Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Obama starting well

By O J George

It was exhilarating to see Barack Obama ascend to being President of the United States of America. Sitting far away and simply observing the political ways of America, I never thought that the US, which had refused to change its certain ways for 220 years of its independence, would elect an Afro-American origin person as its President. Then, times are changing and the descendants of the oppressed are becoming the callers of the tune.

That is nice for the world which has become too mugh besotted, selfish and avaricious.

For Obama, there are many things to do. If he does all the things which he can do, in al sincerity, sky is the limit for the world to come to common sense. I believe the world, the people who call the shots have all lost their common sense, not listening to others’needs for existence.

There is no point in going on berating America for anything and everything like Hugo Chavez, Ahmadinijad and the like do. The thinking people would only consider them as foolhardy.

Nice things about Obama’s ways, he had drafted Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, retained Robert Gates as Defence Secretary. These are signs of accommodation.

Let him take wise decisions for the common good of the world

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