Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Add your Comment Paradoxes of democracy, capitalism; no one paying heed to the real issues I have always been perplexed by certain issues which confront our democracy which is fast leading to comrephensive capitalism. Liberal ideas, free speech and unfettered articulation, business and the like are, no doubt, far better than totalitarianism and suppression of independent thinking. But some of the real issues confronting the people, the society, the workers are looked askance at. One has to look at the welfare provisions existing in developed nations. There are nation-wide social security networks in all such countries. We have to have a nation-wide social security department giving social security numbers to each and every family and individual. When one finds himself or herself without gainful employment, the social security department comes into full play and provides minimum decent living expenses and amenities. Children are provided good amounts for health and education. We have this MNREGA and other minor welfare schemes. But we have not thought of providing a social security number to each individual. The system of unique identity number should be provided to all first, and then this should be used as the base facility for comprehensive social security measures. Another paradox is the free-for-all of employers, that is in the system of capitalism everywhere. That system has come into being in India as well. Employers, after careful procedure of finding merit and qualification, give jobs to youths. After some time, by mismanagement or otherwise or non-profitability, they announce that they cannot retain so many of the employees. Okay, some of you have to leave the organisation. This is sheer one-sidedness and unilateral application of mind. The courts also do not take cognizance of the real problem. No one, after selection and infusion into service, should be thrown out. First, all avenues of non-profitability should be probed and the real issues found out for correction. If the managers, including owners, are found to be at fault, they have no right to ask the employees to clear out. Mismanagement, if any, should not be tolerated. Wasteful expenditure and lavish way of living of the management, including owners, should be scrapped. If nothing works out, the losses should be evenly distributed, without asking the employees to quit. If everything goes awry, there is no right for the company or institution to continue. Let this be wound up. Let all the parties share the burden. Will anyone take heed to this sort of justice?