Thursday, May 20, 2010

Skin-deep analysis is going on about Mani-Joseph merger;
There is something more to it than meets the eye

Jerk-kneed reactions are outpouring in the political and analytical arena about the merger of K.M.Mani and P.J.Joseph factions of the Kerala Congress. Things are apparently moving smoothly in the merger process as far as both the factions are concerned. For others, this would appear to be ludicrous, suicidal and destructive of the front politics.

No doubt, Mani has been waiting in the wings to see a strengthened Kerala Congress. He was prepared to have a broad bandwagon with R.Balakrishna Pillai and T.M.Jacob as well, in addition to the already immersed P.C.George faction. Balakrishna Pillai and Jacob are keeping off the bandwagon for the simple reason that they may not get equal positions in the united entity.

Reactions of bravado have been pouring in even to the effect that the united Mani-Joseph entity should be dropped from the UDF. This is something easier said than done. In politics, any strong entity need not be afraid of launching themselves into new experiments. For sky is the limit for spoils of office. One-party rule is a thing of the past even at the national level.

No doubt, Congress and other partners would come to properly understand the significance of the merger. Brave Mani would not jump into unfathomable depths; comparatively new faces in politics may take time to imbibe the consequences of the latest developments.

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