Monday, December 27, 2010

The ilk of Niira Radia, coporate honchos, political and religious leaders and now judges

The ilk of Niira Radia can cajole not only corporate honchos, but politicians of all hues and contribute to religious institutions like Pejawar Mutt of Udipi by cornering the support of the all-poweful in politics.

If she can put all of them under her thumbs, one should imagine the ever-ready type of journalists, some of whom live like Ek Din Ka Sultan (Sultan for a Day). Make hay while the Sun shines, that is the motto of several of them.

We have only heard about the conversations Niira Radia had with many mighty men and some women. This should not be a selective leak, for there could be numerous other Niira Radias in many other realms. When all those conversations come to the fore , the people would have a bellyful of laughter. For we know that nothing will happen after many rounds of probes and after. Still there is thrill in this sort of revelations.

I sometimes think about a scenario. The world survives because there are a few persons of integrity on the precious planet which itself is going to the dogs. Such people are considered good-for-nothing by pleasure seeking revelers. Let them scoff at the straight and truthful people. Afterall, these days people should be learning as to how to eat lesser and lesser, walk as much and cut on vehicular journey, for life style diseases like diabetes are making preys of human beings everywhere.
Still, lust for everything by the majority is eating into the very fabric of humanity. How long will it continue like that?

Public Accounts Committee of Parliament has started vetting the 2 G spectrum scam with Comptroller and Auditor General of India Vinod Rai appearing before the panel and giving clarifications. Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh himself has offered to appear before the panel. BJP, and some other parties like CPM are against it, for they want a JPC and their stir would lose vigour if the PM has already appeared before the PAC.

Now comes another shot. Former Chief Justice of India K.G.Balakrishnan’s kin have been accused of amassing assets disproportionate to their known sources of income. Former Supreme Court judge V.R.Krishna Iyer has sought a judicial probe. It seems things are moving murkier.

The common man is baffled.

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