Wednesday, August 20, 2008

O J’s Corner

Strike will only disable the common people

All-India strike on August 20 would only disable the common people who cannot move around freely. Particularly the situation would be sharp in States where the left forces are strong. Anyway in Kerala and West Bengal, it would be a bandh-like situation. Who will benefit out of the mess? The common man would not be advantageous. Those who want to go out and do cooly work would lose their income. Times are proving to be difficult with skyrocketing prices. Then, if the workers are denied opportunities to work, for whom is the strike organised? Inflation would not come down on account of the strike.
Let us see whether the government can be pressurized to undertake miracle works.

No country would be so impaled with strikes and hartals in such a manner that the very existence of life would be in jeopardy. When the phenomenon becomes frequent, the core of existence would difficult.

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