Wednesday, December 02, 2009

China’s assertiveness to help Pakistan?

By O.J.George

Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh has admitted to the fact that China is a little more assertive than in the past about border matters and the intention is not decipherable.

Taking the close links China has with Pakistan into consideration, no doubt, it wants to put pressure on India in its dealings with Pakistan.

And Pakistan, where all forms of the worlds’ known and unknown terrorists find harbour, is in a churning process, particularly as it is coaxed by the US to deal with terrorists sternly. So far Pakistan has been thriving with the help of terrorists who were in turn given a free run.

It is apparent the US will deal a deadly blow to terrorists in Afghanistan and Pakistan as per the plans disclosed by President Obama.

There seems to be some intriguing things going on in Pakistan in the security set-up. The nuclear button has been handed over to Prime Minister Gilani by President Zardari.
India has already expressed its concern on the possibility of terrorists acquiring nuclear weapons. With the likes of A.Q.Khan and other elements functioning in Pakistan, it would be from that country that terrorists can lay their hands on nukes.

Pakistan appears to be scared that India might attack the country, for there are reasons like not taking action against terrorists who brought about the 26/11 attack in Mumbai.

China, which does not want India gaining an upper hand anyway, is trying to bully India one way or the other to put pressure on us so that we may not act against Pakistan.

China is building a lot of air-strips and strengthening military build-up close to the border with India. It knows that India has grown considerably since 1962 war with it.

Actually, it was in the best interest of Pakistan to keep good-neighbourly relations with India, but that country in receiving help from others mismanaged everything, providing safe haven for worlds’ terrorists. It is precisely this act which will go to its undoing one way or the other.

China’s diversionary tactics should not deflect the attention of India in dealing with Pakistan which lets loose terrorists against India.

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