Saturday, December 04, 2010

The world has not withered away owing to info leakages

Everything is transparent before God Almighty, according to all Vedas and philosophies. Perhaps, WikiLeaks would prove to be a semblance of making things transparent before the world. Nothing can be hidden for long. That which is hidden in some corner of the house would be proclaimed from the roof-top, it is written.
Cynic would say the world would come to an end through the revelations. Nothing has happened after WikiLeaks exposed many things, which the US says, are not original but only comments or interpretations.

All the things which the US would have found it embarrassing to express to the world in public are coming into the people’s glare. Without looking into the legality or otherwise, one has to come to terms with the fact that the world has moved fast and nothing can be controlled the way it existed years ago.

When President Richard Nixon visited China in 1972, which was a sort of historic occasion for both the US and China as it paved the way for their elusive bonhomie, the Chinese people did not turn up at the airport or on roadside to wave at him. For the Chinese government suppressed the matter and the media were totally controlled. Maybe, for some more time China may continue to gag the media as it pleased, but how long? There may be changes all around the world and the Chinese people would also enjoy free expression of the mind and thought at some point of time in future. A Nobel Prize winner may be incarcerating in jail in China, but one cannot rule out changes taking place.

Likewise, Myanmar may also be a tightly closed society on account of the grip of the military junta over the people. Due to pressure now it has released democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi.

Here in india a serious issue has been thrown up regarding right to privacy as sought to be enforced by people who had utilised their private talks (if talks on phone and otherwise can be considered private) to influence and meddle with public affairs, like appointment of ministers, cornering spectrum space and the like. Can private people expressing themselves to influence public affairs go under cover of this right to privacy? That should be the moot-question.

Exposure of evil in any way is not going to wreck the world, of course some people may be inconvenienced. But then selective leakage of such interferences, saving thousands of others elsewhere at the national, regional and state levels also does not conform to neethi and nyaya. Or is it that only a higher justice can take care of all these evil practices?

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