Thursday, November 17, 2011

OC plans so many things to do; but the proof the pudding is in the eating

With a benevolent Centre and a lot of experienced bureaucrats whose services are available to the state, the Oommen Chandy government is planning to launch ambitious projects on many fronts.

But there should be visible results for the people, and posturing will not do.
Farmers are in dire straits, not to specially mention Wayanad farmers. Farm Debt commission has been toothless. There was no mechanism to file application for assistance after 2009.

A person undertaking farming is a farmer whether on own land, leased land or others’ land. A simple affidavit that should be obtained from him should be sufficient for the banker to offer assistance. If there should be evidence about one’s farming, there are umpteen number of neighbours, panchayat representatives and the like to vouchsafe for the same.

Recently, I was made aware of a poor woman who has no known sources of income and whose husband died six years ago having not been given widow’s pension. She has been representing about it through the panchayat member. She was told that there are a lot of other women like her. Why not give her and all others the eligible widow’s pension? The point is, whatever is said in public about social welfare schemes is not being implemented.

We have come across a lot of schemes announced by governments from time to time. There are some which are undertaken as a pilot project, turnkey project and the like. These are misnomers for doing nothing or doing something to favour something.
Where is the Smart City scheme now? Is something cooking?

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