Thursday, July 23, 2009

Let there be public audit of every action of officials

By O.J.George

Kottayam: The LDF government sprang a surprise today through the announcement of Local Administration Minister Paloli Mohamed Kutty in the Assembly, freezing the government’s executive order enabling plinth area-wise levy of building tax.

The Congress Party-led Opposition front had given notice of an adjournment motion to discuss the problem.While replying to the notice, when prodded by the UDF leaders, Minister Paloli Mohamed Kutty had no problem accepting the suggestion for freezing the fiat.

This should be the way the ruling party and the Opposition dispensation should function in a democracy, where it should be advantage people.

There should be a neethi (justice) attached to every nyaya (law). When the law proves to be an injustice to the people, there need be no qualms in scrapping it.Opposition pointed out that the hike in building tax was to the tune of eight or ten times the ruling rates. The injustice of hiking the tax by an executive order was also found fault with.

In this connection, one should think about numerous laws and rules framed avowedly for the good of the society.The experience is that the law enforcers often use these pieces of legislation for bribe-taking. Alleged violation can be flaunted only because the rules have been framed by the legislature.Panchayati Raj law was introduced for decentralisation of power.

But the benefits offered by various orders in this connection are being misused very often.Transparency International has grouped Kerala under the least-corrupt state in India.This was because the response to the questionnaire prepared by the organization was poor. The survey does not reflect the actual practice prevailing in various offices.Go to a panchayat, village, or other offices dealing with the issues of the people.

Nothing would work out without greasing the palm of officials concerned.There was a taluk supply officer arrested for taking bribe from a ration shop owner in Kottayam.An entire office staff of mining and geology department in Alapuzha district was caught in a bribe case.One official was lucky. He had taken leave that day. Otherwise he would also have got the share of bribe that day and he would have been behind bars.

Sales tax, Customs and Excise, motor vehicles department and name any number of offices dealing with variegated needs of the people. Nothing will work out without bribing them.One person recounted to me once. He never received bribe in his hands. He would ask people to put the money in the waste paper basket kept nearby.I reveal this because the person is no more.

Why can’t we delegate an administrative audit panel in every office, involving public figures, to review every action against which there are complaints?It should be driven home to the officials that there are people watching them. Gross injustices can be rectified this way.

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