Wednesday, July 07, 2010

All have to go through the drill of Fate, howsoever high and mighty they may be

Alexander the Great, who conquered all the-then known worlds, had died of a common cold!!!The futility of conquests could be best exemplified by the ordinary death of the great personality.

Southern Naval Chief of Staff Rear-Admiral Jamval, apparently, has died of an accidental self-shot wound. Things are beyond one’s imagination.

The other day a doctor succumbed to his fever infection after treatment for more than a fortnight in hospital. Could his life have been saved?

All sorts of viruses, physical and mental, are creeping into the lives of the people. That may be why mankind, disregarding the unworthiness of attacking others for some gains, or sometimes for no gains than egoism, goes on assaulting others. In fact, one man’s freedom ends at arms length of the other.

Would anyone care to leave the fellow beings to his freedom?

I have seen a lot of worthies holding crucial positions going mean, leading rotten selfish lives, some for a regular supply of bottles of the inebriating kind. People say we have to compromise and be with the mainstream.
But there should be the freedom for a man to remain as he is even as he allows others to have their way of life.

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