Sunday, July 19, 2009

Talk, act and gain with Pakistan

By O.J.George
Kottayam: What does it gain by continuing a war of nerves between India and Pakistan?On the other hand it pays to talk and sort out all issues, including the Jammu and Kashmir question.Of course, it should be made clear that those who unleashed terrorism on the soil of India should meet with exemplary punishment. There is terrorism within Pakistan. That nation is paying a hefty price for the misdeeds it had done earlier. It had created, nurtured and used terrorist organisations with the intention of harming India.Ultimately, when Pakistan started taking steps to deal with some terrorist elements, albeit under pressure put on it by the US, the ultras have turned against it.Recently President Asif Ali Zardari has admitted to the fact that Pakistan had set up, encouraged and harboured terrorist outfits for short-term gains.It seems some light is evident on the other side where democratic processes have to be further strengthened. Now that Nawaz Sharif is exonerated from many charges by the court, which should eventually lead him to participating in the election process, mainstream multi-party functioning should be beneficial.The US is also encouraging Pakistan to come out of the terrorism-cocooned existence. It is well-known that all sorts of Islamic terrorists anywhere in the world have found safe haven in that country.When the leading nations are guiding the country to come out of the self-inflicted malady, there is no point in India turning against it.Also Pakistan cannot pursue terrorist motives as it used to in the past, now that the world is united against network of terrorism in all its ramifications. Talking does not mean that we are conceding. We should take a leaf out of the negotiation processes dealt with by Israel. It comes out winning points out of negotiations.Now that US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is in India, an atmosphere conducive to engaging anybody, Pakistan included, would be evolving.Leaving Pakistan to its fate, without our taking cogent action, would not be advantageous to its neighbours, particularly India.India’s aloofness would attract more engagement by China, which would not augur well for India.

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