Friday, November 28, 2008

Terrorists have a field day

By O J George

India could capture a terrorist alive and it killed a few in the Mumbai attacks. Three top cops of the Maharashtra police were killed. A Malayali major gave up his life while trying to rescue the people trapped in the hotel.

The intensity of the attacks could be gauged from the fact that the fights continued for days. The National Security Guards did exemplary service, in addition to the police, fire force personnel and others. The post-terrorist attack action was commendable.

But we should be more concerned about the security situation in the country. We know the country has Ingtelligence Bureau, Research and Analysis Wing and Military Intelligence and what not. We have satellites hovering over the planet. Could we not get a single thread of information to avert the drastic incident?

One Nasir caught by Bangalore police and who was handed over to Ahamedabad police had revealed hints about terrorists launcing an operation through the sea route.

Alert. Terrorism is something requiring more than routine checks, scanning and smelling. Land, sea, air and all should be vetted carefully every moment for unseemly hints of attack. Indian boarders are porous. Concentrating on Kashmir alone is not enough.

Without arraigning the government, one has to remind the rulers that more steps are essential to keep our life safe.

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