Friday, March 25, 2011

Root out starvation, give education, healthcare, dwelling places; then you are a developed nation

We should be happy that political parties are competitively forward in announcing largesse to the electorate, of course to win their favour in the elections.
Whatever it is, it should be noted that a government should be responsible to see that no citizen should go starving for a day in the country. To that extent to whatsoever extent parties go to announce freebies in the eating sector, that should be welcomed.

Let people eat first and then discuss about other things. CPM-led LDF announced its Rs two a kilogramme rice supply and now UDF says it would supply 25 kilos of rice at one rupee per kilo to below-the-poverty line people and the same quantity at Rs two to Above-the-poverty line. It should be fair enough, even though the line distinguishing between the BPL and the APL is very thin.

Perhaps in course of time, the government would be able to supply subsidised rice to APL in tune with income range or so.

Another thing is the intention to give agricultural loan at three per cent to people, as per the UDF manifesto. That is also good, for development in the farm sector has not been picking up to a great extent. The growth in the farm sector should be at least four per cent which at present is slightly more than two per cent.
Agricultural loan should not be confined to issuing the same for gold loans at the rate of agricultural loans. Agriculturists should not feel the pinch of money for plouging, sewing and reaping and also marketing.

Maybe a state government cannot do this, but whoever is responsible should think about providing more flexible educational loans for professional education. Our youth are poised to achieve a quantum jump in achieving professional education, which is held in awe by even developed powers like the US and UK. China may also be not happy with our youth peaking at educational achievements. I always believe the government can totally write off the loans issued to deserving students for undertaking professional education. That is one way of lifting our youth by a quantum jump in the education sector which ultimately would raise the income sector upto the level of raising national income.

Eradicate starvation, provide good education and ensure proper healthcare for the people , coupled with dwelling places. You are then a developed nation.

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