Monday, April 04, 2011

Ratan Tata cannot be otherwise, straight answers to questions, no circumventing

The poise with which Ratan Tata answered questions raised by public accounts committee members relating to the 2G spectrum scam deserves praise. According to reports Tata gave straight answers to all the questions put to him. He answered in the affirmative about the conversation between him and lobbyist Niira Radia.

Human behavior usually is to circumvent issues, find some alibi and escape. Politicians, bureaucrats and even some judges would not hesitate for a moment in dodging issues.

In this regard, Tatan Tata stands apart. His business is to corner business that would be beneficial to his companies. He would pursue various lines to achieve his ends. But people can always argue business should be fair. It should not be at the cost of the public exchequer. That is another issue.

This Niira Radia and related issues are highlighted because these issues have come in the public domain. Suppose the authorities release the tapes of the phones tapped by them one way or other, there would be earth-shattering revelations. Those in possession of such information can work out to get the information released through benami. Then the world would be in tremors.

We give over-importance to WikiLeaks and all, but this is only with regard to something which has come up to the knowledge of the people. How much more correspondence and taped conversations are remaining with various agencies and people?

Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard are sweeter.Likewise, let there be many more revelations

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