Wednesday, July 19, 2006

O J’s Corner

Let an in-house cleansing
lead Muslims away from Jihadis

The ultimate aim of the human kind is to make the world a safe place for their sojourn. At the level of the present strife burning in key spots, capable of escalating into a global threat, the world would not be a safe place for man.

And we are yet to establish habitable shelters in space where at least specimens of homo sapiens could be made to survive.

Hundreds of years into the future, maybe we would set up self-contained colonies deep in space where some people can establish colonies. The planet called Earth would be decimated by self-inflicted nuclear race and its fall-outs.

All jihadis are dreaming of a time when they would be able to secure nuclear arms from rogue States which are trying to go nuclear. If they have the ultimate weapon, they can bargain with the super-powers and blackmail their opponents.

By now it is clear that Pakistan became nuclear with the help of allies not amenable to India. Once it got the know-how, other Islamic States were after the experts to snatch the formula.

Countries like Iraq, Libya, Iran, and the like were all flush with ideas of having the ultimate weapon.

Iran, which has been the patron of Hizbullah, the Party of God, out to decimate Israel, is on the threshold of gaining nuclear know-how. Iranian President Memoud Ahmadinejad would not stop short of enriching weapons-grade uranium, come what may.

It does not care anything about the warnings of US President George Bush about serious consequences. The developed nations have been urging Iran to find a way-out for its energy needs. Russia has been prepared to enrich uranium at its soil and hand it over to Iran, which is not amenable to it.

Any way, the day of reckoning is coming for Iran, when it would have to pay a price. But in the name of jihad, the fundamentalists would be retaliating in places where it thinks it can browbeat the US.

Likewise, North Korea has already fired missiles capable of carrying nuclear war-heads right into the heart of Alabama in the US, in spite of the super-power doing everything to dissuade the renegade Communist country.

Pakistan, Iran, North Korea and various other countries have furtive formulations to help each other in matters of arsenal stocks.

Various organisations are there like Hizbullah, Hamas, Fatah, Palestinian Authority, Lashkar-e-toyiba, Simi and master terrorist al-Qaeda of bin Laden to protect Islam, which does not need the violent support of any of these outfits.

Islam, like other faiths, is held in high esteem by millions of people all over the world. A majority of the faithful are, by any stretch of imagination, non-violent. They are most friendly people. They can relate with people of other faiths without any qualms. They are God’s creatures.

But they are not being allowed to live in peace by violent jihadis who do not comprehend the fact that their own brethren are put to trouble by their acts.

Well-meaning intellectuals in the Muslim community the world over should instil in the minds of ordinary Muslims the spirit of non-violence so that they as well as others can live in peace. The world should be a safe place for all human beings.

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