Friday, May 14, 2010

Classic example of media treatment, now the deified Dhoni is the whipping boy

Media treamtment is like this. One will be extolled beyond his accomplishments and almost deified.

Dhoni and company were simply made gods. Now when they have been thrown out of the Twenty20 world cup, nobody is there to sympathise with the literally tired team,skipper particularly.

An agency has published a story purportedly dictated to the scribe by a former player-anonymous, of course.

Partying, wine, willing women, drugs and what not are available in plenty in IPL bonanza. No doubt, not an iota of energy would be left out of the players.
And you want them to bring cricket laurels from abroad!!!

Perhaps Dhoni might have blurted out some plain truths. No doubt, he cannot be justified, for he had the powers to rein in the flawed characters in his team.

But he had not lifted his small finger against the queuing up of actresses at the pleasure of the players of the bat and the ball.

I, for one, often thought about the unrealistic hype given by the media about the space achievements of the country. Some of the scribes have even gained the nickname, science fiction writer.

The reports go like we will be colonosing the Moon on whose deep craters are some embedded ice particles, churning which our water needs there would be met.

The oxygen would be separated from the water molecule ( H2O) for human survival on Moon!!! Or something like that.Some hundreds of tonnes of ice specks would yield half a litre of water!!!

And here on Earth we wait for the Gods to provide salubrious climate for sending out our rockets. If the atmosphere is cloudy and windy, the programme would be postponed.

After sending one rocket into space, the media would go on claiming that within a few years an Indian would land on the Moon, then we would use Moon as a transit point for space odyssey to Mars and what not.Kalam had not predicted the timeframe.

These days nothing is being heard about our rocket programmes after the failure of the cryogenic engine rocket.

Thank God, the media have not yet started kicking the scientists.

Scientific programmes have to be ironed out after careful completion of hundreds of successful repetitions. But we are in glee at once, and then vituperative at the next moment.

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