Friday, December 31, 2010

Let there be happy 2011 with more and more exposure of corruption and wrong-doing

Evil act will always be there so far as human beings sans the quintessence of dharma, neethi and nyaya survive in this world.

Even during the epitome of good governance by certain kings and emperors, evil had prevailed in one form or the other.

The ilk of Prof Moriarty in the Sherlock Holmes will do extensive research and invent new forms of wickedness and treachery, particularly as technology is improving by the day. These things cannot be wiped out, but of course controlled, if there is a will to do so.

In the murky goings-on, the silver lining during 2010 was that there has been considerable exposure through print, television and internet channels. There can be many examples such as Niira Radia tape and Adarsh Housing Society scams, land scams in Karnataka, alleged irregularities done by kin of a former Chief Justice of India, bank fraud and what not.

The lord of it all was WikiLeaks, whether some people like it or not. There can be argument that some of these were selective leaks. But then there should be efforts by all concerned for exposure of other misdeeds as well.

New tools are there in finding out the darkest deeds done by evil forces in any nook and cranny of the world. But there should be a will to publicise them.

The people have been a little empowered with the prevalence of Right to Information, though there are efforts to weaken the system. One should be grateful to Sonia Gandhi for saying a firm no against pleas for barring several information from the public domain. Mind you, there were people in the government wanting to stifle the provisions.

The weapon for neethi and nyaya, that way dharma, would be the opportunity to expose misdeeds. Let 2011 be not lagging behind any way in this respect.

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