Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Enigma of keeping faith the myriad ways

By O.J.George

Kerala presents intolerance of factions among Christians, which is most unfortunate, as all the ballyhoo is in the name of Christ who wanted to forgive even those who crucified him.

It appears the scuffles all originate in the name of keeping possession of properties. At present the main problem relates to the intolerance among Orthodox and patriarch factions. Both have the same origin, claiming St Thomas as the founder. Many other churches also claim to have St Thomas as their founder.

After going through years of court proceedings, some sort of an end was dictated by the apex court. Now the issues emanate from so-called execution of the apex court’s verdict.
Thrikkunnathu seminary in Aluva is a bone of contention as also many other churches. The disputed churches remain closed. Each faction wants to outwit the other.

The damage caused to three cupolas in Kottayam district, the theft of the sacred remains of Elias III patriarch from a cupola in Thrissur etc are the latest episodes.

The Orthodox faction has a grouse that the Communists-led state government is fostering the rival patriarch faction. The Orthodox faction organised a massive rally and convention in Kottayam on November 16 as a show of strength.

The telecast of scenes in a Jerusalem church recently was amusing. The Greek Orthodox and Armenian Orthodox priests in their holy communion robes were fighting it out over the possessory rights of the assumed burial place of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem. Priests were seen beating up rivals using censors used for spreading fragrance during holy qurbana.

The street fights over custody of properties has become ludicrous, as many entities are more interested in physical wealth, ignoring matters of faith.

In olden times also, masters were praying to God even as they enslaved human beings and inflicted brutalities on them.

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