Monday, May 12, 2008

O J’s Corner

Man’s might puny before Nature’s fury

Man may have climbed heights of glory in the eyes of his brethren. His arrogance makes him and breaks him. One day the US might wax eloquent on destroying Saddam Hussein’s Iraq. The next day it may want to obliterate Iran. China may want to overawe the US. Since democracy is not the in-thing in China, and human resources are aplenty, it may ascend even greater heights. Materialists like the Chinese leaders care two hoots about spiritualists like the Dalai Lama. The curse of hundreds of thousands of Buddhists prevail. Like that in Myanmar, the military junta does not respect the Buddhists.

The Heavens and Nature would not stand the atrocities being committed on mankind. Man’s inhumanity to humanity was witnessed during the Holocaust. Afterwards, time to time, we witness worse persecutions. Nature will not allow cruelty being perpetrated eternally.

We have had worthy civilizations in the past. Materialistic developments were aplenty. Cultural accomplishments were perfect. But many civilizations vanished into thin air. Still spiritualism prevails.

Now-a-days man does not distinguish evil from good. Selfishness and extortion, one way or other, rules the roost.Unethical practices are aplenty. It does not require God Almighty to intervene. His creation, the Nature, is sufficient to unleash the fury of the elements. Man cannot escape the wrath of the vast expanse of Brahmandakadaaham.

Astronauts have not seen creatures of the other worlds. Still as time passes, the knowledgeable , the wise, come to the conclusion that there are other creations of God lurking somewhere in the Universe. These may be formless, shapeless or multi-dimensional.

St John’s Revelations from Patmos islands speak about societies, communities, armies, groups, Crobes, Seraphims, multi-eyed beings and the likes of Maudyanans, Maravasans, all creations of God.

The mighty scientists wait for a pleasant sky to launch their rockets, space shuttles etc. Man cannot stand one cyclone, tornado, earthquake, tsunami.

Amassing great wealth by foul means, to the detriment of fellow human beings, would not carry us anywhere. The rich may flourish for some time. Enjoyment would be ephemeral. I can see in my spiritual vision the travails and tribulations unleashed by Nature on those who have received incentives for eliminating subordinates. They will never be condoned by the elements.

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