Monday, October 06, 2008

The pangs of democratic governance

By O J George

A local body enmeshed in power wranglings was the bull’s eye yesterday in Kottayam. The district panchayat, which gets a lot of funds from the State’s budget as well as from schemes pinpointed by the Union Government, has been buffeted by power play.

Thomas Kunnappally, the panchayat president would not yield to his party’s wish to hand over to another person. He belonged to Kerala Congress(M) of the UDF. As he opposed the UDF, the rival LDF tried to support him.

But the UDF preferred to a no-confidence motion against Kunnappally, whose wont was to vote against himself. Therefore he made himself scarce by finding an alibi to be at New Delhi. The 23-member council should have a quorum of 12 members to do any transaction. Kunnappally thought his absence would help to fulfil the quorum requirement and so he could save his seat.

The UDF pastmasters cajoled a maverick member, Biju Kaipparedan from the LDF, who voted in favour of the UDF’s no trust motion. Kunnappally lost his president’s position as well as the mandate of Kerala Congress(M).

What is intriguing is the stance of Biju Kaipparedan. He owes his allegiance to P C Thomas, a separate power centre within Kerala Congress (Joseph) group, which is in the LDF. What kind of explanation Joseph can offer to the LDF, without taking disciplinary action against Kaipparedan?

Is there any agreement between him and the UDF?

Things are going to be volatile in the coming days.

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