Saturday, November 20, 2010

Great positions manned by morally puny figures

We cannot say the corruption, slush and sleaze, no doubt potboiler stuff, are the offshoot of systemic failure. In fact, there is no system failure, the problem is with the persons sitting in responsible positions and doing things without an iota of conscience prick. Moral, ethical dimensions do not deter them to do any underhand dealings.

2G spectrum allocation scam, CWG muddle, Adarsh Housing Society misdeeds, landscam in Karnataka – these have all come out, how many more are yet to be discovered- no doubt, are a symbolism of man’s minds going mean for petty gains.

Two three flats, a few acres of land, a few crores of rupees and the like should be peanut for a Union Minister, Chief Minister and the like. Media specialists functioning as agents for the corrupt have not come out fully. A lot of them are steeped in evil practices for gains. Those among the media who want to pursue an ethical line are not allowed to do so by the evil section straddling senior positons. Such worthies do not deserve any respect. Those who had to bow out on account of the machinations of this type of malevolent actors need not be worried. They may have lost something in the eyes of those seeking worldly pleasures, but their mental framework, the sheer will-power to stand up against evil within the system are all shining like anything. They don’t wither away.

In democratic system, at least a tip of the iceberg of corruption gets unravelled. In totalitarian systems, nothing comes out until the system itself perishes.

Those couched in top positions should have sufficient results kept in their kitty at the end of the day for them to be happy about. What we see around us are not happy things, but the worst kind of evil.

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