Monday, August 11, 2008

O J’s Corner

Hard times for the CPM

The CPM would have to face hard times after the Lok Sabha elections be they held this November or early next year. The Kerala State Committee of the party has found fault with the prevailing regime’s rigidity in matters of liberalisation. A sort of West Bengal line should have been adopted in various spheres, particularly agriculture and industry. Education is in the doldrums. A lot of ideas have been pressed into service. Not a single one worked wonders. Many steps ensured only distrust among various echelons of society. The church has been alienated totally.

Does this mean Chief Minister V S Achuthanandan can be replaced after the Lok Sabha elections that easily? He has his own followers. Not everyone in the party can toe his line. But a lot of people, many of them unaware of the intricacies of policies, blindly believe him. He has done nothing of consequence in matters of administration beneficial to the people. Some of his own party leaders would not support him lock, stock and barrel.

Which means, the next three years would pass by without great contributions of the ruling leaders to benefit the people in large measure.

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