Thursday, April 13, 2006

The cruellest comment from former Chief Minister K.Karunakaran as if he does not know T V Eachara Warrier will not be taken kindly by any human being.

Eachara Warrier who died the other day was the father of P Rajan, an engineering student who was taken into custody by the police and "killed" during the Emergency days.

Karunakaran was the Home Minister in Kerala during the time, responsible for police affairs. Let no one justify Rajan, who may or may not have been involved in nefarious Naxal activities. But no one has the right to do away with another human being.

In this case, Eachara Warrier was not given even the body of Rajan. There is no official finding as to what was done with the mortal remains of Rajan.

Events might have overtaken the situation. But no one has the right to ridicule Eachara Warrier, let alone after his death.

Actually, what is happening to Karunakaran who was once the venerable leader of the masses? Times have overtaken old ways. Karunakaran should not cling on to the old idea: "after me the deluge".

The world will go on. He is only exposing himself as being senile. His family members should bridle him. Old people should be given lovingkindness and cajoled to rest and relax.

Media is also doing great harm to Karunakaran by projecting his undesirable comments about anything and everything.Its predicament is the fear of the rival organisations projecting Karunkaran's outbursts.

He has done much harm to his son, K.Muraleedharan who was once made the State chief of the Congress Party as an appeasement measure, but had to give it up because of the hunger for more spoils by the father.Muraleedharan was doing the job rather well.

Karunakaran should be given much-required rest and relaxation.

Now he is saying he would decide about DIC(K), his party,after the elections as to what to do regarding government formation, after allying itself with the Congress-led UDF (United D emocratic front).

Things are not hunky dory with the Communists-led LDF (Left Democratic Front) either. The CPM ( Communist Party Maxist), bedevilled by unprecedented faction tactics had wanted to show the door to its veteran leader V S Achuthanandan.

A large chunk of the rank and file had to take to the streets to enable VS, as fondly addressed by the people, to get a ticket for Assembly election.

After much heat and fury, he has a ticket. But the enemies within the party might act against him at the hustings, so that there may not be much difficulty in enthroning another leader as the Chief Minister, if the LDF secures a majority.In the last-but-one elections, he was meted out the same fate.

In Kerala, only upper castes can become and continue as regular Chief Ministers, if the experience hitherto is reckoned. Some rank outsider, ie one who may not even be contesting the elections now, would ultimately steal the show.

If the UDf comes back to power, the history of politics of alternating LDF and UDF in government formation in Kerala, would be re-written.