Sunday, June 08, 2008

O J’s Corner

The world is too much for us

Daily reports appearing in the media speak about the duplicity and treachery of a majority of the human beings. Politicians speak one thing for days together and then take a U-turn justifying their turning the turtle. Fake religious leaders cry aloud for hours together for the salvation of the faithful. Actually, the salvation is for these leaders only as they are able to cough up large amounts of money from abroad. The accrued money goes for the welfare of these so-called religious leaders. Their “prayers” are in ample supply to the gullible faithful. Jesus Christ himself had warned against this situation. The world, indeed, is too much for us.

Till the other day, certain political parties have been justifying the so-called title-deeds allotted to many people including political parties such as the CPI and CPM in Idukki district of Kerala. Now Veliyam Bhargavan of the CPI says the title deed for his party office in Idukki district was not in order and the party has asked the government to scrap the orders sanctioning the title-deed.

Is there any fixity for even mundane matters? People don’t have to keep their words, if the situation prevails like this for some more time.

Will Planet Earth be able to sustain this much of duplicity for long?

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