Thursday, June 26, 2008

O J’s Corner

Panic reactions for electoral gains

The political landscape is reverberating with the cacophony of various outfits supporting this view or that to put pressure on their respective fronts to concede larger space for them in the ensuing Lok Sabha elections. In the States going to the Assembly polls later this year, the trend is not different.

Mayawati has withdrawn the BSP support to the UPA regime, when she got scent of the broth cooking in the political cauldron that the UPA may enlist the support of Mulayam Singh Yadav for sustaining the Dr Manmohan Singh Government, if the Left parties withdraw their outside support. She has done this after the UPA Government facilitated the go-slow process in the Taj Corridor case against her. And Mayawati is confident of her becoming the Prime Minister one day.

Whatever may be the stiff posture of the CPM on the nuclear deal issue, politburo member Sitaram Yechuri was not haunted by the Stalin era phantom of a mindblock to call on External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee to know the latest as the Congress Ministers held a conclave with the Prime Minister after the debacle of Congress-Left parleys. The CPM is also overanxious to avert the fall of the UPA Government. No doubt, the Left parties will not have the luxury of as many number of MPs in the Lok Sabha in the next Parliament as it has now. For their gains, it wants the Congress to toe its line. After it gave the go-ahead to the Monmohan Singh team to go ahead with the mandatory discussions with the International Atomic Energy Agency, CPM’s rigidity now remains inexplicable. Its argument that once an agreement is signed with the IAEA, India is bound by the terms internationally seems ludicrous. It should have known that things would lead to this pass, if discussions were held with IAEA. Well, the CPM has political grounds to cling on, and it is well within its rights to pursue its line.

Sensing that Lok Sabha elections are around the corner, small parties in the Congress-led UDF are speaking out different things at high decibels to cause a pinprick so that these splinter groups are not left unattended to. K.R.Gowri, M V Raghavan, some of the IUML leaders and the like have already spoken against the stance of the Congress Party on certain issues like the text-book controversy, or the selfishness of the party. K M Mani would not speak against the Congress, but wants high reckoning in seat allotment.

This time, the seat allocation would be a little more tough, it appears. For, the UDF thinks that the chances of victory are bright.

Monday, June 23, 2008

O J’s Corner

Congress Party in a bind

The Congress Party is writhing in pain in the quagmire of opportunistic politics. One cannot blame politicians, for their success depends upon the amount of trickery they can play on a canvas of political opportunism.

I used to think about the situations that prevailed in Italy and Japan, where often governments were in place for the shortest tenures compared to various other meaningful countries. There were mega coalition contraptions of a government there from time to time. At the least of provocations, the Prime Ministers used to call it a day. I am of the opinion that governments should not continue, if their basic poll planks cannot be adhered to. The wishes of MPs to cling on simply for the sake of enjoying power and pelf need not be allowed to be materialized at the cost of basic principles.

MPs are not concerned about the plight of Dr Manmohan Singh regarding the India-US nuclear deal. The discomfiture is not felt by the legislators. Manmohan Singh cannot face US President George Bush and the administration without loss of face, if he is not able to seal the deal into a treaty.

The Left parties are playing up the provisions of the Hyde Act, which would hamper the independence of Indian administration in carrying out a nuclear explosion in the future. They forget it for a fact that there was no Hyde Act, no agreement with the US earlier. How many decades the Indian Government wanted to test a nuclear device? The attempts were all thwarted by pressures from the US Government from time to time, even as there was no formal agreement with it. First Indira Gandhi faced the flak Then Prime Minister A.B.Vajpayee had to employ sinister tactics at camouflage to test the nuclear device further.

The country is bound by 123 agreement alone. Hyde Act is for the US administration to observe. What can the US do, if a gigantic country with so much of human resources like India undertake tests independently?

The Left Parties see red whenever they hear the country name, US. They have no complaints if China prefers the same stance to hold on.

Now the Congress Party is suffering almost alone. It cannot go in for elections jettisoning the Left, for the times are far from conducive for facing elections. But then, political sagacity has to come to terms with adversities also as an inclusive phenomenon.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

O J’s Corner

Everyone wants power and pelf,
Does not want key decisions made

It is a pity the Central Government is squirming about key issues remaining unresolved. The Congress Party, at least a majority of the leadership, wants to sign the India-US nuclear treaty. The prestige of Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh is at stake. He cannot face the international crowd of world leaders, particularly of the developed nations variety, without loss of face. Even China would not like India to renege on an international commitment. The Communists are not bothered about what happens to Manmohan Singh or Congress. They shout from the roof-top that they don’t want the BJP to come back to power. But their present posture would only help the BJP get the reins on a platter. It seems at every stage of the negotiations held with the US, the Communists were briefed one way or other. They would only say: “We will see”. Now they have seen to it.

The Congress would have upset the applecart of UPA governance now. But unprecedented inflation, which is mostly the result of booming price of petroleum products, is pulling it back. Prices of essential commodities have gone up and these are a burden on everyone, particularly the poor people. The government should supply rice and wheat through the public distribution system. It should also devise ways to see that the open market is flooded with rice and wheat. Prices would then come down. There is no point in keeping unnecessary quantities of rice and wheat. People used to find fault with the irregularities in the rationing system. There were cogent allegations that rice and wheat, to be distributed through the PDS, were diverted and sold in the open market. It was illegal, but there was a philosophy of macro economics involved. The diverted materials were being sold in the open market one way or other. That food materials were available in the open market would hold the priceline.

Now the MPs and their parties are wracking their brains as to how to hold on. It is okay for anyone to argue that there should be stability. But what is this stability? We cannot be the laughing stock in the international community. If we don’t sign the nuke agreement, and there are ostensible repercussions, then also the Communists would blame others.
Decisions should be taken in the interest of the people, come what may.

Friday, June 20, 2008

O J’s Corner

Power sans responsibility

Which are the most powerful outfits in the UPA dispensation? With no hesitation one can point out that the Left parties have been enjoying a gala time lecturing the Manmohan Singh Government to do what and what not to do. Lucky chap Prakash Karat, the country’s celebrity armchair Communist, could strut about dictating terms. Poor Congressmen/women have been bearing with him/the leftists simply to see that the government is not pulled down. The spectre of the NDA, led by right-wing BJP, recapturing power at the Centre was unthinkable to one and all, except L K Advani & Co.

Likes and dislikes were put aside by Congress and the Leftists to maintain the power equation necessitated by circumstances calling for the exclusion of the BJP. All the same, the Communists, particularly the CPM, were walking away with glory. They could hold Congress, so far, to the line that nuclear agreement with the US should not materialize. At the same time, they could criticize the government led by Dr Manmohan Singh for its debacle in Assembly elections in 12 States. No party in the world would be so care-free as to enjoy power without responsibility in toto.

The Congress could have taught the Leftists a lesson in November 2007 by calling for elections. With inflation rising day by day, and the common man’s woes getting worser, it may not be congenial time for declaring elections to the Lok Sabha.

Still, it could work out an agreement with Samajwadi Party, BSP, and a lot of other parties to sustain the government, if the Leftists withdraw support on the nuclear deal plank. Manmohan Singh cannot continue without taking measures to wrap up the nuclear deal.

Harsh decisions have to be taken by all, whether they are individuals or governments, or other institutions in their lives. Statesmanship calls for strong measures at the cost of superficial gains.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

O J’s Corner

Withdraw all taxes on petroleum products

Crude oil prices are set to skyrocket in the near future. Suppose the prices cross $ 200 a barrel in the international market, which is not unlikely, there would be highly inflammable repercussions everywhere. Perhaps Venezuela, Saudi Arabia and some such countries would be able to pull on rather normally in the petroleum products prices internally. India would be one of the worst hit countries. Naturally, all prices would pick up considerably.

But then, the Central and State governments can do one thing. They should scrap all taxes on petroleum products. The governments are levying considerable amounts by way of excise duty, sales tax, additional sales tax and the like.

No other country would be charging this much of money from tax channels in the petroleum products sector.

States like Kerala which depend on others for each and everything the people consume, prices would be far higher than prices of the same commodities in other States. Transportation costs would be heavy. More over, middlemen who fetch rice, wheat, pulses, eggs., milk, meat etc would fleece a pound of flesh.

A kilo of rice may cost around Rs 24 or so. Paddy farmers are not getting a price in tandem with the market price. Wholesale traders and other middlemen are cornering much of the margin.

What can be ostensibly done is to pump rice in plenty through the supply channels, particularly when the crops are poised to abound after the monsoons. Plenty of rice, wheat, pulses etc in the open market would force the wholesalers to cut rates.

There should be a will on the part of the governments and the supply bodies to work together to ameliorate the woes of the masses.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

O J’s Corner

Not even passive resistance

What is happening to humankind, as the crown and glory of all creations just looks askance at grievous instances of injustice? One cannot perceive even passive resistance against cruelty perpetrated on all fronts.

Sex rackets, anti-social activities, drug peddling, illicit liquor business and all vulgarities in the society go free-wheeling only because those who are aware of these crimes do not react. They simply look on and think that it is none of their business, but else’s affairs. “Why should I get immersed in these things?”. That is the prevailing attitude.

Someone meets with an accident on the road. We remain mute witnesses. Now-a-days some people rush to capture the picture of the agonising moment in their mobile phone. No one cares to take the victim to the hospital. If an accident victim is taken to the hospital, the police will not leave the Good Samaritan alone. He will be at least a witness, a status thrust on him by the police, in the court case that ensues.

There are illicit liquor vends, drug dealings, sex business and the like going on in many corners of our neighbourhood. We do not point a finger at the criminals. No one wants to burn his finger.

This passivity is costing us dearly in societal life. Things would only get worse, going by the trend that is thriving.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

O J’s Corner


Seizure of Golf Club, land-grabbing and the like are top-priority agenda items for the ruling dispensation in Kerala, even as parties are fighting it out over wielding the control mace regarding the integrated food security scheme. People are struggling to make both ends meet. That is, people who don’t get bribes, slush money, hawala. Straight-forward beings who cannot generate much of an income are reeling under the greatest pressure of price rise. Rice, vegetables, milk, fish, meat, cooking gas and all demand greater spending. Inflation is at its peak. The government is jaywalking with tug-of-war between the advocate-general, the bureaucrats and the worthies of ministers. This government is for the aam aadmi-ordinary folks.

It seems the greatest handicap is lack of experience for the ministers. The chief minister is a green-horn in administration. Of course, he used to wax eloquent on issues and non-issues when he was the opposition leader, a situation akin to the fulminations of the lefts in the UPA dispensation at the centre. They can oppose anything as they do not form part of the administration. This is irresponsibility. Manmohan Singh should have called for an election when he had challenged the leftists to oppose the nuclear deal.

In Kerala, burglary, direct snatching of cash and valuables from people by rowdies , thefts of all sorts, incidents of attacks are on the rise. Things are getting out of hand.

In the education sector, in the name of taming private institutions, card-playing games are going on. In Class XI, admission process was going on smoothly. Now the single-window system is introduced. There is going to be endless worry for students and parents. There would have been no significant margin of error, had the school authorities been allowed to give admission by themselves. Flaws occurring here and there could have been corrected otherwise.

Things should not be allowed to go out of hand.

Monday, June 09, 2008

O J’s Corner

End the system of visiting offices
for day-today affairs

Mankind has reached the Moon and it would not be too far away when someone would step foot on Mars. But so far we have not been able to call an end to visiting government offices and corridors of institutions and bodies for taking care of day-today affairs.

We should be able to totally eliminate personal presence in banks for our financial transactions. True the banks have set up thousands of ATMs in all corners. This has helped the customers a lot. A few years ago, a customer had to stand in long-winding queues in banks to get his cheque cashed. Mind you, he/she was being harassed like this for the unenviable task of putting his/her money in that particular bank!! You should have seen the fearsome face of the bank clerk who should make an entry in the book and get it endorsed by one officer. The Clerk would not take the book to the officer sitting pretty behind his/her counter. The peon should come, may be after one hour, to take the register to the officer. It would be good luck if the officer endorses the same. It would be another wait for the peon to reappear and pass the same to the cashier/teller. These officials were protected by trade unions, mostly the Communist variety which speak about socialism for all.

Shipping magnate Socrates Aristotle Onassis was reported to have become furious after he had to wait three minutes at a bank counter for a transaction. He bargained hard and purchased the bank for himself. An ordinary customer cannot be Onassis. Thank God, the banking system has metamorphosed a bit and started providing ATM counters.

We should be able to make payments using a mobile phone or internet facility. Then you don’t have to go to the Electricity office, telecom office, local bodies office like that.

Alvin Toffler had predicted that massive office structures would undergo demassification and much of the work would be done by staff at their own residences.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

O J’s Corner

The world is too much for us

Daily reports appearing in the media speak about the duplicity and treachery of a majority of the human beings. Politicians speak one thing for days together and then take a U-turn justifying their turning the turtle. Fake religious leaders cry aloud for hours together for the salvation of the faithful. Actually, the salvation is for these leaders only as they are able to cough up large amounts of money from abroad. The accrued money goes for the welfare of these so-called religious leaders. Their “prayers” are in ample supply to the gullible faithful. Jesus Christ himself had warned against this situation. The world, indeed, is too much for us.

Till the other day, certain political parties have been justifying the so-called title-deeds allotted to many people including political parties such as the CPI and CPM in Idukki district of Kerala. Now Veliyam Bhargavan of the CPI says the title deed for his party office in Idukki district was not in order and the party has asked the government to scrap the orders sanctioning the title-deed.

Is there any fixity for even mundane matters? People don’t have to keep their words, if the situation prevails like this for some more time.

Will Planet Earth be able to sustain this much of duplicity for long?

Friday, June 06, 2008

O J’s Corner

Craning the neck too much

Kerala Women’s Commission’s recommendation to frame legislation banning forced conscription to the nun’s world before a girl attained the age of eighteen years, it appears, has been made without doing much-needed homework. Before officially mentioning anything on the issue, it should have got the version of the church.

Now the church has made it clear that the age-old practice as per the canon law centres around absorbing anyone as a nun only after attaining the age of eighteen years. Girls who have completed the training have the freedom to renounce the vow. I know many gentlemen, who are a disciplined lot, who have renounced the cassock after completing the training for nine years or so.

The property of those who become nuns and priests should be left to them to be decided. What is the harm in the nuns and priests handing over their assets and income to the body or association which takes care of their entire life? Those who differ with the idea can very well keep off. Sure enough, there should be no coercion for enlistment. In today’s emancipated world, is it possible for anybody to be made a nun or a priest?

The Commission should not have gone public without eliciting the views of all concerned, including the church. The micro issues cannot be made a macro matter. Individual cases should have been handled on a case by case basis.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

O J’s Corner

BJP’s bonhomie

The BJP is naturally energized after the party was elected the single largest outfit in the Karnataka elections. The situation, it seems to me, is akin to A B Vajpayee’s comeback as Prime Minister after a 13-day stint as the country’s Premier. Sympathy factor had endeared him to the masses. Likewise, poor Yeddiurappa was shown the door by Deve Gowda-and-family company. The people retaliated in the hustings by strengthening Yeddy and tearing down the Gowda bandwagon.

The Congress debacle in States ruled by its leaders is sharpening the strategy of the BJP to find ways to recapture power at the Centre. Vajpayee, with his all-embracing image, although it was a “mukkota” (masque) in the diction of RSS ideologue Govindacharya, cannot aspire to the Prime Minister again, simply because of his ill-health. He cannot drag on with his frail body anymore to rule the country. (That Govindacharya has been dumped is another matter).

It seems times are bright for L K Advani in spite of his Jinnah-hallelujah speech, which initially discomfited the RSS Parivar. But the Parivar is not able to find a finer charismatic leader than Advani to be presented as the Prime Ministerial candidate. Dr Murli Manohar Joshi, Jaswant Singh, Rajnath Singh and the like do not go on a par with Advani on any reckoning.

It seems the BJP is trying to build bridges with Christians and Muslims, notwithstanding the stance of hardcore elements like Pravin Togadia and Narendra Modi.

No one can blame the BJP for fine-tuning the strategy to somehow capture power. The US dispensations are not likely to work for the defeat of the BJP as their interests would be best served by Advani & Co.

Meanwhile, the Congress has to work very hard to contain the inroads made by the BJP in various states. Strategies like bringing back S M Krishna at the last moment to Karnataka politics, without fielding him as a candidate, even as Mallikarjuna Kharge was working hard to elevate himself to the top slot would not work. There should be a CM-to be for a party in the fray. Otherwise the people would take that party to be indecisive.

The skyrocketing prices of crude oil in the international market causing all sorts of difficulties in the economic sector world-wide would be a dampener for any ruling dispensation. Inflation, low purchasing power, lack of income, unemployment etc would foment the anti-incumbency factor.

On the whole, the Congress Party has to sweat it out to gain the next innings.

Monday, June 02, 2008

O J’s Corner

Where is trust?

A human being does not trust another human being. That seems to be the fall-out of the high-value education, cultural upstage and sophistication acquired by human beings. As human beings climbed up the civilizational ladder, the scale of distrust took an upswing.

Take the matter of governance for instance. There used to be trust at the highest levels at least. The ministers and the top bureaucrats had an empathy among themselves. There have been many serious matters done at the top levels on the basis of an understanding between the officials and the ministers or the chief minister. Written orders were not essential in keeping any matter in abeyance for a few days.

Now, it would be interesting to analyse the goings on regarding take-over of the Golf Club in Thiruvananthapuram by the government. The advocate-general seems to have rang up the law secretary to keep the matter pending till the high court takes up the matter on a petition. The law secretary gives this in writing to the chief secretary. The matter covers the jurisdiction of the revenue minister, the law minister, the chief minister etc.
The governance is at a coalition level. No one trusts the other. No one is prepared to take responsibility for a particular action. So everything is kept in writing.

Modern-day life is nothing but strife. Everyone wants to get rid of unwanted trouble. But will the troubles clear out by themselves, if the top-brass shirk responsibility?

Sunday, June 01, 2008

O J’s Corner
Dispensing religion

The anxiety displayed by dispensers of religion, actually bogus ones, highlight the sad plight of God Almighty, Jesus Christ, Brahma, Vishnu, Maheswara, Allah and all Godheads, if these sellers of religion are not heeded. The gullible people fall prey to these merchants of so-called faith. They fleece the faithful and become rich overnight, in the name of God. By doing a little bit of social work here and there and trumpeting about it in all sorts of publicity channels, they amass wealth by way of contributions from people here and abroad. Actually, they are taking advantage of the goodwill of the people. And these worthies are leading a luxurious life, even as a majority of the faithful are leading lives of meagre means.

This is not to disparage the honest work done by real religionists. The cheaters know that they can gain easy entry into the hearts and minds of the faithful. They do so with impunity. They present people during their television programmes saying they have been healed from incurable diseases. Doctors and educationists vouchsafe for the veracity of the healing!!!

Christ, Allah, Brahma do not need the orchestrated support of the cheaters. They are in the hearts and minds of the people.

The name of God should not be misused, according to one of the Ten Commandments.
However, these days it has been fine time for those who cheat Gods.