Friday, December 31, 2010

Let there be happy 2011 with more and more exposure of corruption and wrong-doing

Evil act will always be there so far as human beings sans the quintessence of dharma, neethi and nyaya survive in this world.

Even during the epitome of good governance by certain kings and emperors, evil had prevailed in one form or the other.

The ilk of Prof Moriarty in the Sherlock Holmes will do extensive research and invent new forms of wickedness and treachery, particularly as technology is improving by the day. These things cannot be wiped out, but of course controlled, if there is a will to do so.

In the murky goings-on, the silver lining during 2010 was that there has been considerable exposure through print, television and internet channels. There can be many examples such as Niira Radia tape and Adarsh Housing Society scams, land scams in Karnataka, alleged irregularities done by kin of a former Chief Justice of India, bank fraud and what not.

The lord of it all was WikiLeaks, whether some people like it or not. There can be argument that some of these were selective leaks. But then there should be efforts by all concerned for exposure of other misdeeds as well.

New tools are there in finding out the darkest deeds done by evil forces in any nook and cranny of the world. But there should be a will to publicise them.

The people have been a little empowered with the prevalence of Right to Information, though there are efforts to weaken the system. One should be grateful to Sonia Gandhi for saying a firm no against pleas for barring several information from the public domain. Mind you, there were people in the government wanting to stifle the provisions.

The weapon for neethi and nyaya, that way dharma, would be the opportunity to expose misdeeds. Let 2011 be not lagging behind any way in this respect.

Monday, December 27, 2010

The ilk of Niira Radia, coporate honchos, political and religious leaders and now judges

The ilk of Niira Radia can cajole not only corporate honchos, but politicians of all hues and contribute to religious institutions like Pejawar Mutt of Udipi by cornering the support of the all-poweful in politics.

If she can put all of them under her thumbs, one should imagine the ever-ready type of journalists, some of whom live like Ek Din Ka Sultan (Sultan for a Day). Make hay while the Sun shines, that is the motto of several of them.

We have only heard about the conversations Niira Radia had with many mighty men and some women. This should not be a selective leak, for there could be numerous other Niira Radias in many other realms. When all those conversations come to the fore , the people would have a bellyful of laughter. For we know that nothing will happen after many rounds of probes and after. Still there is thrill in this sort of revelations.

I sometimes think about a scenario. The world survives because there are a few persons of integrity on the precious planet which itself is going to the dogs. Such people are considered good-for-nothing by pleasure seeking revelers. Let them scoff at the straight and truthful people. Afterall, these days people should be learning as to how to eat lesser and lesser, walk as much and cut on vehicular journey, for life style diseases like diabetes are making preys of human beings everywhere.
Still, lust for everything by the majority is eating into the very fabric of humanity. How long will it continue like that?

Public Accounts Committee of Parliament has started vetting the 2 G spectrum scam with Comptroller and Auditor General of India Vinod Rai appearing before the panel and giving clarifications. Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh himself has offered to appear before the panel. BJP, and some other parties like CPM are against it, for they want a JPC and their stir would lose vigour if the PM has already appeared before the PAC.

Now comes another shot. Former Chief Justice of India K.G.Balakrishnan’s kin have been accused of amassing assets disproportionate to their known sources of income. Former Supreme Court judge V.R.Krishna Iyer has sought a judicial probe. It seems things are moving murkier.

The common man is baffled.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Discriminatory provision for appointment of college teachers withdrawn

Thiruvananthapuram: Kerala Government has seen reason and withdrawn the controversial directive regarding appointment of college teachers, for the present setting the standards straight for colleges run by minorities and non-minorities.

The earlier directive had put the colleges run by minorities and non-minorities in different categories. The minorities could select two of the subject experts from a panel of five being approved by the Vice-Chancellor. That would give leverage for the minority managements to have their own subject experts to some extent.

But in the case of non-minorities, the Vice-Chancellor would give two subject experts unilaterally, with the managements not having a choice.

This provision was astutely objected to by non-minority managements, particularly the Nair Service Society.

And the objection of the NSS had its grain of reason, for all the colleges had entered into an agreement with the State government, called direct payment agreement, in 1972 in which the mode of appointment was specifically included.

Any violation from the terms contained in the direct payment agreement, and that too with discrimination, could have been a shattering situation in the higher education sector.

Even with regard to changing terms and conditions for appointment of college teachers, much emphasis is there in the direct payment agreement, which cannot be tinkered with easily.

Yes, Endosulfan victims need rehabilitation and specialized treatment

No doubt, National Human Rights Commission chairman and former Chief Justice of India K.G.Balakrishnan, after visiting various places in Kasaragod district, has observed that specialist hospitals should be set up to take care of the victims of Endosulfan.
A special package should be set up for the rehabilitation and treatment of victims, particularly children.

There should be more palliative care centres to look after the ailing victims.
Justice Balakrishnan also observed that he would impress upon the Agriculture Ministry and the Environment Ministry of the pernicious consequences of use of Endosulfan.

One comment made earlier by noted writer M.T.Vasudevan Nair is noteworthy. He could not stand visiting Endosulfan victims due to the sheer bizarre nature of the deformities suffered by them as impact of Endosulfan use.

We have the responsibililty to safeguard the interests of all, and as Endosulfan and its varieties have adversely impacted human beings to a bizarre level, there should be no hesitation in taking action for the welfare of the people.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Will Karunanidhi condone the CBI raids on his clan?

Congress Party can say it wants to project the image that it does not condone corruption. The government has taken steps in various scams including Commonwealth Games, Adarsh Housing Society, 2 G Spectrum allocation and the like.

Now the CBI, which is being directed by the Supreme Court, is increasing the momentum of raids. And that includes the premises of those close to the DMK. The NGO with which Karunanidhi’s daughter Kanimozhi is associated has not been spared. Karunanidhi’s third wife Rajathiamma’s auditor has been raided. Kanimozhi is Karunanidhi’s daughter through Rajathiamma.

If sentimentality is to be reckoned, Karunanidhi should be rattled by these developments.

It is a fact, DMK cannot pull on its government in Tamil Nadu without the support of Congress MLAs in Tamil Nadu and the UPA II Government needs the support of 18 DMK MPs. In extreme case, the UPA II Government may survive with alternative support from other sources even if DMK pulls out of the coalition. The pull-out would harm DMK more than it would cause problems for the Congress. And Karunanidhi’s archrival Jayalalithaa is looking for an opportunity to squeeze through and form an alliance with the Congress.

It is amusing to think about the bland statement given out by the DMK earlier that it was amenable to a joint parliamentary committee probe into the 2 G spectrum allotment scam. Was it thinking that a CBI probe could be averted this way? But the CBI has been probing the issue on the basis of comments made by the Supreme Court. Therefore, even if a JPC probe was launched, the CBI investigation would have continued.

It seems the DMK and not the Congress which is in dire straits now.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Mani is impatient, he wants more seats, wants Congress to conclude seat sharing job early

Things are becoming clear, with Kerala Congress (M) leader K.M.Mani calling for early exercise of seat sharing for the Assembly elections in Kerala.

Assembly elections should be completed by May next year and there are no indications of an early poll. The Election Commission of India itself had said there was no need for advancing the elections in Kerala.

The paradoxical situation this time is that the LDF, after having many of its constituent partners leaving the bandwagon, may not have any problem in seat sharing.
But that is not the case with the Congress-led UDF, which is severely struggling with opulence of front partners. Congress Party has not said that the portion of the Kerala Congress led by P.J.Joseph which had fused into the Kerala Congress led by K.M.Mani was part of the front.

There has been stiff opposition from the Idukki district unit of the Congress in drafting the Joseph group.

Now Mani has made it clear in a channel interview that P.J.Joseph would contest the ensuing elections, no one need entertain any doubt about it. More than that, Mani is expecting more parties to come into his fold. There was an attempt earlier for the unification of the Kerala Congress factions. Now Kerala Congress Balakrishna Pillai faction and Kerala Congress T.M.Jacob factions are keeping out. Maybe, these factions would have re-thinking. Afterall, the motive of all the factions is to have the maximum number of seats in the Assembly.

Now Mani is impatient to get assurances from the Congress Party, for he would not be game for giving in, with a small number of seats for his strengthened party.

Thursday, December 09, 2010

The paradox of security and precautionary checks

The world has not been remaining the same after 9/11/2001 attacks in the US by terrorists. And America has since transformed itself into a scared and nervous power. Everywhere suspicion is lurking and they would have a check on all possible and impossible objects.

In spite of all the inspection, cross-checking, physical verification , surveillanace and so-called careful observation of everything suspicious, the world is not a safe place for human beings.

The overzealousness with which Meera Shankar, India’s ambassador to the US, was frisked and patted down by a security agent the other day looks, prima facie, ridiculous. The ambassador was wearing a sari on December 4 at the Jackson-Evess international airport in Mississippi as she was to board a flight to Baltimore after attending the Mississippi state university programme.

Perhaps, the security agents thought that an ambassador may be wearing a suit and not a sari. Ridiculous thinking, indeed, since there were officers concerned with her as she was at the airport and they had pointed out that she was India’s ambassador to the US. Was it not possible for the airport security personnel to get the bona fides of the Indian ambassador quickly?

By all means, take all precautionary measures, but not this ridiculously. Even as this sort of checking is going on, terrorists are having a field day all over the world. Even the US itself is looking askance at the terrorism links in certain areas for parochial interests.

The hardcore of US policies, strategies and actions have been laid bare by WikiLeaks and the mighty power could not stall the incursion into its inner security. When the innermost parts of its security apparatus has been sneaked into, this sort of undesirable frisking on a woman ambassador has taken place.

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Ethics, social mores given a go-by; Wallowing in the mess may lead to chaos

Parents of some of the people who managed to obtain fraudulent appointments in government service in Kerala have recounted before news channels the ease with which the process was adhered to, something like people getting a visa for a job in the Gulf.

A girl who has obtained the black job has sought to be made an approver in the horrendous fraud case. Then what about her own two brothers who also secured the vitiated job? The father speaks as though someone else simply led them into this process.

Others may also have their arguments like the as-of-now prime accused promising to disclose the whole details of the fraud at an opportune time. Reports say the key operators have already run for cover and they may be seeking a way-out through the rigmarole of the legal system.

If what is coming out as rectification measures is correct, like vetting all government appointments during the last 10 years, the truth should come out, without covering up the fraud. Still Revenue Minister K.P.Rajendran and others have no reason for cheer.

One may dismiss the argument if it is pointed out that the society has become vicious, with a lot of the members of the society immune to any kind of conscious prick.

Ethics, morality and fair practices have gone down the drains, with the media truthfully citing the instance of the successful venture of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, a 24-year-old man, who did not mind letting down those who had given him money for setting up the venture. When the company was registered, it was done in his name only, leaving out the others who had been promised that they would be in the picture.

Such examples of people getting rich and turning successful through undesirable means may beguile the minds of the young who may also want to traverse the same route.
The US is troubled by the revelations through WikiLeaks and its founder Julian Assange is being proceeded against for other reasons, sex offences. That is natural reaction and there is nothing unusual about it. The revelations would be informative to the people, but then if Julian Assange has extraneous reasons to give out the complete revelation, definitely that should be explored.

Mankind is now living in an ethical conundrum and people are looking askance at social mores. If this attitude continues, there would be a time when chaos would set in and there would be no seriousness to any kind of offence.

Very bad example of democratic exercise

Parliament has been disrupted for the 17th consecutive day during its ongoing winter session.

Who is taunting whom to make a point? The ruling front as well as the Opposition front has won the situation in clamouring for a point of its own regarding the joint parliamentary committee probe into the 2 G spectrum allocation scam.

The ruling front is taking solace from the fact that it has accepted the demand of the Opposition to sack A.Raja, the minister concerned. The Opposition is not satisfied, for it insists on JPC, and perhaps may want the scalp of the Prime Minister afterwards. No harm in making demands one after the other, for that is the wont of the Opposition anywhere.

However, what is the point in prolonging the sham of a show in Parliament every day, some demanding JPC and others rejecting it?

By now it should be clear to the Opposition that the Congress Party is not amenable to a JPC, for if it had inclination to order one, it would have done so days ago.

Will someone suggest to the ruling and Opposition fronts not to befool the people, common people, majority of them poor and less educated. The tall arguments of either may befit the middle classes and upper middle classes, most of them relishing the studied lectures of sophistication, which may be good fodder for situations like the cliff-hanger decision making time in our higher courts.

The ordinary people may not be amused by all these tactics and tantrums. They want action, results, good administration and way of life that would sustain them and their children.

There is no point in the present goings-on in Parliament. Will someone take the initiative and call it a day. Better adjourn sine die and relieve the anxiety of the people.

Monday, December 06, 2010

This fraud is unimaginable!!!

Simply forge documents of the public service commission and other necessary documents and happily join government service without even appearing for a selection test!!!
People were shocked to hear the news item about this massive fraud. There cannot be execution of this fraud without the complicity of many people at various realms.

Years ago, one had heard of one L.S.Asokan of Kerala University, an Assitant Registrar, simply issuing pre-degree marklists with the desired marks on making a payment. Apparently, he had apprised the beneficiaries that necessary changes were made in the original records of the university.

What a pity, this sort of fraud is taking place in the most literate state of Kerala!

Various media have reported confessions of certain people involved saying they were made to believe that the names of the fraudulent appointees were being included in the official list of the public service commission!!!

As many as three persons of one family have secured fraudulent appointments by paying Rs 23 lakh.The parent who paid the money himself appears to have been responsible for misappropriation of Rs 80,000 years ago while he was working as a postmaster.

All right, now that the fraud has come to light, approach the issue with the view that this is only the tip of the iceberg. All appointments made in various departments of various districts for at least a decade should be verified with the records of the public service commission.

No one should be spared. Also it should be ensured whether a powerful racket is working in the state to cheat the people and vitiate the bureaucracy.

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Take heed: Endosulfan is capable of being highlighted as an election issue

No doubt, the fall-out of indiscriminate use of Endosulfan, the destructive pesticide, has been severe and inhuman. We have been listening to reports about the catastrophic effect on human beings. Noted writer M.T.Vasudevan Nair had said he was incapable of visiting victims with deformed bodies, and revolting scenes.
Satirist Chemmanam Chacko has joined forces with the group demanding setting up of a sanatorium for the victims.

World renowned agricultural scientist Dr M.S.Swaminathan had said human beings come first in consideration and harmful effects on them should cause ban on use of Endosulfan.

Likewise, almost all leaders, political, social and intellectual, have fallen in line with the demand for ban of Endosulfan.

The after-effects may have been different in other states and other regions, because of the difference in the soil conditions and lesser propensity for the pesticide to mix with running water, streams and the like. In other areas, the impact on human beings might not have been highlighted.

Anyway, in Kerala, the fall-out has been disastrous, which has not been initially taken into account by Prof K.V.Thomas when he read out a speech on behalf of Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar at Kasaragod. Later, Prof Thomas saw reason considering the all-out opposition to the deleterious substance and he has become neutral in advice.

That a scientist who had endorsed the use of Endosulfan earlier is being pressed into service as chairman of a committee to look into the issue afresh has attracted widespread criticism.

In Kerala, the LDF could seize it as an opportunity to criticise the Congress Party, as it was Prof Thomas who initially made the opinion that no report had pinpointed the harmful nature of Endosulfan.

Luckily, the Congress Party in Kerala has supported the ban on Endosulfan. The State is on the threshold of Assembly election and the Congress Party , as well as the LDF, cannot antagonise the people.

Saturday, December 04, 2010

The world has not withered away owing to info leakages

Everything is transparent before God Almighty, according to all Vedas and philosophies. Perhaps, WikiLeaks would prove to be a semblance of making things transparent before the world. Nothing can be hidden for long. That which is hidden in some corner of the house would be proclaimed from the roof-top, it is written.
Cynic would say the world would come to an end through the revelations. Nothing has happened after WikiLeaks exposed many things, which the US says, are not original but only comments or interpretations.

All the things which the US would have found it embarrassing to express to the world in public are coming into the people’s glare. Without looking into the legality or otherwise, one has to come to terms with the fact that the world has moved fast and nothing can be controlled the way it existed years ago.

When President Richard Nixon visited China in 1972, which was a sort of historic occasion for both the US and China as it paved the way for their elusive bonhomie, the Chinese people did not turn up at the airport or on roadside to wave at him. For the Chinese government suppressed the matter and the media were totally controlled. Maybe, for some more time China may continue to gag the media as it pleased, but how long? There may be changes all around the world and the Chinese people would also enjoy free expression of the mind and thought at some point of time in future. A Nobel Prize winner may be incarcerating in jail in China, but one cannot rule out changes taking place.

Likewise, Myanmar may also be a tightly closed society on account of the grip of the military junta over the people. Due to pressure now it has released democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi.

Here in india a serious issue has been thrown up regarding right to privacy as sought to be enforced by people who had utilised their private talks (if talks on phone and otherwise can be considered private) to influence and meddle with public affairs, like appointment of ministers, cornering spectrum space and the like. Can private people expressing themselves to influence public affairs go under cover of this right to privacy? That should be the moot-question.

Exposure of evil in any way is not going to wreck the world, of course some people may be inconvenienced. But then selective leakage of such interferences, saving thousands of others elsewhere at the national, regional and state levels also does not conform to neethi and nyaya. Or is it that only a higher justice can take care of all these evil practices?

Thursday, December 02, 2010

End this blood bath serial

Attacks on human beings would not solve any problem, instead these would only create more problems. It may be easy to unleash political attacks, for these can be easily arranged by those concerned as they have organized power. But what sort of problem solving could this be? Ultimately, these attacks would boomerang on the very same people who have launched them.

At one point or another there could be rift among votaries of the same political persuasion and finally there would be a spilling of beans by one or the other.
On Tuesday and Wednesday there were political bloodshed in Palakkad district. An RSS worker, Ratheesh, was done to death on a running bus. A CPM worker had got hack injuries on November 23. And the murder of Ratheesh was seen as revenge killing. Now at least three more CPM workers have been attacked severely and they are undergoing treatment in various hospitals.

BJP has observed a hartal in the relevant areas under Palakkad and Malampuzha Assembly constituencies. A stretch of road in the area was blocked for some time.
Hope peace would return to the area after an all-party meet convened by the district collector. All political shades should be able to operate among people.