Friday, April 08, 2011

No doubt, whoever rules would have to take measures against corruption; just tinkering with the issues not enough

The world is changing fast with knowledge regimes gaining importance in various countries. We know that there has been corruption, but from now on things are going to be different, for people have started reacting on a more active level.

Anna Hazare, who may not be beyond reproach, is still only a symbol around whom the people are consolidating themselves.

From now on, no regime can say we have some details about people stashing piles of money abroad, but we cannot disclose the names. Neither can we take action against them, because we are bound by agreements with the countries concerned not to disclose the names. People will say, change the system or we will change it.

India is fast becoming a strong member of the comity of nations which have many strengths, like billions capable of comprehension and combativeness.

Maybe one year, two years, three years, five years on, the country cannot remain mute to the demands of the people to punish the corrupt.
Till now, those who amassed wealth could simply put the money abroad in some Godforsaken nations which do not mind receiving the filthy money for their manipulation.

At some point of time in the future, there would be a situation under the UN Security Council or so, no country would be able to hide filthy money received from outside.
The people know that it is their money that is taken away and squandered through all foul means.

Let people concerned take notice, enough is enough.

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