Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Tamil Nadu should build an ARK for Kerala, in case Mullapperiyar dam……

By O.J.George

Tamil Nadu politicians appear to be aghast at the sanction given by the Union Government to conduct a survey for a new dam at the Mullapperiyar.

No one questions Tamil Nadu’s requirements of water from Mullapperiyar. But it should be at what cost? Should it be at the cost of roughly 50 lakh people of Kerala in four or five districts?

Those who oppose the decommissioning of the 114-year-old Mullapperiyar dam built of earthen materials must be inhuman. For they don’t care in case the dam bursts.Better let Tamil Nadu build an ARK for Kerala people in case the unthinkable happens.

But then will Noah’s ARK suffice to accommodate 50 lakh people? And there can be no provision for animals either.

Or one should build an ARK as in Evan Almighty, who took cudgels against the inappropriate way a dam was built.Other Congressmen pooh-poohed him. But God Almighty appears before him and asks him to build an ARK.

People humiliated him. Evan Almighty continued to say rains would lash and there would be a deluge from which the people can be saved if they come inside the ARK.

At last the unthinkable happened, as the dam burst and the people swiftly boarded the ARK which was taken to the Capitol building in the swirling waters.

God Almighty appears to Evan Almighty and tells him one can save the world by the ARK, which is nothing but an Act of Random Kindness.Let people exhibit an Act of Random Kindness and save the people of Kerala.

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