Monday, May 03, 2010

Do we perceive the absence of a Karunakaran touch in dealing with the merger of P.J.Joseph and K.M.Mani factions?

Clearly, the merger of P.J.Joseph-K.M.Mani factions has been mishandled at the UDF level, particularly by some Congress leaders. No doubt there would have been many other ways of dealing with dilemma, had the leaders tried to do so than washing the dirty linen in public.

A P.T.Thomas, M.I.Shanawaz and the like vigorously speaking against the merger would not be salubrious for the UDF.

Think of the situation being handled by K.Karunakaran, were here at the helm of affairs now. He would not have, in the first instance, remained oblivious of the goings-on before hand. He would have devised ways in which the Congress was definitely benefiting.

Splitting and splintering Kerala Congress groups was in a way a pastime for him. The-then powerful Kidangoor Gopalakrishna Pillai was packed off to Singapore on a gubernatorial assignment on completion of which he became a nobody. The NDP had to pack up.

In the instant case, P.J.Joseph does not seem to be in glee about the merger. His coterie is definitely pleased. Mons Joseph would have been nowhere otherwise, for Kaduthuruthy would have gone to someone else. Ettumanur would be gobbled up by Congress. Now Congress is taken unawares and its plans are going awry.

Mons Joseph now claiming that he was proud of being a minister in the Achuthanandan ministry is ludicrous. He cannot explain away the precarious situation.

One should have seen the happy face of Dr K.C.Joseph on television channels when he spoke after demitting office as a member of the public service commission. He seems to have already cornered Kuttanad from where he has been eased out by various compulsions, particularly the arrival of an economic giant there to oppose him.

T.U.Kuruvilla is as good as dead-wood and he would not mind being a commoner.

Surendran Pillai knows it for a fact he would never be a minister if he does not grab the opportunity now, staying with P.C.Thomas.

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