party has been proving to be problematic in many ways.

The happiest persons would be the leaders of the P.J.Joseph faction, for they did not have to speak up against LDF leaders, particularly CPM leaders, as they parted ways with the LDF.

Normally a parting of ways would generate political heat and dust, but Joseph managed things in such a manner that Mani had to take the brunt of criticism from the Congress. One has to consider the amount of diatribe M.P.Veerendrakumar had to spout prior to and after his Janata Dal left the LDF.

But P.J.Joseph, Mons Joseph and T.U.Kuruvilla, who were all ministers in the present V.S.Achuthanandan Ministry coolly walked over to the UDF in a basket carried by K.M.Mani.

Joseph might be keeping his furtive smile within.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Front leadership, seat sharing, candidate selection:Will it be that insurmountable?

If one goes by reports of various media, it would seem heaven is going to fall considering the bickering, bargaining and the clash of will in both UDF and LDF, perhaps to a greater extent as usual in the UDF,with regard to who should lead the front, how many seats to be shared and who should contest?

The media are more worked up than the fronts in the matter, going by the fervour with which they take up the issue.

It would appear as though no one is willing to give a seat to V.S.Achuthanandan, some others may also be in the fray about leading the LDF, will he won’t he about Pinarayi Vijayan, or Kodiyeri being roped in from the politburo, no one particularly saying about Thomas Isaac leading the bandwagon and like that.

Achuthanandan may be laughing alound in his heart and mind, for his candidature or question of leading the front has always been a decision to be taken at the last moment by the central leadership. And there won’t be much trouble in seat sharing as well.

In the UDF, media have already thought of about finding a leader in addition to Oommen Chandy. When it sounded like Ramesh Chennithala would be contesting, the media have almost found a substitute leader.

Is there something new in the development? For in the Congress, there would always be at least two power centres, otherwise the leader may think he is infallible. That was the fault of K.Karunakaran for some time. Congress would not leave one leader as the supreme one.

The tussle between Congress and Kerala Congress(M)is worth the media hype only. Kerala Congress(M) cannot go it alone. They know it for a fact. They would be happy in their innermost hearts, if Congress approves of the merger of Joseph group into KC(M). All the MLAs of Joseph group have been ministers in the present Achuthanandan ministry for some time. Congress approving of these individuals by okaying their candidature would be a heaven-sent for the KC(M).

As far as K.R.Gowri Amma is concerned, the Congress is fed up with her for her acerbic comments. It would not mind her moving back to the LDF, as it can ensure the younger elements in JSS latching on to the UDF?

Monday, March 07, 2011

Everyone wants seat thinking that victory is easy

For the simple fact that Kerala returns rival fronts for governance alternatively, clamour for seats in the UDF is more fervent than that in the LDF.

There are any number of candidates for the Congress Party who want to try it out at the hustings. And the party would like to field as many candidates as possible. But the alliance partners also want to fleece maximum out of the available treasure.

Who can blame 92-year-old K.R.Gowri Amma if she wants to try her luck this time as well? But she wants Congress Party to ensure her victory by providing her a safe seat.

As for M.V.Raghavan, he may not speak much for more seats and all. But he would surely be a candidate.

This time, IUML could be an alliance partner which is comparably safer for the Congress to handle. The harshest bargain could be from Kerala Congress (M) which claims that its strength has skyrocketed following the merger of the P.J.Joseph faction with it.

The Joseph group candidates would all be former Ministers in the V.S.Achuthanandan ministry. This is precisely something that worries the Congress in their Assembly constitutencies. Media give out the feeling that everything is smooth and safe for Mons Joseph.

During the Kerala Mochana Yatra trail, the leaders’ pictures that were splashed around in the constituency had his face cut out by interested parties. The rebels are there aplenty, as elsewhere in many places. All the same, they feel comfortable going with the UDF.

In the LDF camp, the picture is something of confidence after the new revelations in the ice cream parlour case, imprisonment of R.Balakrishna Pillai, attempt to drag in Oommen Chandy in the palmolein case etc.

Then will there be the same scenario with V.S.Achuthanandan leading the flock, even as the CPM party power holders are opposed to him?

The UDF and LDF situation offers food for thought for the electorate.

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Implement Right to Services, civil servants and the public would be saved

We have now before us the case of P.J.Thomas who had to quit as Chief Vigilance Commissioner following Supreme Court verdict against his appointment. Everyone must abide by the diktat of the court, and he has resigned.

But there is a problem sticking with the civil service. Should not they have to say yes to the demands of the political bosses? If not, would not they be chucked out or dumped in some inconsequential posts?

There may be some civil servants who would happily and overenthusiastically do everyting for the political bosses-meaning they would crawl when they are asked to bend.

Then there are others who would obey grudgingly fearing that there would be repercussions. Over-enthusiasm, fear and other interested dimensions can be tackled, if the civil service can be allowed to function legally and with a service motive.

Suppose we have a Right to Services Act which says whatever services are offered by various government institutions, bodies and entities dealing with public affairs, would be done by the official concerned within a timeframe of a few weeks. Otherwise they would be penalized, if there are no cogent reasons against non-action.

The person would not dance to the tune of the political bosses. Law will take its course, for him or her.

The Right to Information Act has more or less worked because there was a penal clause against the information officer who does not divulge the information to the seeker within a justifiable time-frame.

This is not enough, the Right to Information should have a promotion to the Right to Services, for the good of the civil servant as well as the people. The civil servant would not hesitate to take action, he or she would not kowtow to the unjustifiable demands of the political bosses. If he or she demurs, the person would suffer for it. That way avoidable problems can be solved and the public would have a heaven of a service.

In the international arena, what India is dubbed about is with regard to the governance deficit on account of corruption.

The whole image can be salvaged if the Right to Services Act is brought in and implemented.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Some of the same players would remain in the Assembly election arena in Kerala

No doubt, Kerala will have old players calling the shots in the Assembly elections being held on April 13, in all the parties and fronts, even if some have crossed over to rival fronts.

It is certain we would have V.S.Achuthanandan, Oommen Chandy, K.M.Mani, K.R.Gowri Amma, M.V.Raghavan, T.M.Jacob and the like. Mani would insist on giving the Thodupuzha seat to P.J.Joseph, but there would be UDF internecine actions against Joseph, even if he is given the seat. The Congress Party apparatus in Idukki district is dead against Joseph’s candidature. Joseph seems to be prepared to take the risk, for he has a history of taking electoral risks.

Mani would seek a bigger portion of the electoral cake, and the Congress may give in a bit.

M.P.Veerendrakumar would decide for himself whether he would try his hand at the Assembly elections. Son Sreyamskumar would definitely be there.
Controversy-marred P.K.Kunjalikutty has an option to keep off, to save the UDF. But that is for him or the Indian Union Muslim League to decide. Or would the Congress press for it, at least in camera?

If Kunjalikutty is kept out, would Muneer be allowed to be in?
Gowri Amma wants an assurance from the Congress that it would ensure her victory. But the Congress Party seems to be looking askance at her demand for five seats for her party, the JSS.

The candidate list of CPI, RSP etc would also have some of the current leaders.
Seat sharing among the UDF partners, candidate selection in the Congress Party etc would be formidable for the UDF. The bargain would be much harsher than that in the LDF, for the LDF has lesser number of partners and there are a large number of available seats.

For the Congress Party, the exercise as is its wont would be a last-minute affair. Most probably, K.Muraleedharan and sister Padmaja would get seats. If Muraleedharan keeps a low profile and works for the party, it would do him good.
KPCC President Ramesh Chennithala, V.M.Sudheeran and others would be there in the list.
The great electoral exercise in five states announced, life-and-death ambience for many parties

Elections to five states have been announced and in Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Puducherry (Pondicherry) it would be on April 13, a day prior to the festival of Vishu. All the three states will have single-phase election. In Assam, there will be two phases and in West Bengal there will be six phases. Counting for all states will be on May 13, when the fate will be sealed.

For the CPM, West Bengal has been shaking, something unthinkable a few years ago. Mamata Banerjee-led Trinamool Congress is itching to take over after more than 30 years of leftist rule there.

As per the relevant experience, Kerala has been returning Congress-led UDF and CPM-led LDF regimes one after the other. Neither front has been able to retain power after one tenure. In that case, CPM-led LDF will have to bite the dust. A double blow for the CPM, indeed.

But the CPM, in recent days, has been pleased with the harsh developments overtaking some leaders of the UDF. Balakrishna Pillai is in jail in the Idamalayar case, nothing less than one-year rigorous imprisonment. And he cannot contest the forthcoming elections either. Of course, his son, K.B.Ganeshkumar is very much there to lead the party.

P.K.Kunjalikutty of the Indian Union Muslim League has been exposed by his own co-brother, alleging that the sex scandal from which he escaped earlier was because of suppressive measures. Now the arena is filled with moves and counter-moves.

Chief Minister V.S.Achuthanandan and his son, Arunkumar, have been attacked by the UDF with wrong-doings. One allegation is that the Chief Minister withdrew from the move to cause a CBI inquiry into the lottery muddle. Achuthanandan puts the onus on the Central Government led by the Congress. The Congress puts the blame on the Chief Minister as he was wrongly influenced by his son, the allegation goes.

Now the arena is agog with a lot of allegations, with the Chief Minister saying that a lot of UDF leaders would go to jail for their wrong-doings.

There has been a move to drag Chief Ministerial hopeful Oommen Chandy in the palmolein case. Things are hotting up, with Achuthanandan himself likely to contest the elections again.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Will it bring in an inclusive growth?

Pranab Mukherjee has spoken through his budget proposals which, let us hope, would bring in inclusive growth, without which the country cannot claim actual progress.

A country with five million people living below the poverty line, meaning a lot of them are going hungry every day, should be able to say this country’s progress belongs to them also.

Micro financing companies would get Rs 100 crore and poor people would remain linked to that. Would they be left out of the bigger banking system?

Bringing back Rs 140 lakh crore black money stashed abroad by politicians, businessmen, and other worthies is not an easy task. The Finance Minister says some five-step process is being pursued. That will not bring back the money.

Maybe, no government can outrightly say let the black money be brought back to the country, we will pardon you, or there could be some sort of voluntary disclosure. Perhaps, it would be better than leaving the gargantuan amount of money being kept abroad.

The US could get back their money from abroad because of their strength, other countries would answer to its call. Otherwise, it would pester them. India has not reached that stage in arm-twisting.

So dealing with black money is as good as left out.

Middle class people are taken care of, income tax ceiling limit hike, considering 60 year-olds as senior citizens, special provision for very senior citizens etc are definitely good.

The government says there would be direct payment of subsidies regarding cooking gas, kerosene and fertilizers for below-the-poverty line people.
There is a provision of Rs 1.61 lakh crore for food security, which should indirectly help the farm sector as well as the poor people. Rural employment payment would be inflation figures-based.

Would it finally end up with winding up our public distribution system and the ration shops?

For Kerala, there is a grant of Rs 100 crore for a veterinary unit at Pookode and Rs 50 crore for Malappuram campus of Aligarh Muslim University.

Kochi Metro has not found mention whereas other Metros have got provision.

Friday, February 25, 2011

LDF Government means business, it is trying to nab more UDF leaders in palmolein case

Now it has become clear, the LDF Government would not spare anyone from being netted in the palmolein case, if there is slight possibility.

On Saturday, it filed a petition before the Special Judge and Enquiry Commissioner looking into Vigilance cases, to have a re-investigation in the palmolein case now that new revelations have come up.

It has also been mentioned that there would be other accused in the case.
The case has been posted to be heard on March 7, when it could be known what are the new grounds being bandied about.

After the demise of former Chief Minister K.Karunakaran, T.H.Musthafa who was the Food Minister during the palmolein import has become the first accused.

He has filed a discharge petition before the court mentioning that just as the-then Finance Minister Oommen Chandy was not included in the array of the accused, he should also be excluded from the case.

Now this mention has given a stick for the LDF Government to beat the UDF leaders with. Even as Musthafa has later been saying that he had not said anything against Oommen Chandy, his comparison has raised eye-brows.

Now the LDF Government is picking up from this point and trying to rope in others, possibly Oommen Chandy.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sound and fury would aggravate in the coming days, prior to Assembly elections

Kerala is now witnessing a cacophony of allegations by the LDF against UDF and by the UDF against the LDF, particularly Chief Minister V.S.Achuthanandan and his son, Arunkumar.

It seems the UDF had a soft corner earlier towards the Chief Minister as he was involved, the UDF thought, in a diatribe against his detractors in the CPM. The UDF had given the party a long rope to entangle itself in the war cry among the leaders.

Now that elections are around the corner, that situation has changed, for the Chief Minister is going hammer and tongs against the UDF leaders and the CPM as a whole is jubilant about it. Now the UDF, particularly the Congress Party, has energised itself attacking the Chief Minister with allegations on a daily basis about his son’s alleged involvement in murky matters.

The LDF Government is issuing last-minute orders on a daily basis apparently to appease the electorate. There is no harm in it, for any government would be doing such things to refurbish its image as a welfare entity.

But then, the Opposition has every right to rip open the farcical exercise, if any, of the ruling dispensation. And the people at large would take a decision at the hustings.

But then the people should not be overburdened with an overdose of emotional largesse and the allegations and counter-allegations should not erupt out into a law and order problem.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Some people are like the ilk of M.A.John, Fate would not allow them in abodes of power

M.A.John was a well-read man, a scarce variety in politics, and when such few persons in politics with vast expanse of knowledge and thinking have got cosy positions, he was left without power and pelf.

People could say he was a maverick, the term the media confer on people who do not conform to ordinary and freely-available ways, even if the ways are evil to secure positions and pots of gold.

M.A.John was leading a movement in the seventies and there were slogans written on all conceivable places in Kerala saying M.A.John Namme Nayickum (M.A.John will lead us).

He used to address packed audiences and I have seen him speaking to a packed Senate Hall in Thiruvananthapuram, with the audience remaining in rapt attention. And he was an icon for students and youths. Could be he was a fundamentalist in idealism, which might have divested him of all opportunities. Corruption was anathema to him.

He didn’t care about the consequences of his speeches and views and thinking people would be wondering whether there would be such human beings in Kerala again.
No doubt such people enrich societal life with their unblemished record.