Thursday, January 13, 2011

No one will bell the cat, isn’t it?

Lawyer Ram Jethmalani says everyone was aware of the goings-on in the judiciary during the last two years, but no one was prepared to speak out for fear of the Damocles Sword of contempt of court.

Now lawyers Prashant Bhushan and Shanti Bhushan have come out with statements about the wrong-doings of the judiciary, as claimed by them.

They have not been prepared to apologise to the apex court for their statement regarding specific corruption in the judiciary.

All these things emphasise one thing: No one should be kept infallible by the provisions of the Constitution and the laws concerned.

Earlier, the government had the responsibility selecting judges, but even that responsibility has been given over to the judiciary in the form of a collegiums. It seems the judiciary got further strengthened this way. And if someone had the propensity to go awry, by the lure of money or other forms of gratification, there was every opportunity provided by the added power. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

There is no point in blaming judges in a blanket manner, but if there is cogent proof, the people should be apprised of the fact one way or other. The weapon of contempt of court should not stand in the way of the people’s right to know everything. There should be checks and balances, anyway.

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