Friday, November 28, 2008

Terrorists have a field day

By O J George

India could capture a terrorist alive and it killed a few in the Mumbai attacks. Three top cops of the Maharashtra police were killed. A Malayali major gave up his life while trying to rescue the people trapped in the hotel.

The intensity of the attacks could be gauged from the fact that the fights continued for days. The National Security Guards did exemplary service, in addition to the police, fire force personnel and others. The post-terrorist attack action was commendable.

But we should be more concerned about the security situation in the country. We know the country has Ingtelligence Bureau, Research and Analysis Wing and Military Intelligence and what not. We have satellites hovering over the planet. Could we not get a single thread of information to avert the drastic incident?

One Nasir caught by Bangalore police and who was handed over to Ahamedabad police had revealed hints about terrorists launcing an operation through the sea route.

Alert. Terrorism is something requiring more than routine checks, scanning and smelling. Land, sea, air and all should be vetted carefully every moment for unseemly hints of attack. Indian boarders are porous. Concentrating on Kashmir alone is not enough.

Without arraigning the government, one has to remind the rulers that more steps are essential to keep our life safe.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Enigma of keeping faith the myriad ways

By O.J.George

Kerala presents intolerance of factions among Christians, which is most unfortunate, as all the ballyhoo is in the name of Christ who wanted to forgive even those who crucified him.

It appears the scuffles all originate in the name of keeping possession of properties. At present the main problem relates to the intolerance among Orthodox and patriarch factions. Both have the same origin, claiming St Thomas as the founder. Many other churches also claim to have St Thomas as their founder.

After going through years of court proceedings, some sort of an end was dictated by the apex court. Now the issues emanate from so-called execution of the apex court’s verdict.
Thrikkunnathu seminary in Aluva is a bone of contention as also many other churches. The disputed churches remain closed. Each faction wants to outwit the other.

The damage caused to three cupolas in Kottayam district, the theft of the sacred remains of Elias III patriarch from a cupola in Thrissur etc are the latest episodes.

The Orthodox faction has a grouse that the Communists-led state government is fostering the rival patriarch faction. The Orthodox faction organised a massive rally and convention in Kottayam on November 16 as a show of strength.

The telecast of scenes in a Jerusalem church recently was amusing. The Greek Orthodox and Armenian Orthodox priests in their holy communion robes were fighting it out over the possessory rights of the assumed burial place of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem. Priests were seen beating up rivals using censors used for spreading fragrance during holy qurbana.

The street fights over custody of properties has become ludicrous, as many entities are more interested in physical wealth, ignoring matters of faith.

In olden times also, masters were praying to God even as they enslaved human beings and inflicted brutalities on them.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Tricolour on the Moon

By O.J.George

India has achieved a fantastic space odyssey, its Moon Impact Probe, released from Chandrayaan-I satellite has just landed on Moon. The MIP is painted on all sides with the tricolour Indian flag.

It has joined the choicest club of nations which have their flags on the Moon.

Some outsiders used to take India as a country of snake-charmers and sanyasins. Now it has become party to those who virtually possess the Moon.

From now on the journey of our space efforts would be modulated to achieve better strides, voyages to mars and Jupiter. It has already decided to send a probe to study the Sun.

India had missed all the first three waves depicted by Alvin Toffler. It had no place in the industrial revolution. Now it will have a place in the virtual world, space world, nano technology and what not.

For one thing, during the Vedic period, Bharat was head and shoulders above other countries in various technologies. Think about the weapons used by the Vedic characters. Missiles and modern armaments could have been designed on the theory and practice of Vedic weapons.

Now the country is catching up with those had made first use of the wisdom contained in
Sanskrit works and Vedic practices.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Extremists have a field day in Kerala

By O.J.George

Recently four youths were shot dead by the military personnel in Kashmir on the border with Pakistan. I remember the authorities in Kerala were not initially prepared to concede the fact that these youths belonged to Kerala. After the intelligence wings zeroed in on the individuals, the authorities were showing signs of doing something to deal with extremist elements in Kerala.

The saddest part of the operations of the terrorists apparently was the traps laid on goondas and cornering them to do acts of extremism. I doubt whether the goons were informed about the intention of their being finally used for subversive activities. Anyhow, the extremist elements should be grabbed and the tendency should be nipped in the bud.

I heard comments from certain informed quarters on television channels about the duty of the government to do something about the unemployed youths. Even though people do not subscribe to the view that compulsory military attachment should be enforced, for fear of being dubbed autocratic, it is desirable that a large number unemployed youth be drafted to the military services. They can be pressed into service for all sorts of work during peace time. Mind you, there won’t be any more large-scale war in modern times, for the nuclear arsenal with China, India and Pakistan would dccimate the earth if there is a war. Constructive work can be drawn out from the youth who are being drafted into the military.

A large number of the youth can be taken in the police and para-military forces. An empty mind is the devil’s workshop. Our youth should not be left empty-handed. Otherwise, there would be a lot of undesirable activities on their part.

Of course, extremism, terrorism and subversive activities should be routed out. Therseshould be no leniency in dealing with them.