Saturday, January 08, 2011

What is the trump card of K.R.Gowri Amma, does she have any?

A great plenum, as far as the party is concerned at least, is being held at Alapuzha on Sunday. The plenum refers to the one of Janathipathya Samrakshana Samithi (Democracy Protection Council) of K.R.Gowri Amma.

The crucial issue is whether the JSS should remain within the Congress Party-led UDF or quit the bandwagon to join the CPM-led LDF. There has been no overt invitation from the CPM to the JSS. However there were hints in the media that the CPM would be prepared to take back Gowri Amma, alone. There is no prospect of JSS being drafted as a partner of the LDF. But who knows what happens at the end? Gowri Amma should open up and speak her mind to her acolytes, at least.

Media speculation underscores the fact that a majority of the workers would not follow Gowri Amma if she gravitates towards the LDF. For, the motive is to cling on to those who are poised to be in power the ensuing Assembly elections.

Gowri Amma feels that she was not given her due during the last Assembly elections as some Congress people were responsible for her rout. The 91-year-old stalwart hopes to have another innings at the Assembly elections, but she should have proper support from the Congress that she would not be betrayed this time. But who would come forward to please her, that is the question.

Or is it merely that she wants all the five Assembly seats this time also as in the past for the party to contest? In that case, so much of hullabaloo was not needed, perhaps.

Many minuscule parties in the UDF are scared this time, that they would not get as many seats as last time, not to speak of Cabinet representation. T.M.Jacob, R.Balakrishna Pillai and some others are not feeling comfy. For the UDF, seat allocation talks would be somewhat fiendish, as it may not be able to appease all of them.

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