Monday, December 07, 2009

It was a classic statement, the Government has not sent Thachankary

By O.J.George

Chief Minister V.S.Achuthanandan made a classic statement on Tuesday about the assignment given to Inspector General of Police Tomin Thachankary to quiz LeT operatives Thadiyantavida Nazeer and associates in Bangalore.

The Government has not sent Thachankary to Bangalore. Then who sent him? You can investigate, the Chief Minister told the media.

Pat came the reaction from Home Minister Kodiyeri Balakrishnan asserting Thachankary went there with his knowledge.

Was it only because Tomin Thachankary was persona non grata for the Chief Minister? Or did it have ominous meanings about differences of opinion about nexus with PDP of Abdul Nazer Madani.

The Chief Minister was against hobnobbing with Madani, but during the Parliament elections, the party had taken on its dais Madani and campaigned with him.

The old issue of undesirable ties with Madani is again cropping up.

And now LeT operatives Thadiyantavida Nazeer and associates are in the custody of the Bangalore police. There are allegations that Nazeer had ties with Madani.

The Congress-led UDF has alleged that Nazeer, who was in the custody of Kerala police earlier, was allowed to slip off at the intervention of a person close to the ruling echelons.

Congress leader Aryadan Mohamed has given the crucial angle. The Chief Minister is not aware of the assignment given to Thachankary, but the party leader knows it.

CPM leader Sivadasa Menon has asserted it was not essential to inform the Chief Minister of all things.

It seems there would be more reactions and repercussions about the goings–on with regard to dealing with LeT operatives.

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