Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Obama starting well

By O J George

It was exhilarating to see Barack Obama ascend to being President of the United States of America. Sitting far away and simply observing the political ways of America, I never thought that the US, which had refused to change its certain ways for 220 years of its independence, would elect an Afro-American origin person as its President. Then, times are changing and the descendants of the oppressed are becoming the callers of the tune.

That is nice for the world which has become too mugh besotted, selfish and avaricious.

For Obama, there are many things to do. If he does all the things which he can do, in al sincerity, sky is the limit for the world to come to common sense. I believe the world, the people who call the shots have all lost their common sense, not listening to others’needs for existence.

There is no point in going on berating America for anything and everything like Hugo Chavez, Ahmadinijad and the like do. The thinking people would only consider them as foolhardy.

Nice things about Obama’s ways, he had drafted Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, retained Robert Gates as Defence Secretary. These are signs of accommodation.

Let him take wise decisions for the common good of the world

Friday, January 16, 2009

Terror leaders safe, followers thrown into war

By O J George

“We will sit in crevices, corners and caves in high mountains or hide in deep forests or coastal belt in cognito. You people go and wage a war and get killed”. This appears to be the message given out by so-called messiahs like Osama bin Laden, Hamas leaders, LeT, Jaish and other outfits, as well as LTTE’s supremo Velupillai Prabhakaran.

In Gaza, hundreds of innocent people, including women and children, are getting killed and maimed in the war between Israel and Hamas. Hamas has been launching rockets from safe hide-outs in Gaza which was vacated by Israel earlier. The rockets were being launched from the fences close to the border with Israel. There are forces out in the world to see that Israel is not safe. Once the Jews were dispersed all over the world. They had no place to live. When they were being hunted out, India was one among the few countries which offered asylum. So we had jewish settlements in Mumbai, Kochi and the like.

Israel was carved out for Jews by UN-led efforts. But certain elements have not taken kindly to the Jewish nation. Now, when Israel has invaded Gaza and has been killing Hamas perpetrators of terrorism, innocents getting killed in between, it seems Hamas is coming round to seeing reason at least for now. An attempt to monitor the Hamas from not getting armed further has been conceded.

Velupillai Prabhakaran has been offering the moon to the Tamils in Sri Lanka. His methods were terrorist. Now he is paying the price for it. The victims are Tamils in Sri Lanka. They have been laid in the lurch. People should understand that terrorists cannot be trusted.

The only displaced leader who has sworn against warfare is Dalai Lama who is in exile in Himachal Pradesh. An independent Tibet is out of the question. China would not even grant autonomy to Tibet. Dalai Lama is a refugee. All the same he has not taken to warfare. He will be know in the annals of history as a man of peace.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Terrorists responsible for this war

By O J George

Innocents are getting killed in Gaza. By now the count is 660 Palestinians killed and 2,700 injured. Women and children are there among the victims. Sad state of affairs indeed.

But the root-cause of all the mayhem is terrorism. Be it Hamas, Hisbullah, al-Qaeda, Lashkar, Jaish or LTTE, they are an eye-sore to civilised world. They will not want the word to live in peace. The reason could be Jehovah, Allah, Christ or someone else. The terrorists falsely believe that they are the saviours of these noble souls who do not need any saviour. Cry for you and your children, Christ told those wailing for him.

Pakistani terrorists launched an attack on India in Mumbai. They killed 180 people, including 36 Muslims. They don’t care. Jews, Americans, British and other foreigners were also done to death. If it is the Israeli style, India should have retaliated with a war on Pakistan. Thank God, it did not happen. Otherwise, thousands or even millions on both sides would have perished. Mind you, both the countries are nuclear powers. If a war is launched, after millions are decimated, the world will crave for a ceasefire. And that will occur. The net result would be the same, the terrorists would still continue to have their way.

True, blockade of support would help. LTTE terrorist Prabhakaran who killed Rajiv Gandhi is now sweating it out to live. After the US declared LTTE as a terrorist organisation, arms and funds seem to have been flowing to it at a lesser pace. No country should support terrorists, whatever be the cause they espouse.

The best way to deal with Pakistan would be to get a declaration from the world that it is a terrorist country. Sooner or later, the world will come to be convinced that Pakistan is the most terrorist-infested country in the world. All the other terrorist organisations in the world get support from those who made a haven in Pakistan. Ultimately, the US, the UK and other big powers will be forced to deal with Pakistan directly, for the terrorist activities there will only increase.