Sunday, January 01, 2012

Kali, Kalki, Mayan calendar: Human kind does not bother about apocalypse

Why should humankind bother about something it cannot prevent? That seems to be the attitude of the fraudsters, cheaters, betrayers, the corrupt and morally deprave. The lot are thriving like anything. The pity is that the same kind of people go about preaching morals. Drugs, liquor camouflage their memory about scruples.

We have rung out 2011 and rung in 2012 with all gaiety. We have lit candles, spread messages of goodwill and harmony and happiness and enthraldom. It should be like that. For what is there to rue about.

Don’t care even if Mullaperiyar dam bursts, the icesheets of the Himalayas melt and rush down as the deluge.

Doomsayers are laughed at, for we ourselves have become the prophets, we advice others to be alert about the impending devastation and the chance to form part of the rapture and be elevated alive.

Mayan calendar predicts December 21, 2012 as the Dooms Day. Nostradamus gives more time, 3927 for final judgement.

Kalki is believed as the next Avatar of Vishnu.
It is believed that He will appear, riding his white horse and drawing a flaming sword, at the end of the Kali Yuga, the dark age through which we are now passing. His task will be to exterminate the evil and restore the Dharma. Thus will begin a new cycle, starting with the new Satya Yuga.

No timeframe was given by Jesus Christ about his return, for God Almighty alone decides the date, for Whom everything is timeless and eternity.

Let there be a few beings who don’t bother about the trials and tribulations brought on to them by the Adharmic.

Key words: 2012, Kali, Kalki, Mayan, Nostradamus, Jesus Christ

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