Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The cat and mouse race has again begun in the CPM regarding the Chief Ministership, if the LDF comes to power.

Now that CPM State Secretary Pinarayi Vijayan and his acolytes have been lying low for some time, the people at large thought V.S.Achuthanandan would be the natural choice. His candidacy itself was embroiled in controversy. People's pressure had permeated all around the politburo, which changed its mind to rope in Achuthanandan.

If the powerful lobby in the CPM is anathema to Achuthanandan becoming the Chief Minister, it would not sit idle. Rather it would run the undercurrents to defeat him at the election itself. That would save it from a lot of trouble later.

If so much halabaloo has been created on denying a seat for Achuthanandan, one can imagine the consternation waiting in the wings if he does not get Chief Ministership. There cannot be a slip between the cup and the lip, for this is the last chance for Achuthanandan.

Still, the party is not willing to give the post to him on a platter, judging by the comments made by responsible leaders like S.Ramachandran Pillai.

Popularity among the masses is not the sole criterion for the selection. The person should be able to pull the LDF bandwagon together, even as the administration should be CPM-centric. The hidden point is that Achuthanandan does not fill the bill in this regard.

The bogey that he is unfit has , of late been , raised by Congress leader A.K.Antony. Achuthanandan's rivals within the party found this an apt occasion to go in for his jugular.

Achuthanandan's no-nonsense approach on various issues is not liked by leaders who want to celebrate governance at its seams. With Achuthanandan at the head of the government, the movers and shakers would find themselves cobbled.

Also, When he is not able to raise proper finance for socialistic schemes, Achuthanandan would directly confront the Central government headed by Dr Manmohan Singh. The UPA Government, led by Singh, is for all practical purposes, rightist liberal, falling only a little short of being capitalist.

Achuthanandan would be a thorn in its flesh. Many stalwarts of the CPM at the Centre does not want to upset the applecart. They are moving cheek-by-jowls with the ruling dispensation at the Centre, maintaining bonhomie with the Sonia Gandhi lot.

Therefore, for them, the best way to do away with irritation is to leave out Achuthanandan.

Even this might not be that simple. People's power cannot be ignored. Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous .

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