Friday, March 25, 2011

CPM puts all eggs in the electoral basket of V.S.Achuthanandan

This Assembly election in Kerala is peculiar about one thing, the Left Democratic Front, particularly the CPM, has put all the eggs in one basket while seeking electoral fortunes.

This single basket containing all the eggs of the CPM, CPI and other parties is held aloft by none other than irrepressible V.S.Achuthanandan, the Chief Minister.
Now even his detractors, within the party, are aglow with the ambience of being within the proximity of the Chief Minister.

An arch critic like Finance Minister Dr Thomas Isaac had to fall in line with Achuthanandan to try to see whether he can retain his seat.

All this, while the party was confronted with the fact that the previous Parliament election and the subsequent local bodies polls had projected the image that all these were a review of the functioning of the LDF government led by V.S.Achuthanandan. And the LDF had done poorly in the two massive elections.

Now suddenly the LDF, particularly Achuthanandan, got a lot of brownie points through the incarceration of R.Balakrishna Pillai in jail following the Idamalayar corruption case, revelations of K.A.Rauf, co-brother of P.K.Kunjalikutty, about his being an ally of Kunjalikutty in wrong-doings and the latest attempts to drag in Oommen Chandy in the palmolein case.

Definitely Achuthanandan is a lucky leader, for all these campaign points came to him just on the eve of the Assembly elections and he has been successful in carrying on his characteristic diatribe against his detractors everywhere.

The CPM, on its own volition, had no other go, for it has to face the stark reality of being relegated to the background, losing the status of a national party if it loses both West Bengal and Kerala. And the party is not prepared to take chances, which explains why it has given a free hand to Achuthanandan to regain power in Kerala, if at all it is possible.

Now everyone, from the votaries of the rival faction in the party, as well as constituent partners are soliciting Achuthanandan to lead their campaign at least once in their respective constituencies.

As far as Achuthanandan is concerned, his is a no-holds-barred warfare against his rivals, come what may.

Root out starvation, give education, healthcare, dwelling places; then you are a developed nation

We should be happy that political parties are competitively forward in announcing largesse to the electorate, of course to win their favour in the elections.
Whatever it is, it should be noted that a government should be responsible to see that no citizen should go starving for a day in the country. To that extent to whatsoever extent parties go to announce freebies in the eating sector, that should be welcomed.

Let people eat first and then discuss about other things. CPM-led LDF announced its Rs two a kilogramme rice supply and now UDF says it would supply 25 kilos of rice at one rupee per kilo to below-the-poverty line people and the same quantity at Rs two to Above-the-poverty line. It should be fair enough, even though the line distinguishing between the BPL and the APL is very thin.

Perhaps in course of time, the government would be able to supply subsidised rice to APL in tune with income range or so.

Another thing is the intention to give agricultural loan at three per cent to people, as per the UDF manifesto. That is also good, for development in the farm sector has not been picking up to a great extent. The growth in the farm sector should be at least four per cent which at present is slightly more than two per cent.
Agricultural loan should not be confined to issuing the same for gold loans at the rate of agricultural loans. Agriculturists should not feel the pinch of money for plouging, sewing and reaping and also marketing.

Maybe a state government cannot do this, but whoever is responsible should think about providing more flexible educational loans for professional education. Our youth are poised to achieve a quantum jump in achieving professional education, which is held in awe by even developed powers like the US and UK. China may also be not happy with our youth peaking at educational achievements. I always believe the government can totally write off the loans issued to deserving students for undertaking professional education. That is one way of lifting our youth by a quantum jump in the education sector which ultimately would raise the income sector upto the level of raising national income.

Eradicate starvation, provide good education and ensure proper healthcare for the people , coupled with dwelling places. You are then a developed nation.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

VS has nothing more to gain; perhaps only re-entry into politburo remains

When Dr Thomas Isaac, in spite of his stiff opposition to some of the views and actions of Chief Minister, wanted V.S.Achuthanandan to be given a seat in the April 13 Asssembly elections, it should have been noted very well.

For Dr Thomas Isaac, the Finance Minister under Achuthanandan, knew it very well that the LDF candidates, particularly the CPM ones, would find it difficult to face the electorate without Achuthanandan in the fray.

The electorate, if it has the feeling that Achuthanandan was left wounded, would strike back, he knew. That was the time the leaders concerned should have fallen in line. But they did not do so and so the situation went out of hand and finally something like a re-enactment of 2006 got played out- in spite of whatever is being bandied about by Home Minister and politburo member Kodiyeri Balakrishnan has said to the effect that no decision was taken to deny a seat to Achuthanandan.

All the LDF candidates feel elated, perhaps selfishly, at Achuthanandan leading the flock. And for Achuthanandan there is nothing more to be gained than becoming the Opposition Leader, in the wake of LDF not getting majority.

Perhaps something more remains to be gained like re-entry into the politburo from where he was jettisoned.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What would be the role of V.S.Achuthanandan in the CPM after denial of a seat for him?

It would be amusing to see whether Chief Minister V.S.Achuthanandan would be given a senior role in the party after he has been denied a seat to contest the ensuing Assembly elections.

The state unit of the party, under the powerful grip of state secretary Pinarayi Vijayan, has always been against him, but his so-called popularity had catapulted him earlier to become the Chief Minister.

Now when the sex scandal case of P.K.Kunjalikutty came up afresh, R.Balakrishna Pillai has been imprisoned in the Idamalayar case and Oommen Chandy is being attempted to be arrayed as an accused in the palmolein case, it was thought that the party would be forced to accept V.S.Achuthanandan as leader of the LDF as slight chance of the LDF coming back to power remained.

An ordinary onlooker should have been prone to think that the party would accede to Achuthanandan’s wishes to contest the election to get a foot-hold in Kerala, as the chances of the party romping home to victory in West Bengal are rare. Some people thought the party would think about avoiding a double blow to it in West Bengal and Kerala.

But the party is prepared to face any eventuality and it would not allow anyone to go overboard and disobey its diktat, even if he is V.S.Achuthanandan.
In 2006, there was strong clamour from grass-roots level workers to give a seat to V.S.Achuthanandan who had fought very hard against the UDF as the Opposition Leader previously.

Would there be any reaction from the cadre this time? One has to wait and watch.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Do we really value our sort of democracy in which one can open up and shout anything?

Men do not live by bread alone, for men and women should have the freedom of expression. That is what we have in India; rather it may be too much. Still we should count it our blessing to have been born in India, in this case, albeit we are a corrupt nation.

Compare the situation to China, where its Prime Minister Wen Jiabao has categorically ruled out a multi-party system. He has offered some restructuring to the existing state of affairs, but everything will be within the parameters of the existing Communist Party.

Wen Jiabao has also said the mass upsurge in African, Arabian and Gulf countries would not spill over to China. He may know it for a fact that any rebellion could be brutally quelled, a la Tienanmen Square protests of 1989.

Chinese leaders are a peculiar breed, for they had idolized Mao-tse-Tung, but had jailed his wife and three others who were following the diktat of the great leader.

We cannot say the people of the world are not concerned about the lack of freedom for the people of China, as it does not have a multi-party system.
Every day, in India, what sort of cacophony we do not make, Congress, BJP, Communists, Socialists and who else?

Our Communists are also a fine lot, for they can work in a multi-party system.

We must be grateful to the founding fathers of the Constitution for making our people totally free.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Dragging Oommen Chandy in palmolein case at this hour: Could it not be an insider job?

The Vigilance court has been magnanimous enough to observe that its sanction for re-investigation in the palmolein case was only a technical one. When the court is informed about the need for re-investigation by the prosecution, it has to relent, going by the Supreme Court directive in such situations.

The court did not go into the merits of the case, it only gave the green signal to go ahead with re-investigation.

No doubt, the trump card for LDF to pursue re-investigation was provided by accused T.H.Musthafa who was the Food and Civil Supplies Minister when palmolein was imported. He had mentioned in his discharge petition that Oommen Chandy in his capacity as the-then Finance Minister had cleared the deal.

Which implies that the onus, if he has any, would be the same for Oommen Chandy as well. At least a section of the LDF was baying for the blood of Oommen Chandy. The observation of Musthafa has added fuel to the fire. This does not mean that anyone would be found guilty or not. The thing is the process of conviction or acquittal involves a long time and it would be tormenting for the persons concerned.

Now the intention is clear, there would be a firm move against Oommen Chandy; whether that succeeds or fizzles out is for the time to prove.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

K.R.Gowri Amma’s valuable decision any time now, P.J.Joseph smiling within

Ninety-two-year-old K.R.Gowri Amma, of the Janadhipadhya Samrakshana Samithi, cannot be appeased by the Congress-led UDF.

For, she is not happy with the four seats unwillingly conceded by the Congress for her party. Congress was willing to part with only three seats, but she has pestered the UDF leaders to such an extent that they seem to have agreed to part with four seats, the additional one seat apparently for her to contest.

Earlier, the Congress leaders were not prepared to give her a seat, the three seats being meant for younger elements in her party. But Gowri Amma wants to contest the elections this time as well and if the UDF wins she wants to become a Minister. Perhaps, the UDF was not willing to go the whole hog as to anoint her a Minister.
Gowri Amma has been trying to build bridges with the CPM-led LDF all the while and she may get a toe-hold herself in the LDF. But her supporters are not welcome.

Gowri Amma’s party is scheduled to meet again on Sunday to decide about the future course of action, including pull-out from the UDF to move to the LDF.

Reports speak about the younger elements not keen to join her in the LDF. If Gowri Amma decides to part with the UDF, most probably there would be a split in her party.
Politics is warming up at the last-minute prior to the elections.

Meanwhile, K.M.Mani of the Kerala Congress (M), who has ingrained into his party the P.J.Joseph faction a few months ago, is haggling to the hilt to ferret out as much as he can. The merger of P.J.Joseph faction without consultations with the Congress Party has been proving to be problematic in many ways.

The happiest persons would be the leaders of the P.J.Joseph faction, for they did not have to speak up against LDF leaders, particularly CPM leaders, as they parted ways with the LDF.

Normally a parting of ways would generate political heat and dust, but Joseph managed things in such a manner that Mani had to take the brunt of criticism from the Congress. One has to consider the amount of diatribe M.P.Veerendrakumar had to spout prior to and after his Janata Dal left the LDF.

But P.J.Joseph, Mons Joseph and T.U.Kuruvilla, who were all ministers in the present V.S.Achuthanandan Ministry coolly walked over to the UDF in a basket carried by K.M.Mani.

Joseph might be keeping his furtive smile within.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Front leadership, seat sharing, candidate selection:Will it be that insurmountable?

If one goes by reports of various media, it would seem heaven is going to fall considering the bickering, bargaining and the clash of will in both UDF and LDF, perhaps to a greater extent as usual in the UDF,with regard to who should lead the front, how many seats to be shared and who should contest?

The media are more worked up than the fronts in the matter, going by the fervour with which they take up the issue.

It would appear as though no one is willing to give a seat to V.S.Achuthanandan, some others may also be in the fray about leading the LDF, will he won’t he about Pinarayi Vijayan, or Kodiyeri being roped in from the politburo, no one particularly saying about Thomas Isaac leading the bandwagon and like that.

Achuthanandan may be laughing alound in his heart and mind, for his candidature or question of leading the front has always been a decision to be taken at the last moment by the central leadership. And there won’t be much trouble in seat sharing as well.

In the UDF, media have already thought of about finding a leader in addition to Oommen Chandy. When it sounded like Ramesh Chennithala would be contesting, the media have almost found a substitute leader.

Is there something new in the development? For in the Congress, there would always be at least two power centres, otherwise the leader may think he is infallible. That was the fault of K.Karunakaran for some time. Congress would not leave one leader as the supreme one.

The tussle between Congress and Kerala Congress(M)is worth the media hype only. Kerala Congress(M) cannot go it alone. They know it for a fact. They would be happy in their innermost hearts, if Congress approves of the merger of Joseph group into KC(M). All the MLAs of Joseph group have been ministers in the present Achuthanandan ministry for some time. Congress approving of these individuals by okaying their candidature would be a heaven-sent for the KC(M).

As far as K.R.Gowri Amma is concerned, the Congress is fed up with her for her acerbic comments. It would not mind her moving back to the LDF, as it can ensure the younger elements in JSS latching on to the UDF?

Monday, March 07, 2011

Everyone wants seat thinking that victory is easy

For the simple fact that Kerala returns rival fronts for governance alternatively, clamour for seats in the UDF is more fervent than that in the LDF.

There are any number of candidates for the Congress Party who want to try it out at the hustings. And the party would like to field as many candidates as possible. But the alliance partners also want to fleece maximum out of the available treasure.

Who can blame 92-year-old K.R.Gowri Amma if she wants to try her luck this time as well? But she wants Congress Party to ensure her victory by providing her a safe seat.

As for M.V.Raghavan, he may not speak much for more seats and all. But he would surely be a candidate.

This time, IUML could be an alliance partner which is comparably safer for the Congress to handle. The harshest bargain could be from Kerala Congress (M) which claims that its strength has skyrocketed following the merger of the P.J.Joseph faction with it.

The Joseph group candidates would all be former Ministers in the V.S.Achuthanandan ministry. This is precisely something that worries the Congress in their Assembly constitutencies. Media give out the feeling that everything is smooth and safe for Mons Joseph.

During the Kerala Mochana Yatra trail, the leaders’ pictures that were splashed around in the constituency had his face cut out by interested parties. The rebels are there aplenty, as elsewhere in many places. All the same, they feel comfortable going with the UDF.

In the LDF camp, the picture is something of confidence after the new revelations in the ice cream parlour case, imprisonment of R.Balakrishna Pillai, attempt to drag in Oommen Chandy in the palmolein case etc.

Then will there be the same scenario with V.S.Achuthanandan leading the flock, even as the CPM party power holders are opposed to him?

The UDF and LDF situation offers food for thought for the electorate.

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Implement Right to Services, civil servants and the public would be saved

We have now before us the case of P.J.Thomas who had to quit as Chief Vigilance Commissioner following Supreme Court verdict against his appointment. Everyone must abide by the diktat of the court, and he has resigned.

But there is a problem sticking with the civil service. Should not they have to say yes to the demands of the political bosses? If not, would not they be chucked out or dumped in some inconsequential posts?

There may be some civil servants who would happily and overenthusiastically do everyting for the political bosses-meaning they would crawl when they are asked to bend.

Then there are others who would obey grudgingly fearing that there would be repercussions. Over-enthusiasm, fear and other interested dimensions can be tackled, if the civil service can be allowed to function legally and with a service motive.

Suppose we have a Right to Services Act which says whatever services are offered by various government institutions, bodies and entities dealing with public affairs, would be done by the official concerned within a timeframe of a few weeks. Otherwise they would be penalized, if there are no cogent reasons against non-action.

The person would not dance to the tune of the political bosses. Law will take its course, for him or her.

The Right to Information Act has more or less worked because there was a penal clause against the information officer who does not divulge the information to the seeker within a justifiable time-frame.

This is not enough, the Right to Information should have a promotion to the Right to Services, for the good of the civil servant as well as the people. The civil servant would not hesitate to take action, he or she would not kowtow to the unjustifiable demands of the political bosses. If he or she demurs, the person would suffer for it. That way avoidable problems can be solved and the public would have a heaven of a service.

In the international arena, what India is dubbed about is with regard to the governance deficit on account of corruption.

The whole image can be salvaged if the Right to Services Act is brought in and implemented.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Some of the same players would remain in the Assembly election arena in Kerala

No doubt, Kerala will have old players calling the shots in the Assembly elections being held on April 13, in all the parties and fronts, even if some have crossed over to rival fronts.

It is certain we would have V.S.Achuthanandan, Oommen Chandy, K.M.Mani, K.R.Gowri Amma, M.V.Raghavan, T.M.Jacob and the like. Mani would insist on giving the Thodupuzha seat to P.J.Joseph, but there would be UDF internecine actions against Joseph, even if he is given the seat. The Congress Party apparatus in Idukki district is dead against Joseph’s candidature. Joseph seems to be prepared to take the risk, for he has a history of taking electoral risks.

Mani would seek a bigger portion of the electoral cake, and the Congress may give in a bit.

M.P.Veerendrakumar would decide for himself whether he would try his hand at the Assembly elections. Son Sreyamskumar would definitely be there.
Controversy-marred P.K.Kunjalikutty has an option to keep off, to save the UDF. But that is for him or the Indian Union Muslim League to decide. Or would the Congress press for it, at least in camera?

If Kunjalikutty is kept out, would Muneer be allowed to be in?
Gowri Amma wants an assurance from the Congress that it would ensure her victory. But the Congress Party seems to be looking askance at her demand for five seats for her party, the JSS.

The candidate list of CPI, RSP etc would also have some of the current leaders.
Seat sharing among the UDF partners, candidate selection in the Congress Party etc would be formidable for the UDF. The bargain would be much harsher than that in the LDF, for the LDF has lesser number of partners and there are a large number of available seats.

For the Congress Party, the exercise as is its wont would be a last-minute affair. Most probably, K.Muraleedharan and sister Padmaja would get seats. If Muraleedharan keeps a low profile and works for the party, it would do him good.
KPCC President Ramesh Chennithala, V.M.Sudheeran and others would be there in the list.
The great electoral exercise in five states announced, life-and-death ambience for many parties

Elections to five states have been announced and in Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Puducherry (Pondicherry) it would be on April 13, a day prior to the festival of Vishu. All the three states will have single-phase election. In Assam, there will be two phases and in West Bengal there will be six phases. Counting for all states will be on May 13, when the fate will be sealed.

For the CPM, West Bengal has been shaking, something unthinkable a few years ago. Mamata Banerjee-led Trinamool Congress is itching to take over after more than 30 years of leftist rule there.

As per the relevant experience, Kerala has been returning Congress-led UDF and CPM-led LDF regimes one after the other. Neither front has been able to retain power after one tenure. In that case, CPM-led LDF will have to bite the dust. A double blow for the CPM, indeed.

But the CPM, in recent days, has been pleased with the harsh developments overtaking some leaders of the UDF. Balakrishna Pillai is in jail in the Idamalayar case, nothing less than one-year rigorous imprisonment. And he cannot contest the forthcoming elections either. Of course, his son, K.B.Ganeshkumar is very much there to lead the party.

P.K.Kunjalikutty of the Indian Union Muslim League has been exposed by his own co-brother, alleging that the sex scandal from which he escaped earlier was because of suppressive measures. Now the arena is filled with moves and counter-moves.

Chief Minister V.S.Achuthanandan and his son, Arunkumar, have been attacked by the UDF with wrong-doings. One allegation is that the Chief Minister withdrew from the move to cause a CBI inquiry into the lottery muddle. Achuthanandan puts the onus on the Central Government led by the Congress. The Congress puts the blame on the Chief Minister as he was wrongly influenced by his son, the allegation goes.

Now the arena is agog with a lot of allegations, with the Chief Minister saying that a lot of UDF leaders would go to jail for their wrong-doings.

There has been a move to drag Chief Ministerial hopeful Oommen Chandy in the palmolein case. Things are hotting up, with Achuthanandan himself likely to contest the elections again.