Friday, April 21, 2006

Whoever becomes the Chief Minister of Kerala would have the job cut out for him rather uncomfortably.

The promises look primroses for the electorate, but the implementation would be next to impossible.

The bipolar polity, shared by the Congress-led UDF and the CPM-led LDF, does not allow experimentation of ideas beyond the time-tested ones.

Kerala's literacy supremacy does not mean, the polity is willing to explore further.
The CPM is still in the time-warp of ideology. Some sort of a socialist messiah descending on the people from its reign is being drilled into the minds of the closed minds of the party cadre.When it comes to genuine governance, things fall apart.This is wide off the mark of the standards prevailing in West Bengal.

During the last LDF regime in Kerala, particularly during the last phase of it, the coffers were empty. Governmental payments were limited to issue of cheques which used to bounce.

The call being made by the Opposition to the Government to do everything for the people boomerangs on it when it corners power.There should be contribution of all sorts from various institutions and agencies, within and outside, for the overall development of the State.

The UDF was relying on development by way of foreign collaboration, setting up of units by NRIs, a free-for-all by private educational agencies and the like.

It could be safely said that the financial crunch had ebbed during the UDF rule.
The people had wanted a total change when they handed down a thumping majority, resulting in the formation of the A K Antony Government.

The adversaries in his own party would not allow him to continue. Also, Antony had his own rigidities about many things.

K.Karunakaran's contribution was phenomenal in ousting Antony. It would have been a safe bet for the UDF, had the package with K.Muraleedharan being the KPCC president and Antony as the Chief Minister worked out.

No one can persuade closed minds to come to realities. The more the UDF gave, the more Karunakaran wanted to corner. There was no end to hunger for power.

The latest Oommen Chandy Government was doing its best to boost the sullied image of the UDF Government.

The UDF could not project a better Chief Minister than Oommen Chandy.With him in the saddle, would its performance be that bad as has been projected in surveys ?

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