Monday, October 27, 2008

Extremists were hibernating in Kerala?

By O.J.George

For a few days now, Kerala is agog with reports of a few of its youth having been actively involved in extremist activities in Kashmir. The bodies of two youngsters were identified as that from Kerala. One was a Muslim youth and another a Christian-turned youth.

The parents were not at all in the know of things of these unemployed youngsters. They were under the impression, it seems, that the youth were in Bangalore doing some work.

Now the police authorities are hot on the heels of those who recruited youths like these. One Faizal has already admitted to the police during its interrogation that he himself had recruited 300 youths for extremist activities.

It seems the extremists were using poor, unemployed youth, most of them not much educated, from Kerala for activities elsewhere.

The hibernating units in Kerala should be found out. Terrorism should not be allowed to take hold of Kerala.

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