Thursday, February 04, 2010

Desk work balancing on prices of petrol, cooking gas would torment the life of common man

By O.J.George

Hiking the prices of petrol, diesel, cooking gas and kerosene, ignoring the ground realities on its impact on the life of the common man would be smooth desk work. But the people would, no doubt, be tormented by an otherwise inflationary market for essential commodities.

There has been an estimate in price assessment that the prices of petroleum products are the highest in India. Which means the prices are disproportionately high, compared to many developing and developed countries.

The prices are this high on account of levy of taxes and duties, which if removed, would render the availability cheaper.

People are on their tenterhooks on account of rising prices of essential commodities, including sugar. A welfare nation cannot ignore the travails of the people while fixing administered prices.

It would be wishful thinking, but some cognizance should be taken with regard to curtailment of all-embracing corruption, the highest manifestation of which is at the political level.

Crores and crores of rupees that should be available to the common man are being spirited out by various entities. If corruption can be managed at a reasonable level, the savings could be utilized for funding subsidies.

The Prime Minister appears to be keen on reining in corrupt practices, but people would be interested to know the extent of drawback on various underhand deals achieved on account of his efforts.

Freeing the pricing of petroleum products at one go and tormenting the people would be disastrous.

Mind you, the economically-hit US has come to take a decision scrapping the Moon mission to save money.

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