Saturday, July 29, 2006

O J's Corner : Reflections

Will man survive this
destructive tendency?

Science-based futurologists predict a fine moment for human kind outside of Planet
Earth. They affirm that there will be several living stations on moon, mars and some other planets.

There could be locations outside the Solar System. There would be inter-planetary community. Mankind could even transform themselves into beings without the body form we have now. These could, in course of billions of years ahead, become spirits as well, according to certain futurologists.

Futurology is a very interesting subject for the thinking beings. At the same time, it is a very difficult subject.

Various philosophies speak about the progress of  human beings in course of time, leading to ultimate destruction.

Jesus Christ spoke about men finding locations outside the Earth, while He was replying to queries by the disciples about the end of the ages. There could be destruction of the earth.

It would be worthwhile for intellectuals to ponder over the pounding of the planet by cruel people. God created the Earth as a special protective gear for mankind. The land mass, the oceans, the atmosphere all protect human beings from degeneration. The elements shelter us, but we shatter them, so much so that depletion of ozone layer and global warming would ring a death-knell for all beings.

Gradual rise in atmospheric temperature would result in the melting of icy continents. Water level in the oceans would rise and engulf coastal areas, whose inhabitants would be gobbled up. A deluge might swallow up the lands as in Noah’s time.

I sometimes think, with the sort of greed doing the rounds everywhere, the resources would be eaten away within no time, in terms of ages, and mankind would wither away.

Or maybe, pugnacious world leaders would set one country against another and in a chain reaction of a network of manoeuvres, the globe would explode with flashes of nuclear weapons pounding various continents at one stroke. All the talk of destroying missiles halfway before hitting the target might come to nought.

Would there be an end of racial culturalism? Human beings, in their wisdom, are keenly vying with each other to protect the faith of all sorts, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism and what not. We think Gods cannot fend for themselves. Forces of the Universe do not need the protection of puny human beings.

God Almighty had told Job He would hand over the Universe to him for a few moments. Let him try to run the Universe. Job could only apologise for his ignorance.

When would world leaders imbibe this higher knowledge so that they would not preside over the dismemberment of Planet Earth.

Human beings have already eaten away the resources. Fossil fuels would last only for a few more decades. With the pace of quarrying of coal, iron, steel and metals, these would last for a few more years. Maybe, the oceans would be home for the homo sapiens for some more time.

But  one man cannot suffer another. He would go on torpedoing the welfare of the other. Ultimately, there would be an all-out destruction. Only God Almighty can save us. By that time, we may have become souls.

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