Friday, October 31, 2008

Politicisation of the police dangerous

By O.J.George

A dangerous trend has set in in the State of Kerala, where the police is being politicized. The other day the CPM held a study class for police people owing allegiance to its cause at the Kottayam district office of the party. It is alleged that the camp was meant to instill in the minds of the cops the measures they should take to help the party win as many seats as possible in the coming Lok Sabha elections. Files from the police department were carried in a police jeep to the party office.

The party has denied having conducted any study class. But mediapersons who had got wind of the goings-on were parked in the vicinity of the camp venue and they were ill-treated by interested parties.

Anyway it looks good that the police top-brass has ordered an inquiry into the affairs.

I have always been of the opinion that our police personnel are smart and efficient. They would be able to do the policing job extremely well. But their hands are tied by political bosses. Whether it is sex scandal, corruption cases or other criminal acts, they know how to deal with it, even though sometimes they go overboard. But they are hamstrung by political controls.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Extremists were hibernating in Kerala?

By O.J.George

For a few days now, Kerala is agog with reports of a few of its youth having been actively involved in extremist activities in Kashmir. The bodies of two youngsters were identified as that from Kerala. One was a Muslim youth and another a Christian-turned youth.

The parents were not at all in the know of things of these unemployed youngsters. They were under the impression, it seems, that the youth were in Bangalore doing some work.

Now the police authorities are hot on the heels of those who recruited youths like these. One Faizal has already admitted to the police during its interrogation that he himself had recruited 300 youths for extremist activities.

It seems the extremists were using poor, unemployed youth, most of them not much educated, from Kerala for activities elsewhere.

The hibernating units in Kerala should be found out. Terrorism should not be allowed to take hold of Kerala.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Squabbles between Patriarch and Orthodox factions
By O J George

The dispute over properties and parishes between Patriarch and Orthodox factions has been an eye-sore for the people. Each faction may have a point to make. But the unsavoury squabbles have been spilling over to the society at large.

Orthodox Church followers maintain that the Patriarch faction has no right over Thrikkunnath Seminary. But the Catholicos of the Patriarch faction was allowed to enter the seminary buildings, with the support of the Communists-led government in Kerala, according to the allegation of the Orthodox faction.

Now Patriarch Ignatius Zakka I of Antioch, the supreme head of the Jacobite faction(Patriarch sect), is touring Kerala as a State guest. The Orthodox faction appears to be peeved that the patriarch faithful are getting a lot of attention and State support.
The other day, Orthodox faction’s Catholicos and a few bishops and laity barged into a cupola at Piravom, set up in the name of St Gregorios of Parumala and offered prayers.
The police used force on the laity of this section. The previous day the representatives of the LDF government had assured protection for the Orthodox faction.

Now it seems the Orthodox Church is keen on bringing another Patriarch, this time from Syria, to muster support and mobilise their flock. This would be a sort of show of strength.

To an outsider, the squabbles arise from property matters. Riches and wealth are gnawing at the faith of the people. The meek inherits the Earth, according to the Bible. Both the factions should come to an agreement and call a halt to the dispute. Live and let live should be the policy.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Think of full social security
By O J George
I am wholly against governments, allied institutions, MNCs and other private and public ventures and individuals escaping with the booty they get during the present times of opening up the economy. All entities reaping gargantuan size of profits should be made accountable and pro rata levies should be made to feed the
social security network.

I don’t consider the present schemes of employment guarantee construction work scheme, various rozgar yojana or updated schemes as taking care of the social security of the people who are without an income.

Mind you, those opposing globalisation, privatisation and other capitalistic measures, particularly the left, communist, socialist and similar political varieties, oppose the steps purely on ideological line without thinking about the devastating effect on the people these measures bring in, as neither the government, the planning commission or responsible bodies are talking about implementing full social security schemes.

It should be brought home to the people that in those countries where fully capitalistic or near capitalistic measures are in place, there is fool-proof social security network. A single institution takes care of all the jobless income-less people. Minimum survival facilities are provided for the full term when they are income-less. The department provides help to secure suitable employment. Those who are without income are given social security benefits.

Here no political party is taking up this issue. We should have a nation-wide social security network, taking care of all income-less people.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Shunting out is painful

By O J George

Can we perceive the audacity with which employers are sacking employees, in the name of liberalisation and privatization? Jet Airways is dispensing with the services of nearly 2000 personnel, saying it has not been flying profitable services. What a pity? Did they not think about the prospects of the company when they drafted the workers? Where were their internal and external auditors prospecting the functioning?

Earlier, we had seen merger of Jet Airways and another one. Now Jet is hobnobbing with Kingfisher. Don’t know whether the firing is the result of underhand negotiations.

One day a low-cost, no fringe airline will come up, offering the moon to the passengers. After some time, it will merge with the likes of Kingfisher, sucking massive profits.

When sacking employees, do any of the flamboyant employer and his household dispense with any kind of luxury?

And where is the so-called government? In no capitalistic, liberalised developed country, companies are allowed to get away with windfall profits. Here in India, which is opening up its markets and allowing companies to have a free go, no restriction is placed on them from eating away windfall profits. Mukesh and Anil Ambanis, Tatas, Birlas, and all sorts of mega institutions are eating away windfall profits at the expense of the poor man on the street. Not in US, UK, France, Germany, Japan and the like, such practices would be allowed.

Why not tax the companies, institutions, and quick-buck-making entities to service the social sector. This is too much. The nonsensical explanation is that nearly 2000 workers are axed to save the job of 1000 persons. What a mess of an economy we are living.
Shunting out is painful

By O J George

Can we perceive the audacity with which employers are sacking employees, in the name of liberalisation and privatization? Jet Airways is dispensing with the services of nearly 2000 personnel, saying it has not been flying profitable services. What a pity? Did they not think about the prospects of the company when they drafted the workers? Where were their internal and external auditors prospecting the functioning?

Earlier, we had seen merger of Jet Airways and another one. Now Jet is hobnobbing with Kingfisher. Don’t know whether the firing is the result of underhand negotiations.

One day a low-cost, no fringe airline will come up, offering the moon to the passengers. After some time, it will merge with the likes of Kingfisher, sucking massive profits.

When sacking employees, do any of the flamboyant employer and his household dispense with any kind of luxury?

And where is the so-called government? In no capitalistic, liberalised developed country, companies are allowed to get away with windfall profits. Here in India, which is opening up its markets and allowing companies to have a free go, no restriction is placed on them from eating away windfall profits. Mukesh and Anil Ambanis, Tatas, Birlas, and all sorts of mega institutions are eating away windfall profits at the expense of the poor man on the street. Not in US, UK, France, Germany, Japan and the like, such practices would be allowed.

Why not tax the companies, institutions, and quick-buck-making entities to service the social sector. This is too much. The nonsensical explanation is that nearly 2000 workers are axed to save the job of 1000 persons. What a mess of an economy we are living.

Friday, October 10, 2008

A puny nun during her lifetime, now a saint

By O.J.George

Alphonsa was a puny nun by all known standards during her lifetime. She was unwell all the time. Ordinary mortals would have thought what service could this frail woman do to humanity.

It was only after her death, it seems, the church, the faithful and the religious found the purity and saintliness of this nun. For there was no cardinal, no archbishop or bishop present during her funeral. Father Romulus, the spiritual guide of the nun, declared on the occasion in all prophesy. Once the cardinals, bishops and the faithful would converge on the small hamlet at Bharananganam where her mortal remains were buried.

She was a member of the Franciscan Clarist Convent at Bharananganam. Her life was one of suffering and discharge of duties. She never did any social service by definition. She was suffering, praying and going through the rigid life. She wanted to do service to the Messiah in letter and spirit.

Her mother died when she was only three months old. She was brought up by the elder sister of her mother. The foster mother also died a few years later. She continued her studies and later joined the convent. There also various ailments were debilitating, but she discharged her duties most faithfully. Stories of a lot of miracles are doing the rounds. Many people were cured of their ailments at the intercession of Alphonsa.

Now she is being canonized. Pope Benedict XVI would proclaim the declaration about her sainthood at Vatican during holy qurbana at 9.30 am Vatican time, 12.30 Indian time on Sunday (October 12).

In the reckoning of God, puny figures are mighty beings

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Investigation for what?

By O J George

It was amusing reading about the Home Minister of Kerala forwarding a petition challenging the phenomenon of Catholic bishops issuing pastoral letters to their faithful.

The petition preferred by a native of Thamarasserry challenges the constitutional validity of 13 Catholic bishops, including the prelate of Thamarasserry issuing pastoral letters and edicts.

It is reported in the press that earlier a similar petition was referred to the superintendent of police, Kozhikode Rural. It seems he had conducted a preliminary inquiry and submitted the report to the higher-ups.

To me the whole thing appears to be ludicrous. What has the state government to do with directions and instructions being given by bishops to the flock?

One should learn the fact that many of the books in the New Testament are letters, called epistles, written by the disciples of Jesus Christ and St Paul. These are letters asking them how to behave, how not to do evil, how to lead a Spartan and pure life and how to be witness to the life and works of Jesus Christ.

Would any government in the present world challenge the New Testament?

Maybe, if someone challenged the constitutional propriety or such other technicalities before a court of law, that should have been understandable. I am sure, such a petition would have been dismissed in limine, without taking the case on file.

That is one issue. Another sparkling thing I read was about Sathya Sai Baba of Puttaparthi deciding to sell off the airport at Puttaparthi, which is his own, as well as his ashram at Kodaikanal. He wants to build houses for those who lost everything in the deluge in Bihar and Asom. What a great gesture? This example should be emulated by all religious figures. Many of the religious leaders amass plenty of wealth and after their lifetime, their supporters quarrel over the properties.

The disciples of Christ were known for disposing of their properties and taking care of the poor. Whatever donation they got was treated as collective money to be used for the welfare of the have-nots.

Most of the worries would have a natural solution, if the accumulated wealth and properties are disposed of like this. But then, that is a far cry.

Monday, October 06, 2008

The pangs of democratic governance

By O J George

A local body enmeshed in power wranglings was the bull’s eye yesterday in Kottayam. The district panchayat, which gets a lot of funds from the State’s budget as well as from schemes pinpointed by the Union Government, has been buffeted by power play.

Thomas Kunnappally, the panchayat president would not yield to his party’s wish to hand over to another person. He belonged to Kerala Congress(M) of the UDF. As he opposed the UDF, the rival LDF tried to support him.

But the UDF preferred to a no-confidence motion against Kunnappally, whose wont was to vote against himself. Therefore he made himself scarce by finding an alibi to be at New Delhi. The 23-member council should have a quorum of 12 members to do any transaction. Kunnappally thought his absence would help to fulfil the quorum requirement and so he could save his seat.

The UDF pastmasters cajoled a maverick member, Biju Kaipparedan from the LDF, who voted in favour of the UDF’s no trust motion. Kunnappally lost his president’s position as well as the mandate of Kerala Congress(M).

What is intriguing is the stance of Biju Kaipparedan. He owes his allegiance to P C Thomas, a separate power centre within Kerala Congress (Joseph) group, which is in the LDF. What kind of explanation Joseph can offer to the LDF, without taking disciplinary action against Kaipparedan?

Is there any agreement between him and the UDF?

Things are going to be volatile in the coming days.

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Orissa, Karnataka should be careful

By O J George

Orissa and Karnataka States have not been able to contain the attacks against the Christian community forthwith. The Centre says it has sent enough paramilitary forces to Orissa as asked for by the Naveen Patnaik regime. The Centre can only warn the States about taking strong action, particularly when no single-party regime or a powerful government is not available in Delhi for intrinsic reasons.

The Centre cannot easily dismiss a State government as it is weak in many ways. The action of dismissal has to be ratified by Parliament with two-thirds majority of members present and voting. Dr Manmohan Singh government has been moving heaven and earth to get simple majority for the nuclear deal. And at what cost?

Now that the left parties and the BJP and their allies are strongly arrayed against the UPA Government, strong action like dismissing the State governments, is unthinkable.

However, the State governments must find ways to put down the atrocities against the Christian community. If there is a will, evil elements can be dealt with. People have not forgotten the burning of Graham Steines and his two sons. It is a sad commentary on the part of any government to see that a large number of members of the Christian community are hiding in forests fearing reprisal from enemies.

Things are bad, so strong measures are called for.

Friday, October 03, 2008

The Nano swan song

By O J George

Now the deed is done, and the political blame goes on. The Tatas have had enough of it and decided to pull out from Singur in West Bengal where the Nano car project would have sprung up. Who was behind the vitriolic stir to unseat Ratan Tata from his pet project, which was supposed to have been a feather in the cap of West Bengal Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee?

Sitting far away and only reading reports about the Singur stir, perhaps my comment may not be all-embracing. Still, one cannot comprehend the alacrity with which interested parties forced out the Tatas. An industry always brings in resources and benefits to the local people as well as the country.

No doubt there were problems with resettlement of the farmers or other landholders in the area acquired for the project. Wherever resettlement is needed, the terms of rehabilitation militate against practicality and the victims feel despondent. When the state powers pounce on them, the situation would turn vengeful. Actually a resettlement commission, with statutory powers, should be made available wherever acquisition of land is inevitable. The rehabilitation package should be negotiated. The government policy of giving compensation at the rate of the latest land deal in the adjacent plots should not be the sole criterion. The resettlement commission should be able to build houses for those who lose it. Genuine grievances should be addressed before forcing the native people out of the spots where an industry should come up.

Now industrialists would think twice before embarking upon projects at places where politicians play vulnerable games. Without the manufacturing sector kept at its producing best, no State can flourish.