Sunday, February 05, 2012

Parents, society have also to take the blame on crimes like Kiliroor and Kaviyoor instances

Kaviyoor case verdict has come, with five of the accused having been found to be guilty. Shaari, the girl who was minor during the time of the atrocities committed against her, had died in suspicious circumstances in hospital.

Five lesser individuals have been convicted, but Shaari’s father says the real culprits in high places remain outside the ambit of trial or conviction.

There were reports that many people in high places had misused the girl who had not got proper treatment in hospitals.

We are concerned with morality and immorality only, but we don’t take congnisance of the fact that there are amoral people in our society. They don’t bother about the moral or immoral aspect of an action. The rightness or otherwise of an act is not bothersome for them.

Very often parents present there girls, maybe some of them had practised a little bit of dancing, to fraudulent people who claim that they are serial film makers. Sometimes, the girls are taken out by close relatives to such dens. After they fall into the trap, there is no coming out.

Very young girls fetch tidy sums from such deals in which the agents fleece them of the maxi mum amount. There are instances where even parents make a fast buck out of flesh trade.

There can be no escape for the trapped girls.
When people in high places are involved, there would be pulls and pressures on the investigating agencies. In the process of vetting of hard evidence, the culprits escape.

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