Friday, January 14, 2011

Let common people, the privilegeless, know what transpires between the privileged in court regarding corruption

Ahead of the turbulent future that holds out for the humankind, with whirlwinds of savage forms of corruption, wrong-doings and debauchery of all sorts ruling the roost, it seems there would be a silver lining of sorts regarding the people’s demand for transparency.

The good and evil always co-exist together, for Satan lingers with the angels, quoting the sacred scriptures, to at least that way mislead even the straight and honest ones.

Perhaps in the quest of the people to claim a right to transparency of the goings-on, absolute privilege, qualified privilege and the like enjoyed by legislatures, judiciary, media etc would take a new twist at least in the distant future to give way to openness about what would be transpiring in the sacred portals of these august fora.

Meaning, people would want to know each and every utterances in courts, legislatures and other houses without camouflage, without juicy contents being suppressed. For by then, there would be openness of the form we have never seen before. That way, if the situation would have been such in the coming weeks, the people would know what lawyer Ram Jethmalani would utter in the Supreme Court on behalf of, say Prashant Bhushan and Shanti Bhushan , lawyers who have taken it upon themselves to work against corruption in the highest judiciary.

Ram Jethamalani has already told the court that if contempt of court proceedings are pursued, it would open a Pandora’s box. The court has said, okay let us witness what would be there in the box.

I feel there is no meaning in Jethmalani, Shanti Bhushan, Prashant Bhushan et al exposing all those stuff before two judges or a few judges, if it comes up before a larger bench, enjoying absolute privilege and ‘We the People’ who have framed the Constitution kept in the dark.

Times have changed, let the whole world know what would be transpiring in court. The apex court can definitely help the people in this regard.

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