Tuesday, April 25, 2006

How should our youth face the morass of a world with instances of injustice ruling the roost everywhere ?

All religious persuasions want their followers to stick to truth, love, justice and fairplay in all matters mundane to attain salvation. Karma, or actions in this world, will determine the fate of the soul.

A large number of people live a religious life, that is proclaiming Godliness in whatever they do. They are pulling a wool over their eyes for all acts of profanity and considering the same acts as profound. As there is no judge or juror present on the dot, they get away with their duplicity.No one is looking, and they escape.

And there are professional saviours of all kinds who offer salvation for all heinous deeds of human beings, if they repent at the last moment.

Actually, this repentance should be a public proclamation and not a private affirmation. People should know that a particular individual has forsaken the evil ways and adopted a good way of life, which underscores loving one's neighbour, or simply other people.

Particularly, in this world of liberalism, capitalism and competition, people go in for the kill to snatch a piece of the bounty. Parents want their children to top up in whatever line of profession they are engaged in. They are not bothered about the path adopted by them for attaining captaincy.

Even a large number of parents , apparently, do not mind their wards getting rich, even if it is by foul means.
Money counts and therefore the end justifies the means, for them.

The moot questions is: Suppose there are a number of people who want to live an honest life, even if it offers him or her only frugal income and other means. How will they survive in a world where most of the others are not bothered about the morality or otherwise of the deeds. It does not require much introspection to come to the conclusion that a large number of people live by devious means.

If one says yes, the actual position is no, with regard to one's public assertion. A gentleman is one who does not cheat on another person when he is not looking. Can an average human being be trusted like this ?

There are institutions and firms who want to cut out flab. They fix a percentage cut. Then they indulge in all sorts of skullduggery to eliminate persons they don't want. They engage middle-level bosses to cook up situations in which the junior cannot continue. If the junior has a slight chance of reaching the top positions, he woul d be cut to size , not by the top brass but by the average middle level worthies so that their position would not be risky.

In this sort of free-for-all to achieve gains by foul means, how would our youth pull on and how would they live a life of straightforwardness, honesty and truth ?

Morality should be in deeds and not in assertions.

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