Sunday, February 28, 2010

Shashi Tharoor should learn the art of silence


It seems Minister of State for External Affairs Shashi Tharoor should learn the art of maintaining diplomatic silence. His UN service hang-over of pleasing everyone could prove to be his undoing in the role of a minister in the External Affairs wing of India.

The latest gaffe is that he said Saudi Arabia could be the best interlocutor between India and Pakistan to sort out issues. Not even any one without a grounding in diplomacy about Indian position in this regard would speak in the same vein as Shashi Tharoor had done. Even if he had no experience in ministerial positions, no doubt he has had enough opportunities to interact with External Affairs people regarding India’s position.

A position as a minister in the Indian External Affairs wing does not condone loud mouthing. Perhaps he may get away with an explanation that he did not mean that Saudi Arabia would be a mediator.

Care and caution should be displayed in tricky diplomatic exercises. One word or a sentence could prove costly. Saying something in public is one thing and doing backdoor diplomacy is another mission.These things cannot be mixed up.
Outbursts like the one Shashi Tharoor made would divert the attention of the core issues.

Better be careful at least next time.

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