Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Various acts of terrorism, liquor addiction and sex rackets to flourish in Kerala

By O.J.George

Ink watching ritual is not necessary to know what would be happening in Kerala in matters of acts of terrorism, liquor addiction and sex rackets.
All these are going to be the bane of Kerala society at their height in the years to come.

People of Kerala have got drunk to the tune of nearly Rs 50 crore during the Christmas days. Availability is what counts about having a draught of the inebriating liquor.

Go to any place, liquor is the one item that is available in plenty. One can watch the neighbourhoods. A lot of menfolk are addicted to the drinks. A few years of survival with tremors, if not drunk, they vanish into thin air, leaving the dear ones, some of them heavily dependent, despondent.

Acts of terrorism have only begun. It seems Kerala has been home to many people who planned and helped terrorist acts elsewhere, incidents of extremism many notwithstanding.

Governments cannot haggle over the rights of investigation. Whoever probes should do it meticulously and save the people of the growing menace.

Sex rackets are flourishing in our society one way or other. We hear about raids and investigations into the flesh rackets.

A lot of such rackets are flourishing in all our neighbourhoods. A lot of unwary girls are hooked on into the racket after they fall prey to so-called love indications. They would not be able to come out of the trap, once they fall into it.
Traps apart, nowadays, the old fearsome social situation is no more there. A lot of women are definitely forward looking in sex matters, compared to the past. Exposure to social media is causing the itch.

They cannot be blamed, but they have to control themselves if dangers have to be averted. There cannot be innocuous one-night stands sans danger in our social milieu. Once involved, the protagonists cannot emerge unscathed.

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