Wednesday, July 05, 2006

O J's Corner : Reflections

Communist touch
is evident

It is still not time to assess the functioning of the Communists-led V S Achuthanandan Government in Kerala. Then, to leave it untouched with all these uncalled for actions within a short span of its administration would be unpardonable.

An analytical observation of the moves of the Achuthanandan Government can be summed up by saying that there is a traditional Communist touch for all actions of omission and commission.

The meaning is clear: the regime is essentially meant for the followers of the Communists. The Government would go the whole hog to support its cadre. Whatever wrongs the Communist-acolytes have committed are being condoned.

This is not an attempt to ask the Government to harm the innocent, but to make it adhere to the golden rule that justice should not only be done, but  should be seen to have been done.

The mindset has been amply demonstrated by the Chief Minister who retorted let it go anywhere else it wants, when it was pointed out to him that Smart City project might have takers outside the State.

With this observation it is not intended to justify the UDF Government’s trajectory to have the Smart City project set up at Kochi. If there are cogent drawbacks, the LDF Government has genuine right to correct them.

Take the self-financing professional courses for instance. It appears the Government is not bothered about the students making a beeline to Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh to secure seats for medicine, engineering, nursing, and other professional courses.

It has little concern whether they pay hefty sums there to corner a seat. Let the moneyed class make payment if it wants the seat. It is not the concern of the Government that its actions are driving the students to go after the private institutions outside the State which have increased the rates after Kerala Government passed the bill to bridle private managements. The approach is: let them go anywhere they want.

What about the law and order situation? Criminals have found the State a haven for their illicit activities. Housebreaks, mugging, robbery, are the order of the day.

Those who have been put in jail for various felonies have been let loose.

The Goondas Ordinance is not being re-issued saying ordinary laws are enough to deal with felonies. There is scope for misusing the provisions. So let there be no Goondas Act, according to the Chief Minister.

The other day, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi warned felons to keep off, otherwise he would clip them using provisions of the Goondas Act.

The meaning is crystal clear. There is no harm in the State retaining the Goondas Act. The State is at liberty not to use the provisions, if it can deal with felonious activities with the help of ordinary laws.

The fact that the State has the Goondas Act will put fright in the minds of persons indulging in unlawful activities. Does the Government want to release certain felons of its choice who are behind bars now on the plea that the Goondas Act is no more there?

Taxing people for purchasing TV, refrigerator and washing machine exposes the old mind-set of Communists that they are all rich people. The Communist touch is everywhere.

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