Sunday, July 12, 2009

Dislodging VS as CM failed, solution found more problematic

By O.J.George
Kottayam: Pinarayi roared, Isaac and company bleated: “ Remove VS from Chief Ministership.”

Pinarayi faction has been placing stories, there would be a solution once and for all. Even today, M A Baby commented after conclusion of the central committee meeting, all problems have been solved.

They are sadly mistaken. An Achuthanandan who has been punished and who continue to be the Chief Minister would be a worse threat to their ideological stance.

Had VS been removed from Chief Ministership, Pinarayi faction would have utilised the administration to its utmost.

True, Achuthanandan has been trapped and cornered with regard to very many issues. His hands were tied by the party state secretariat and state committee where the Pinarayi group has brute majority.

For some time, VS has not been invited to crucial functions of the party. The most important one was the birth centenary celebrations of EMS Namboodiripad. Every other Tom,Dock and Harry participated in various sessions of the celebrations.

When VS used to visit districts for attending government functions or otherwise, no one from the party met him at guest houses or other places where he stayed. He was being isolated using the brute force of the party apparatus.

VS was silently suffering all these humiliations. What do others want him? He should toe their line on Lavalin. But he had made his point clear on all occasions. He would not fall in line. Even today he is not prepared to do so.

Suffering the slings and arrows from the party, it seems, he would continue to function as the Chief Minister and take positions which would be problematic for the rival group.

But then, Pinarayi Vijayan knows it for a fact. Once he is out of the post of party secretary, the acolytes would leave him and stand by the new incumbent. For him also, this was a do or die issue.

For VS, simply leaving the party would not offer him the opportunities to cleverly make moves that would be against the interests of entities which have become clear.

True, all these theatrical performances would not benefit the people at all. But they have no choice now. They would react at the opportune moment.

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